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After reading the newspaper. Both Om and Hari went to do training under
waterfall in Swordsmith Village. It is the village where a Viking live but there
was a several attacks by a group of thugs named Transmitters. They can
control five elements i.e Fire, water, thunder, stone, wind. Lets look after the
beautiful scene where the 2 enemies are training together.

Hari – How Master knew about this much history ?

(While walking)

Om – His master was none other. He was the Ging a famous book writer.

Hari – (Shocked) So, Ging was our master’s master.

Om – I have a friend too who can have even more knowledge then master.
She reads so much books .

Hari – My history is very much weak. BTW does your friend know to speak
Hindi ?

Om – No, It is the toughest language ever I had heard of !

Hari – No, Sanskrit is a lot harder.

Om – No, its easy hindi is more difficult.

(Both of them getting annoyed)

Hari – You know ………

Ishita – (Coming between both of them)Oh, you both are fighting again !

(Both Om and Hari blushes)

Om – Why are you here ? What is the name of the book in your hand?

Ishita – That is Rings of Fire. There are many stories and info about
Universe and Solar Eclipse.

Hari – Is she your nerd friend ?

(Om nodes and try to say but she interrupts)

Ishita – Stop calling me nerd ! Om I am here to take you !

(Hari look both of them as SUS)

Ishita - For the festival.

Hari – Then I will train on my on my own

Both Ishita and Om wents for the “Viking Bath”. A festival of Vikings which
was held in Swordsmith Village.

Hari – Now I am alone.

Hari sat under waterfall on a stone and starts meditating. he meditates for
an hour and then something very odd happened.

(Sound of water falling stops)

Hari feeling that water stopped falling he opened his eyes and see water is
not falling on stone on which he sat became bigger his hand stuck in the
stone then his legs too. The wind began gathering at one place a tornado
Hari – What in this world is happening ?(His neck bends) On No! No! ….N…O…

(Sound of strong wind and 3 persons laughing)

Hari – Is…T…his my…(Struggling to speak)my dr…e…am.

Hari start to become unconscious but a strange fire get out from his body.

Hari – (Shouting) Hhaaaa !!!!

Every abnormal things stop and he fall on ground. 3 persons from bushes
came out.

Person 1 – (Shocked) Who…Who…Who is your master ?

Person 2 – (Pointing at Hari’s Outfit) He is….. the student of Harish.

(Hari watching them unconsciously)

Person 1 – We should (Scared) go.

Person 3 – Someone see him, should know what we Transmitters are capable
of. Let’s kill him and leave him.

Person 2 – (Sensing energy) He is back ! Take boy as Hostage.

They go to Hari and Transmitter 3 put an orange coloured knife on Hari’s

neck and suddenly the boy from the newspaper “Bishnu” came out of

Chapter – 3
The protector + The operator


The meaning of bishnu is protector which actually suits him . Sorry ! I should n’t
interrupt so , that you wont miss a scintillating fight

Bishnu – (in a sweet voice) leave him ! Fight with me.

Person 3 – Don’t be smart

Bishnu – (taking his sword slightly out of the scabbar) Don’t you get it

Person – 3 We will leave him if you will duel with us all at the same time

Bishnu – Fine ! Me bishnu on the name of my sword “punisher” , challenge you

for a duel

[Playing Immigrant song – remaster ]

All get ready and bishnu takes his sword out of his scabbar and the fight starts

TR.1 throws stone on Bishnu but he dodges. TR.2 makes a tornado and TR.1
mixes small stones in tornado due to which small stones fires on Bishnu at
a speed of Bullet but Bishnu defends it with his sword.

Bishnu – Now, I am coming.

He runs toward TR.1 and cut his neck with his sword.

TR.2 – You will pay …..(Bishnu cut his head too with an instant)
TR.3 runs towards Bishnu with that orange knife, leaving Hari and uses all
water and make it compress in a ball and throw it on Bishnu. This attack is
called water pulse. Bishnu tries to cut it with sword but his sword flew

TR.3 – We are your Overlords.[song stops]

Bishnu joins his hands and a strong Ren came from him. Hari gets conscious
and see Aura collected by Bishnu. Bishnu makes his hands formation like
when KAMEHAMEHA is used and gather Aura there and make a ball of
Aura. Yeah, literally he can control life energy (Aura) which is not even used
by Harish and named this attack “AURA SPHERE”. He threw the Aura Sphere
on TR.3 and he got stun. Bishnu pick knife and take it.

TR.3 – What have you done? I can’t move .

Bishnu – Will you surrender ?

TR.3 – To you, Never !

Bishnu – (Joining his hands and closing his eyes) Sorry! God I have killed 3
men today. Please forgive me.

TR.1 – Hey I am….

Bishnu snaps and TR.3 gets vanished or can say invisible. Actually aura
sphere attack help user to send some of his aura to another and can eat
his Aura by snap.

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