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which one do you think is more competitive as a tourism hotspot?

Reasons:1.singapore has many its unique attractions, such as: Singapore Botanic Gardens,
Merlion Park, Sentosa, etc. Instead, Most tourist attractions in Macau are modeled after other
2. In fact, Singapore is more well-known than Macau.Singapore is a country ,but Macau is a
city.Maybe the tourism promotion is not strong enough.
The latest poll by Global Times shows that Singapore has become the favorite country for
Chinese people to travel.
Macau,because it has a slow pace of life and if I can settle in Macau I think I can live here with
low pressure due to the high government welfare.
In a Street interview,many Singaporeans think”the inflation will really catch up with their
salaries ”,and many of them do consider really moving overseas.Canada,Australia,New
There are tax breaks for some of the companies,so the people want to make a investment
maybe want to settle in Singapore. But I don't want to start a business, so it won't affect my
decision.I just want to live a peace life.
Topic 2:
Fast fashion Sustainable
Marketing Introducing new Encourage
concept products rational
multiple times consumption
in order to stay and conducting
on trend and business in an
selling more ethical way
Producing Hiring unfairly Providing fair
concept cheap labour wages for
and using garment
cheap material workers ,a safe
environment for
them to work in
and using
impact Producing Cultivate good
greenhouse consumption
gases,deforest habits,make a
ation positive
,water environmental
pollution(disch impact,and
arge the even promote
sewage) the social

Yes,encouraging sustainable fashion means protecting environment.Protecting the environment

means protecting ourselves.College students can now control their own money, so we are a large
consumer group in China.Our choices make sense.
First,We can choose the clothes that use the sustainable material.Second,we can focus on clothing
rental services and clothing repair services.Third, don’t follow the trend blindly and avoid
buying clothes frequently.
1、Money is not everything, but without money, everything is nothing.Money is the basis of life.
2、And having money can give you more choices.

1 . I believe that happiness includes health,friendship,family, and so on.These can not be bought
by money. Take north Korea for example, they have a low level of wealth, but North Korea
ranks first in Asia in terms of happiness index(HI).
2.Sometimes,money can do buy you happiness.Harvard Magazine, a renowned journal
affiliated with Harvard University, published a review article titled 'Cashing Out For
Happiness'.They found in their research that in developed countries, people in the socio -
economic class who choose to live closer to their work or hire cleaners in exchange for time are
happier. In other words, money can make people feel happier when purchasing time - saving
Yes.The World Health Organization recently released a report stating that the Covid-19 pandemic
led to a 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide. Many people have a lower tolerance for
social interaction than ever.And I think that’s a common experience these days.
The results of a questionnaire survey on appearance anxiety launched by the China Youth School
Media Survey showed that 59.03% of college students have a certain degree of appearance anxiety
regarding their appearance and body shape.
Social anxiety,Judging from the people around me, most of them are not active and call themselves
as introverted people.
1.Put ourselves out of comfort zone.The more you practice social activities, the more comfortable
you'll get, and your anxiety will go down.
2.Practice shifting your attention to other people. You might think that everyone is looking at you
or everyone is judging you. These are distortions. They're exaggerations. Most people are not
thinking about you; they're thinking about themselves. And hyper-focusing on yourself doesn't
help you have a good time or interact with others. So practice shifting your attention to other
1. We more connected to knowledge.A foreign documentary once made a statistic, saying that
the amount of information modern people receive every day is one million times the amount of
information received by ancient people (1,000 years ago).
2. We are able to connect with anyone regardless of the location and religion that's why people
tend to interact with and get along with others easily.I have left my hometowns, but I can still keep
in touch with my parents through WeChat.
3. The transport technology make trip faster,easier,and safer.It gives us the freedom to choose
how and when we get around.And tickets are from paper tickets to electronic tickets.
Driverless technology is just around the corner.

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