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Expedition for Kenneth

Next day both Hari and Bishnu went in Swordsmith Village district to find Kenneth.
Harish was informed from a secret source that Kenneth is in Swordsmith district.Then
in the way to swordsmith Village. Hari starts questioning him.

Hari – (while running) Who is your sensei or master?

Bishnu – In our culture the teacher is called Guru?

Hari – Who is your Guru?

Bishnu – Don’t matter (In deep voice) I’m here for Kenneth. Checkpost has come.

On checkpost every person was checked and every person’s weapon were stored too.

Officer – Please submit your weapons amateurs.

Hari – (Agressively) You know who we are !

(Bishnu put his hand on Hari’s shoulder to calm him)

Bishnu – (Taking his permit out of his pocket) Is it okay ?

Officer – Take your weapons and go.

From 3 days they had book a room and room around the village. Bishnu was
pretending to shop things but he was looking for Kenneth in Civil clothes.

Hari – (Poining at a axe) How much it cost?

Shopkeeper – Only Rs.99,999 without GST.

Hari – (Shocked) Tell reasonable price. I haven’t looted a bank.

Shopkeeper – Rs.99,998 with GST is the final prize.

Hari leaves that shop and go to another where Bishnu was shopping.

Bishnu – Hey, give me this brush for my sword.

Shopkeeper – Here you go.

Bishnu gives Rs.5,570 to shopkeeper and bought a brush for his sword.

Hari – (Shocked and loudly) Are you Mad ?

Bishnu – What ?

Hari – (Fast and fluently) Are you mad? (more fast) I can’t buy a axe . You buy a normal
Brush for Rs.6000 which normally cost Rs.100 !

Bishnu – (Savagely) My life ! My rules ! and also My money ! and its of 5,570 not….

(Bishnu runs through the market)

Hari – Where is he going?

(Hari goes after him)

Bishnu stops at the “Chowk” of the village. He looked up, left, right, down and feel

Man 1 – (Feeling vibration) Earthquake ?

Man 2 – (Scared) Oh my God Earthquake !

Women 1 – (to small children) Get under table.

(Vibration increases and Hari meet Bishnu at “Chowk” )

Hari – Why do you ran ?

Bishnu – Shut up! It is not an earthquake

(Vibration increases)

Hari – What then…

(Vibration increases so much)

Bishnu – (Looks after gate) (loudly) Everybody get down.

The gate breaks. A big group of Beast bulls came by breaking gate and start killing
people and destroying buildings but Bishnu stands on the top of the statue at Chowk.

Bishnu – (Calmly) Eradicate!

Bishnu jumps down and start killing beast bulls with his swings.

[Immigrat - Remaster by Led Zepplin]

Hari – (hid under the table) I don’t have any weapon.( Looks at 99,999rs axe) I have!
Hari comes out of the table and start killing the beast with axe but bulls start getting
overpowerd on Hari but he was struggling enough to save his life where as Bishnu was
being more weaker as his concentration was destroying but our hero came. A strong
projectile attack come from sky and landed on bulls. [Song over]

Om – (Wearing Balance Breaker) Let me handle this!

Om lands near Bishnu and Hari come to them too. A boywith bow and arrow also
came to help them.

Boy – (with confidence) I shall help you !

Hari – The most important thing we need now is number so , sure.

Om – They are coming. Get ready, Buddies!

(Bishnu gets calm)

Boy – Myself Saksham! I’m Harish’s brother’s student.

Bishnu – (In hindi) “ Tyaar ho jao, Fod do sabka sir”

All of they attack on the beasts. Om uses Kamehameha, Saksham uses arrow projectile
attack called Light Arrow. Hari throws his axe on bulls. Bishnu uses collaborative Aura
Sphere which can cover 100 sq.m of area. Bishnu notice Kenneth in crowd and runs
toward Kenneth. “I am catching Kenneth come after me” said Bishnu to Hari. Om
Balance Breaker got broke so he flew in sky for healing and rest.
Hari – (struggling) When will this end!

Saksham – (Killing 100 of bulls with 1 arrow) Century Arrow!

Om – (Getting exhausted)!

Saksham – Is that a purple meteor coming from sky?

Om – Its not meteor its faster than it!

That strange man with purple Aura cloak landed on bulls and blasted their. That
strange man pointed his hand at the Bulls, Gather purple energy and …..

Man – Get aside Ego is here!! (releasing projectile attack) Big bang attack!

A flash ! A flash and there was an asteroid sized pit and there was no sign of any bull.
Half of the chowk and the beautiful entrance of swordsmith village was erased from

Viking – Thanks for saving…… (His face was blown from blast)

Ego – I never saved you. I saved myself. (Laugh and flew like a rocket)
Hari went following Bishnu and saw Bisanu’s hand shaking. It was seem that Bishnu
was fighting since 10 minutes and was injured but Kenneth has no screws.

Bishnu – (Making aura sphere) Now save yourself !

He throws aura sphere on Kenneth but Kenneth reverses the aura sphere and destroy

Bishnu – You can repel aura sphere? What are you?

(He sit on his knees on ground)

Kenneth – I.D.K Who am I? A god or a demon? (Looks at Hari and take his dagger and
run towars him)

Bishnu get stabbed himself instead of harming Hari, he was harmed because of cursed
dagger. The victim get unconscious and fell on ground. Hari took him to Aashram and
Kenneth ran away again!

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