Slavery Documentary Rubric

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Dominic High School

Form 2
Topic: African Slavery in the Caribbean
Due Date: Week of October 11, 2023

Create a documentary to highlight the following:

◦ The correct use of concepts/terms throughout the documentary: Sugar Revolution, slave trade,
enslavement, enslaved Africans, Middle Passage, Trans- Atlantic trade, chattel slavery, slavery,
exploitation, resistance, etc.
◦ The reasons why Africans were brought to the Caribbean as slaves;
◦ ‘How’ Africans were captured and transported to the Caribbean including the conditions on the Middle
Passage during the Trans-Atlantic trade; (5 marks)
◦ The life of Africans on the sugar plantations including the various social groups on a sugar plantation
and the various roles/responsibilities of each; (10 marks)
◦ The treatment of enslaved Africans on the sugar plantation and their response to the treatment (passive
and active resistance). (5 marks)
-Use video clipping and pictures to create the vlog. -Students should not be in the video. You can be in
the video to introduce the video.
-The use of voice over and captions should be incorporated.

Criteria Exemplary (5 Proficient (4 Satisfactory (3 Incomplete (1 Points

marks) marks) marks) marks)
Introduction The introduction The introduction is The introduction The introduction
is compelling and clear and coherent does not create a does not orient the
provides and evokes interest strong sense of what audience to what
motivating in the topic and is to follow. Maybe will follow. Does
content that hooks responses from overly detailed or not appear
the viewer listeners. incomplete and is interesting or
throughout the somewhat appealing relevant to the
entirety of the to the audience. audience.
Content (20 marks) (15 marks) (10 marks) (5 marks)
Students create an Students create a Students create a The information in
original and documentary with documentary, the documentary is
accurate an adequate however, some of not accurate. The
documentary with amount of accurate the details are content lacks a
a rich variety of and supporting inaccurate or it does central idea. Much
supporting information. not adequately of the supporting
information in the Adequately cover the topic. information in the
video. Effectively contributes to the Some of the video is irrelevant
thus contributes understanding of supporting to the overall
to the the project’s main information does theme.
understanding of idea. not seem to fit the
the project’s main main idea.
Documentary The The The documentary The documentary is
Organization documentary’s documentary’s shows some unorganized.
organization is organization is organization.
logical and easy almost (entirely)
to follow. easy to follow.
Quality The video was Editing was not as Very little editing, The video was
well- edited and well done as it many poor shots totally unedited
moved smoothly should have been. remained. Video with no transitions.
from scene to The video was a was very choppy
scene. Audio and little choppy. with little to no
other Audio and other audio
enhancements enhancements reinforcement.
were well used. were utilized but
not for maximum
Creativity Group’s project Group’s project Group’s project was Group’s project
was very creative was creative, and not very creative, was not creative,
and unique. It somewhat unique. and was not unique and no attention to
does not look like There was as it had similar detail was given.
others. Much attention to detail. components to The documentary
attention was The documentary others. Little was not interesting
given to details. was interesting to attention was given to watch.
The documentary watch. to details. The
was very documentary was
interesting to not very interesting
watch. to watch.
Sources Uses and Uses less than Uses mostly Did not use any
accurately cites three credible questionable sources.
several reliable sources. sources (eg:
sources in MLA Wikipedia); sources
format. are not properly
cited using MLA

Total: ……………../45 Marks

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