WORKSHOP 4-Carlos Majano

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Universidad de El Salvador

Modalidad en Línea
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática
Licenciatura en Informática Educativa
Inglés para Informática I
Ciclo II-2023
Coordinadora de Asignatura: M.Sc. Silvia Margarita Luna de Castro
WORKSHOP 4: UNITS 10 and 11


Fecha límite de entrega en Plataforma Virtual Moodle: viernes 27 de octubre, 2023. Antes de las 11:50pm


Nombre del estudiante: _______________________________________________________
DUE: _______________________________ Sede: _______________________________
Tutor/a: __________________________________________________________________
Puntos obtenidos: ________________________ Calificación: ________________________

General instructions:
❖ Read each exercise carefully.
❖ Complete the exercises on the space provided. Do not add any extra pages.
❖ All answers must be written in English: pay close attention to spelling and grammar.
❖ Type all your answers and send the task to your tutor as a PDF document to Moodle
platform on the required date.

A. Directions: Complete the following conversation with the words in the box. There is
one extra word. (9 points, 0.207 each item)

capacity - storage - hard - external - hold

back up - formatted - portable - platters - head crash


Sales assistant: Can I help you with anything?

Anna: Yes, please. I need a new __hard___ drive.

Sales assistant: OK. Are you looking for an internal drive or an ___external_ one?

Anna: Well, I need it for moving files between home and work.

Sales assistant: Sure. Well, you've basically got two options. If you need a lot of
__capaacity__ for secondary __storage__, then you could try this Freecom drive.
It __holds__ 750GB. That's probably enough to __back up__ your whole computer many
times over.

Anna: I guess I need something smaller and cheaper.

Sales assistant: In that case, you need something more __portable__ . This might be
what you're looking for: the ATMT HD160 Ultra-Portable. It's only 20GB, but it's light and
relatively cheap - only £80

Anna: That sounds perfect. I'll take it. Is it already __formatted__?

Sales assistant: Yes, it's all ready to use. Just bear a couple of things in mind if you're
carrying it between home and work a lot. Inside the drive there is a stack of metal
__platters__ that are used to store the information.

B. Directions: Complete the following sentences with the options on the right. (5 points,
0.207 each item)


1. The average time it takes the read/write heads

to move and find data on a disk is called the
___seek time___

2. _access time_ is another way of saying seek

a. directory
3. __transfer rate__ is the average speed required b. access time
to transmit data to the CPU from the disk; it is
measured in megabytes per second. c. seek time

4. If you have more than one ___partition___ on d. partition

your hard drive, you can install more than one
e. transfer rate
operating system.

5. When a disk is formatted, a __directory__ is

created by the operating system to record the
location of files.

C. Directions: Complete the following sentences by choosing and highlighting the correct
options. (5 points, 0.207 each item)

1. The name of the hard drive on a PC platform:

a) C: drive b) hard disk c) floppy disk

2. The type of hard drive that plugs into a socket at the back of a computer:

a) portable external hard drive b) USB c) CD

3. the system that works in sequential format:

a) Platters b) Floppy disk c) Magnetic tape drive

4. The size and storage capacity of a floppy disk:

a) 3.5 Mb b) 1.44 Mb c) 1 Gb

5. A portable hard drive is a good choice for:

a) secondary storage b) primary storage c) partitions

D. Directions: Complete the following words with the words on the right. (6 points, 0.207 each

1. laser __beam__ a) beam

2. backward-_compatible_ b) ray

3. double-__sided__ c) layer

4. dual __layer__ d) sided

5. multi-__form__ e) compatible

6. Blu-___ray___ f) form

E. Directions: Complete the following sentences with the words written in the box. (4 points,
0.207 each item)

- multi format
- backward compatible
- dual layer / double sided
- optical discs

1. __optical discs__ differ from magnetic ones, in terms of both internal structure and
storage capacity.
2. Portable DVD players usually support _multi format_ playback; this means the user can
watch a wider variety of different file types (DivX, MP4, etc.)

3. Unlike a CD, a DVD can be _dual layer/double sided_ and, giving it a capacity of up to

4. DVD drives are _backward compatible_, meaning that they can play older technologies
such as CD-ROMs.

A. Directions: Rewrite the sentences using should or shouldn’t. Check the options in parentheses
and follow the example. (6 points, 0.143 each item)

Example: save the information on a hard disk. (you / affirmative should)

Answer: You should save the information on a hard disk.

1. update your antivirus program regularly since new viruses are created every day. (you /
affirmative should)

_You should update your antivirus program regularly since new viruses are created
every day._

2. store discs in a protective case (you / affirmative should)

_You should store discs in a protective case _

3. use passwords and security devices to protect confidential information. (She / affirmative
_She should use passwords and security devices to protect confidential information _

4. write on discs with permanent marker pens. (you / negative should)

_You no should write on discs with permanent marker pens_

5. insert the disc into the disc drive carefully. (He / affirmative should)

_He should insert the disc into the disc drive carefully _

6. leave floppies or hard drives near magnets; they can damage the data stored on them.
(She / should negative)

_She no should leave floppies or hard drives near magnets; they can damage the data
stored on them _
B. Direction: Look at the pictures, then write a precaution, a warning, or advice, using the
imperative verb. (6 points, 0.143 each item)

1. _ Using the computer while eating is not good_

2. _ To clean the screen we have to make a mixture of water and


3. _ Yes the computer overheats the motherboard can bend._

4. _ I don't have to stick the table with a hammer._

5. _ we don't have to connect anything to our computer_

6. _ we don't have to look at the computer while driving_

C. Direction: Choose and highlighting the correct word to complete the sentence. (6 points, 0.143
each item)

1. (Although / Consequently) CD´s and DVD´s are very similar in size and shape, their data is
very different.

2. DVD´s hold more data that CD´s. The pits burn into the disk are smaller than on a CD, and
the tracks are closer together. (On the other hand, / As a result), DVD´s can have up to four
recording layers.

3. A Blu-ray disk drive cost a lot of money (but / so) you should use it carefully.

4. Blu-ray is expected to replace DVD over the coming years (because / besides) it offers
much greater storage capacity.

5. Both Blu-ray (and / in addition) HB-DVD devices are backward-compatible with current
CD´s and DVD´s, meaning you can play your old discs on the new player.

6. Sony has invested millions of dollars in the development of Blu-ray technology. The success
of Blu-ray is (whereas/therefore) vital for the company's future.

D. Directions: Organize the following words into groups, and write them if they are nouns,
verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. (10 points, 0.143 each item)

fragment magnetic magnetism magnetized

magnet magnetically magnetize fragmentation

defragmenter fragmented


magnetism Magnetize Magnetic Magnetically

fragment Magnetized fragmentation Defragmenter
magnet fragmented

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