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Fast-food advertising: promotional content or marketing tactics used by fast-food businesses to raise

awareness, spark interest, and promote the consumption of their food products. These tactics
frequently make use of a variety of media outlets.

Dietary Preferences: The particular food preferences and tastes people develop, which represent their
likes and dislikes of various food categories.

Consumption Habits: Long-standing patterns of conduct and routines involving the consumption of food
and drink, including frequency, amount, and product varieties.

Grade 12 Food and Beverage Students: Students in the 12th grade at Commonwealth High School are
enrolled in the Food and Beverage Services strand, demonstrating their area of academic emphasis.

Commonwealth High School: the academic setting where the research will be done in the 2023–2024
academic year, with a concentration on Grade 12 students in the Food and Beverage Services stream.

Data collection: the process of compiling data from surveys to learn more about the dietary habits and
exposure to fast-food advertising of Grade 12 students.

Generalizability: The extent to which the study's results and conclusions can be applied to a larger
population or different circumstances outside of Grade 12 students in the Commonwealth High School's
Food and Beverage Services strand.

Health-Related Factors: Additional factors, outside fast-food promotion, that might have an impact on
students' dietary preferences, include socioeconomic position, familial influences, and individual health.

Educational Enhancement: The study's findings may lead to changes in curriculum and instruction that
are improved by a deeper understanding among teachers of how advertising affects students' dietary

Parental Guidance: The use of scientific results by parents and guardians to help them make educated
decisions and encourage children to develop healthy eating habits.

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