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Chemistry 7

COMPETENCY: Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties. (S7MT 1e-f-4)

I. Objectives:
To be able to differentiate a pure substance from a mixture.
II. Learning Resources :

Learners’ module, laptop, T.V and etc.

III. Learning Task:

A. Pre-Activity

1. What is matter?
2. What are the 3 phases of matter?
3. What are the 2 classifications of matter according to its composition?
When do we say that something is pure? (MIX and Match)

B. Activity Proper:
Allow the student to do the activity for 10 minutes. (Refer to the activity sheet)

C. Analysis and Discussion

Refer to the analysis questions in the activity sheet.

D. Abstraction:
1. What is a pure substance?
2. What is a mixture?
3. How can you differentiate pure liquid substance from liquid mixture?

E. Application:
Karyl and Dominic observed 2 samples, solid A and solid B. Both solids are white crystalline
powder. They cannot determine which is a substance and mixtures by just looking at it. If
you are Karyl and Dominic, what are you going to do to distinguish the two solids?

F. Valuing:
What is your impression when someone says that a person has a pure heart?
Does it mean that the person’s heart is a pure substance? ( Across ESP curriculum)

G. Evaluation:

1. A gaseous material has a strong smell evaporates quickly particularly boils at 33.34⁰C and melts at -77.73⁰C.
This material can be classified as:
a. Metal b. mixtures c. solution d. Pure Substance

2. What is the difference between a substance and a mixture?

a. Substance can be separated while mixtures cannot be separated.
b. Substance has many components while mixtures
c. Substance is heterogenous while mixture is homogenous.
d. Substance is pure while mixture is impure.
3. Which is the best way to determine whether unknown sample is a substance or a mixture?
a. Knowing its density
b. Tasting the given sample
c. Observing the physical appearance
d. Testing its melting and boiling point.

4. Which is/are true for substance and mixture?

1. Pure substance melts completely
2. Pure substance has a varying boiling point
3. Mixture does not melt completely
4. Mixture has a fixed boiling point.

a. 1 and 2 only

b. 1 and 3 only

c. 2 and 4 only

d. 1 and 4 only

Prepared By: Jocelyn M. Madrileño

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