ch-3 Part 2 Updated

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New Rivals

By snapping the Aura of user ends another person ‘s [who was hit] Aura erase
from existence. Basically he dies and Aura sphere never miss its target, it will
burst anything in its way but it can be repelled if the opposite person can control
more aura than user.

Bishnu – Where do you live, boy ?

Hari – Aashram

(He takes Hari and go to aashram)

Harish – (See a warrior taking Hari on back who is injured) Oh! Hari what
happened ?

Bishnu put down Hari and helper at Aashram takes Hari in medical ward.
Bishnu explains story to Harish and both of them feel about each other as humble
person. Om come running after hearing about Hari and tell Bishnu that he is lying
and challenged him for a fight. Every student of Aashram gather to see fight.

Bishnu – Can you fight with your right arm fractured ?

Om – (Takes off his plaster) Now are you okay ?

Bishnu – Yes

Sneha– Come on Om you can do it!

Bishnu looked at her. He can’t move her eyes from her beauty.

Om – (in slow sound as Bishnu is focusing on Sakura) Hey! Are you ready ?

Harish – (Smiles) As always it was . “LOVE IS BLIND”

Om – (loudly)Hey ! I am asking you

Om – are you ready

Bishnu – (nodding and making focus on fight) Yes !

(Fight starts)

Om – (using Ren) Yaahhhh ! Balance Breakerrrr !

Strong Ren forms but it slows down and Balance Breaker wasn’t present.

Om – (Disappointed) I have to fight without it !

Audience – Hoo ! wooooo!

Om – (look around) Where Bishnu went ?

Ishita – Above you !

Bishnu falls intentionally on Om with his sword surrounded by Shakti (Bishnu’s
basic energy) this attack is called Swing. There are 11 types of water swing. This
was the 8th form Om took his sword to Guard.

Sneha– Be careful!

(The attack disappear and both of their sword clash)

Om – Let’s battle without sword.

Bishnu – Definetely.

(Both of them put their sword in scabbar)

Om – (Forming Hatsu) Kaamee….

Bishnu – (Forming Ren) Laser focus so, that I can focus at you.

Om – Haamee….

Bishnu – (In mind)Ok ! Ready for it, Hatsu ready!

Om – Haaaaaa!

Kamhameha projectile goes to Bishnu and he stop it with his bare hands and
starts making it a sphere and after 10-15 seconds he make a white coloured
glowing sphere.
Om – What is he ?

Audience – What will happen ? What is that sphere ?

Bishnu – (holding sphere) This is your end. I can convert any energy into my
Energy using aura. I had mixed your aura store into one sphere and mixed some
of my Shakti too.

Audience – He is incredible. He is more powerful than Om.

Bishnu throws light bomb. Om tries to guard it with his right arm but his fracture
increases. Actually light bomb doesn’t explode it just hit hard and more harder
when more energy is collected.

Dhruv – Finally I found a rival.

Ishita – When you came?

Dhruv – I was here from beginning when match started.

Audience – (Grabs Bishnu and ask for autograph) Please give 1 autograph.

Sneha– (Goes to Om and heal him) Are you okay ?

Om – Thanks. (to Bishnu) Next time with balance breaker.

Harish – (claps) Bishnu can we talk ?

Bishnu – Sure, Master.

Both of them goes in medical ward and sat near near the bed where Hari was
Harish – I see why are you so powerful. As you have blood of 2 most powerful
Warriors of that time.

Bishnu – Do you know about my parents ?

Harish – Yes, Your father Captain Eren Leader of Imperial Gang. He fought with
old legacy king after he was given the title of Imperial King. Your mother Amrita
an Indian the most powerful, no one of the most powerful use of Shakti.

Bishnu – How did you know about them ?

Harish – I taught your mother about Kira.

Bishnu – Do you have any of her belongings ?

Harish – Sadly, No

Bishnu – (depressed)Hn, anything else.

Harish – Can you help this old man?

Bishnu – Yes, how could I refuse to my mother’s master.

Harish – Catch a criminal for me. I will send Hari with you protect him for me too.

Bishnu – He is amateur and childish too. Who I have to catch.

Harish – He is just 3 years younger than you. You have to catch Kenneth the Blood
Sucker. He was my student but he had made experiments on him and he gone on
wrong way and started to suck blood of innocent people.

Bishnu – Ok ! I will. You want him dead or alive.

Harish – I just want him alive.(Serious) Alive ! Got it ?

Bishnu – Ok

Harish – Let him rest today. Tomorrow both of you can go.
Bishnu – Fine by me. Now I should go!

(Bishnu stood and walks towards gate)

Harish – Bishnu my boy (Bishnu looks back) Remember this is cruel world.

Bishnu – (Nodes) See you later.

(Bishnu went to rest room at Aashram)

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