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21 Tweaks
Discover all the ground-breaking, evidence-based research surrounding weight loss in the new book How Not to Diet! The
Twenty-One Tweaks are designed for those who want to use this tool to help with their weight-loss journey, while the Daily
Dozen is designed for anyone who is interested in eating healthier.

At Each Water Negative Calorie Incorporate Undistracted

Meal Preload Preload Vinegar Meals
Servings: 3 per day Servings: 3 per day Servings: 3 per day Servings: 3 per day
2 c. cold, unflavored apple, soup or salad, fewer 2 tsp vinegar with each don’t eat while watching TV
water than 100 calories per cup meal or using your phone

Twenty-Minute Every Black Garlic Ginger or

Rule Day Cumin Powder Cayenne
Servings: 3 per day Servings: ¼ tsp per day Servings: ¼ tsp per day Servings: ¼ tsp ginger or
duration of meals ≥ 20 ½ tsp cayenne per day

Nutritional Cumin Green Stay Deflour

Yeast Tea Hydrated Diet
Servings: 2 tsp per day Servings: ½ tsp with Servings: 3 per day Servings: Once per day Servings: Once per day
lunch and dinner 3 cups a day, between urine never appears darker intact grains only
meals than pale yellow

Front-Load Time-Restricted Exercise Weigh Twice Complete

Calories Eating Timing Daily Intentions
Servings: Once per day Servings: < 12 hour Servings: Once per day Servings: Twice per day Servings: Once per day
make breakfast or lunch eating window 90 min. moderate, morning and night track your intentions
your largest meal fasted


Every Fast After Sufficient Trendelenburg

Night 7 p.m. Sleep
Servings: Once per day
Servings: Once per day Servings: Once per day elevate foot of bed 8 inches
the fewer calories after at least 7 hours of sleep at least 4 hrs a night
sundown, the better

The Twenty-One Tweaks are specific to people

looking to optimize weight loss and it is strongly
encouraged to read about the full recommendation
for each item in How Not to Diet.

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