B1 Phrasal Verbs Matura Repetytorium Poziom Podstawowy

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-_ Zatacznik |: Czasowniki ztozone (phrasal verbs) B be after: (tr) 1) want, try to gain, 2) chase be in for: (tr) expect sth (usu bad) be off: 1) (tr) not wantfike any more, 2) (int) be absent (from school, work, etc) be on: (int) be shown (on TV, at the cinema, etc) bbe over: (int) come to an end break down: (int) 1) stop working, 2) lose control of feelings, 3) fail break in (int)/break into: (tr) 1) enter by force, 2) interrupt break out: (int) 1) (of war, fre, etc) begin suddenly BUT a storm breaks, 2) escape break up: (int) 1) (of schools, ete) stop for holidays, 2) separate; split up bring about: (tr) cause to happen bring out: (tr) publish, put on the market bring round/to: (tr) make sb regain consciousness bring round (to): (tr) persuade bbring up: 1) (t) raise a child, 2) mention, introduce a subject c ‘come across: (tr) meet/find by chance, run across come along: (int) 1) hurry up, come on, 2) appear, ative by chance come by: (tt) obtain come down with: (tt) become ill, go down wit ‘come into: (tt) inherit ‘come round: (int) 1) visit casually, 2) regain consciousness, come to come up with: (tr) find, think of (a solution, an ‘answer, etc) ‘cut down: (tr) 1) cause to fall by cutting, 2) reduce sth cut into: (tr) interrupt; break in cut off: (tr) 1) disconnect, 2) (usu passive) isolate D do away with: (tr) 1) abolish, 2) kill do up: (tr) 1) fasten, tie, 2) wrap, 3) repair, redecorate, 4) make oneself more attractive, dress up (could) do with: (tr) want, need sth do without: (tr) ive/continue without having sth F fall apart: (int) 1) break into pieces, 2) end in failure fall back on: (tr) turn to sth for help when other plans have failed, turn to fall behind: (int) 1) fail to keep up, 2) be late (with payment) fall for: (tr) 1) be deceived, 2) fall in love with sb fall in with: (tr) agree with, go along with fall out (with): (tr) quarrel with sb G get along (with): (te) be on friendly terms with sb, get on with get away with: (tr) 1) escape punishment for wrongdoing, 2) escape capture with stolen goods get on: (int) 1) advance, make progress, 2) become late, get nearer 3) have a friendly relationship, get along get on with: (t) 1) be on good terms with, get along with, 2) continue after an interruption get over: () 1) recover, 2) overcome get round to: (tr) find the necessary time to do sth get through: 1) (tr) finish (@ piece of work), 2) (int) survive through difficult times, 3) (tr) use up all of sth (supplies, money, etc) get through to: (tr) reach sb by telephone give away: (tr) 1) reveal sth, betray sb, 2) lose an advantage ive in: 1) (int) surrender, 2) (tt) hand in give off: (tr) emit (heat, fumes, smell, etc) give out: 1) (int) come to an end, 2) (tr) distribute, hand out give up: (tr) 1) stop/abandon an attempt, habit, ete 2) (int) surrender, offer oneself as a prisoner, 3) (int) stop doing or having sth go back on: (tr) break a promise or agreement go down with: (tr) become ill 90 off: (int) 1) (of a bomb) explode, (of an alarm) ring, 2) be switched off, 3) (of food) spoil go out: (int) stop burning, be extinguished go over: (tt) 1) examine details, 2) repeat {go round: (int) 1) be enough for everyone to have a share, 2) visit, 3) (of news, a disease) spread, circulate go through: (tr) 1) examine carefully, go over, 2) (of ‘money, food, etc) use up, spend, 3) experience, endure H hold back: 1) (tr) control (tears, laughter), 2) (tr) keep secret, 3) (int) be reluctant to act hold on: (int) wait esp. on the phone) hold up: 1) (tr) delay, 2) (tr) use violence in order to rob, 3) (int) last, hold out ay Zatacznik |: Czasowniki ztozone (phrasal verbs) K keep away from: (tr) stay away keep back: (tr) not tell keep off: (tr) 1) make sb stay away from, 2) avoid (food, 2 habit, etc), keep away from keep on: 1) (int) continue in spite of difficulties, 2) (tr) continue doing sth, carry on r) stay away from (trouble) : (tr) 1) proceed at an equal pace with, 2) continue to be informed (news, events) L look after: (tr) take care of look down on: (tr) have a bad opinion of sb, disapprove of sb/sth (opp: look up to) look for: (tr) search for look forward to: tr) anticipate (with pleasure) Jook into: (tr) examines, investigate look out for: (tr) be alert in order to see/find sbisth look over: 1) examine sth carefully, go through, 2) revise briefly and quickly look through: (tr) 1) look at sth quickly, 2) search among a few things to find something look up: 1) (tr) look for sth (such as an address, etc) in a book or lst, 2) visit sb (esp. sb living far away) M make out: (tr) 1) see sb/sth clearly, 2) understand, work out, 3) write out, fill in make sth up to sb: (tr) compensate sb for sth. make up: 1) (tr) invent, think up, (a story, an excuse, etc) 2) (tt) put cosmetics on, 3) (int) become friends again, 4) (t) form as a whole make up for: (tr) compensate, repay sb for sth Pp put aside: (tr) save, put by put away: (tr) put sb into prison or mental hospital put down: (tr) 1) make a note, write down, 2) pay a deposit for sth put off: (tr) postpone put on: (tr) 1) dress oneself in, 2) increase (in weight), 3) switch on, 4) (of a show/performance) cause to take place put out: (t) 1) extinguish (fire, ete), 2) cause inconvenience to sb put through: (tr) 1) connect by telephone, 2) make sb undergo or suffer sth put up with: (t) tolerate, bear R run across: (tr) meet sb/find sth by chance run away: (int) escape (from home, duty, ete), run off run into: (tr) 1) meet sb unexpectedly, 2) collide with sth in a vehicle, 3) experience (difficulties) run out Of: (tr) no longer have a supply of sth run out of; (t) no longer have a supply of sth s see off: (tr) accompany a traveller to his/her plane, train, etc see through: (tr) 1) not be deceived by sb/sth, 2) support sb in difficulties see to: (tr) take care of stand by: (tr) support sb, esp. in difficulties stand for: (tr) be an abbreviation for stand in for: (tr) replace sb temporarily stand out: (int) be noticeable stand up for: (tr) supportidefend sb or sth T take after: (t look or act like a relative, resemble take off: 1) (tr) remove clothes (opp: put on), 2) (int) (of planes) leave the ground, 3) (int) start to improve take sb out: (tr) take sb to a restaurant, etc take to: (tr like (tr) 1) begin a hobby, sport, job, 2) fill (time, turn down: 1) (t) refuse an offer, reject, 2) (tr) reduce volume, etc (opp: turn up) turn sb in: (tr) give sb to the police turn into: (tr) change into, become turn off: (tr) switch off (opp: turn on) turn over: (int) turn to a new page, change TV channel turn to: (tr) go to sb for help/advice ‘turn up: 1) (int) arrive or appear (unexpectedly), 2) (tr) increase (volume, pressure) w work on: (tr) have an effect on work out: 1) (tr) find the solution to a problem by reasoning or calculation, 2) (int) develop successfully

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