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Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are a specific set of gross motor skills that involve
different body parts. These skills are the building blocks for more complex skills that children
will learn throughout their lives. They help children take part in games, sports and recreational

Fundamental movement skills categories include:

1. Balance skills - Movements where the body remains in place, but moves around its horizontal
and vertical axes.

2. Locomotor skills - such as running, jumping, hopping, and galloping.

3. Ball skills - such as catching, throwing, kicking, underarm roll and striking.

What are the 7 fundamental movement skills?

There are seven basic movements the human body can perform and all other exercises are
merely variations of these seven:

1. Pull-exert force on (someone or something) so as to cause movement toward oneself.

2. Push- exert force on (someone or something), typically with one's hand, in order to move
them away from oneself or the origin of the force.

3. Squat-an exercise in which a standing person lowers to a position in which the torso is erect
and the knees are deeply bent and then rises to an upright position.

4. Lunge-a sudden forward thrust of the body, typically with an arm outstretched to attack
someone or seize something

5. Hinge -attach or join with or as if with a hinge.

6. Rotation -the action of rotating around an axis or center.

7. Gait.- a person's manner of walking

When performing all of these movements, you will be able to stimulate all of the major muscle
groups in your body.
Breathing and bracing Technique

Breathing And Bracing: Choosing the Right Strategy for Your Lift

Breathing: Mostly focusing on a long and relaxing exhale and proper inhale to use breathing to
set the position of our ribcage and pelvis. ...

Bracing: A forceful holding of breath that uses a higher threshold strategy to stabilize the thorax
and pelvis.

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