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It is a widespread and upsetting problem that African Americans and Indigenous Australians continue

to experience racism.

The persistence of discrimination against Indigenous Australians in modern society is shown by a

recent research article. According to the study, a sizable percentage of Australians, regardless of their
ethnic background, have unconscious bias towards Indigenous Australians. The socioeconomic
disparities that indigenous populations face may be a contributing factor in this subconscious bias.
This study's data, which was gathered from more than 11,000 people, demonstrates the influence of
fixed traits on implicit prejudice.

In light of the alarming findings. Social media outbursts and demonstrations have been widespread.

Several of the offenders have also been made to answer for their deeds.

This issue has attracted international attention and sparked emotions of indignation and irritation
among those who believe in fairness and equity due to concerns about social justice, human rights,
and equality. Exposing the unconscious bias towards Indigenous Australians held by the majority of
Australian participants would also likely spark conversations about institutional racism, injustice, and
the need for societal reform. As previously stated, kindly submit your research paper through our
Social Stream platform.

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