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Ma.I. Hermo et al.

Ore Geology Reviews 143 (2022) 104724

Fig. 13. Representative fluid inclusions in the different QBX facies of the Didipio deposit. (a) Liquid-rich liquid–vapor (LV) inclusion from QBX-Act. (b) Slightly
irregular-shaped fluid inclusions from QBX-Act. (c) Brine-type fluid inclusion from QBX-Act. (d) Vapor-rich fluid inclusion coexisting in the same assemblage as an
LVS-type from Qtz-Act. (e) Liquid-rich LV inclusions from QBX-Un, enclosed in a yellow dotted box is the inset map of the next figure. (f) Zoomed in photo of the LV-
type fluid inclusion. (g) Brine-type fluid inclusion, obtained from QBX-Un, which homogenizes by halite dissolution. (h) Fluid inclusion from QBX-Un that ho­
mogenizes by vapor disappearance. (i) Vapor-rich fluid inclusion from QBX-Un. Abbreviations: L – liquid, V – vapor, S – solid. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

but in the former, Pb-Se occurs as clausthalite (PbSe), while in the latter, scavenged by vapor or leached by later solutions as suggested by the
it occurs as Se-bearing galena (PbS). The deposition of selenide minerals occurrence of barren anhedral pyrite crystals (Kesler et al., 2002). Since
typically occurs at relatively higher ƒO2 conditions, where selenium is native gold almost always coexisted with tellurides and Bi-sulfosalts, it is
geochemically separated from S-Se complex in the hydrothermal fluids likely that Au-Ag-Te-Se-Bi rich fluid occurred in solid solution with
and there is a smaller amount of sulfide species dissolved (Takahashi early-forming sulfides and exsolved during cooling (<320 ◦ C) as sepa­
et al., 2007; Škácha et al., 2017). rate phases. This temperature estimate is derived from the fluid inclu­
In stage 4, gold occurs as invisible gold in early-forming pyrite and as sion data associated with the stage 4 mineralization where native gold
native gold intergrown with lower temperature mineral assemblages. was found.
Early in stage 4, the temperature must have been high enough such that
the gold entered solid solutions due to its high solubility (Tomkins and
Mavrogenes, 2001). Later in the paragenesis, either the gold was

Ma.I. Hermo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 143 (2022) 104724

Table 6
Summary of the microthermometric data of the fluid inclusions from each breccia facies. All fluid inclusions are secondary. Legend: FIA = fluid inclusion assemblage; L
= liquid; V = vapor; Sn = solid with n number present.
Facies Sample FIA n Phases Volume of vapor Tm(◦ C) Salinity (wt.% NaCl Th(◦ C) Homogenization
present (%) equivalent) mode

QBX- DDDH083 A 3 LV 30 − 5.7 to − 4.5 7.2 to 8.8 304 to 309 Vapor disappearance
Act 414.59 B 1 LVS 10 51.6 437 Halite dissolution
C 1 LVS2 20 49.7 420 Halite dissolution
E 4 LV 30–50 − 2.3 to − 1.8 3.0 to 3.9 430 to 470 Vapor disappearance
RDUG030 129.1 A 2 LVS 10–30 49.8 to > 57.8 420 to > Halite dissolution
QBX-Un DDDH250 A 4 LVS2 20–30 48.8 to 49.8 410 to 417 Halite dissolution
176.81 B 3 LVS3 20 50.3 to 50.8 427 to 434 Vapor disappearance
DDDH250 A 18 LV 40–50 − 26.3 to 22.1–26.4 427 – 450 Vapor disappearance
177.85 − 19.6

Fig. 14. Histograms showing (a) homogenization temperature and (b) NaCl Fig. 15. Hydrothermal model of the QBX deposit. Base model adapted from
equivalent for fluid inclusions from QBX-Act and QBX-Un. Fluid inclusions Blackwell (2017).
(observed in QBX-Act) that did not homogenize within the limit of 500 ◦ C of the
Linkam stage are recorded as > 500 ◦ C. substages lead to the variation in cement mineral assemblages. The re­
sults of this study helped to constrain the conditions of ore formation in
6. Conclusions the QBX as summarized in more detail below.
Most of the porphyry-style mineralization formed in the distal and
Combined microscopic work and geochemical techniques used on lower contact facies which generally have low gold grade. As com­
the quartz-fragment-rich breccia (QBX) suggest that the deposit is plemented by fluid inclusion data, the mineral assemblage of chalco­
comprised of several paragenetic facies with unique clast and matrix pyrite, bornite, biotite, and magnetite indicates a high formation
compositions and varying gold concentration due to a late-stage inter­ temperature (420–440 ◦ C) and a magmatic source for the hydrothermal
mediate sulfidation mineralization event overprinting the earlier- fluids. This high temperature may have been the result of vapor phase
formed porphyry-style mineralization. Brecciation events between entrapment from the boiling fluids.

Ma.I. Hermo et al. Ore Geology Reviews 143 (2022) 104724

Exploration staff of Oceana Gold Philippines, Inc. and to Oceana Gold

Corporation for permitting us to conduct the study and for providing
logistical support. We also like to extend our deepest gratitude to the
Graduate School of International Resource Sciences, Dr. Sofia Frias, Dr.
Pearlyn Manalo-Balmater, and Dr. James Refran of Akita University for
assisting in sample preparation and SEM-EDS, EPMA, and fluid inclusion
microthermometry analyses. This work was supported by the JSPS
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (17K06982), the Japan Mining
Promotive Foundation, and the Society of Resource Geology. In addi­
tion, this project was also partially funded by the Continuous Opera­
tional and Outcomes-based Partnership for Excellence in Research and
Academic Training Enhancement (COOPERATE) which is administered
by the Office of International Linkages, University of the Philippines.


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