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IEEE Energy2O3O

Atlanta, GA USA
17-18 November, 2008

Cost of the Electrical Energy Obtained by Cogeneration in the Sugar Cane Mills.
Dr. Juan Jose Sainchez Jimenez, Dr. Mariano David Zerquera Izquierdo, Mtro. Jose Salvador Beltran Leon, Dr. Alexis
Martinez del Sol, Msc. Jose 0. Trujillo Valdes,

Electrical mechanic deparment, Guadalajara University, Ave. Revolucion 1500, Phone: (33) 36399291,

Abstract In most sugar cane mills there are consumers of steam already condensed will return completely or
steam (process). They work with a very small pressure partly to the steam generator.
compared with the one obtained in the steam boilers, this The main scheme of this installation is represented in
pressure is increased even more if over heaters are used. In Figures 1 and 2, and it comes closer to the Rankine
order to obtain this low operation pressure, it is necessary to cycle
pass the steam through a reducing valve. If this steam goes cycle.
through a back-pressure turbine and electric power is thus
generated, then the energy that would get lost in the
IneFiureof the water up to Po
1, the feeding Puand then
(1) inreaes the
feeds it in the
reducing valve is instead used. This process constitutes a steam generator (2). The isotropic compression process
way ofsaving energy. of the water carried out in the pump is over-scale
represented in the TS diagram by the line "a-a", as
I. INTRODUCTION shown in Figure 2.
In the steam generator, the water is heated at constant
One of the methods of saving energy in steam-based pressure up to the boiling temperature (line "ab" in the
industries is the cogeneration, from which electrical TS diagram) and evaporates (line "bc"). Then, the
energy is obtained at a very low cost compared to the steam goes to the over-heater (3), if it is present, where
cost from the utility power. This process of temperature is increased up to To.
cogeneration happens to be even cheaper in sugar cane
mills (sugar mill), since they use a by-product of his T
principal production (sugar), the bagasse, to generate T6 4
the steam used in the industrial process.
Presenting a methodology for the calculation of the
electrical energy generated using bagasse as fuel is the T
main goal of this work. It can also be applied in .
other steam-based industries, although they don't use I
bagasse as fuel.
Po To, lo

2 . 6 12
O, M "Fig. 2." Ciclo t6rmico ideal (ciclo Rankine).

,1.- Feedlpms1
2.- Steam geerator (boi)
l. 5
__ Feed p*4The process of heat delivery in the over-heater is
represented by the line "cd". Steam generation,
I3.3.- OJver
4. Tt b'ne
(Can be not eiso
heater (Ca exist)
including over-heater, is performed at constant pressure
5.- Process c Po, so that the amount of heat qi transmitted to the
6.- Reduction Valve .
7.- Electrical 2enerator water is totally used to increase the enthalpy of the
LPsteam. This can be represented, for 1 kg of steam in the
"Fig. 1." Proceso de cogeneraci6n. process, as:
qi = io - iaa (1)
In sugar cane mills, as well as in any other type of Where:
industry that uses steam in its process, consumers of * io: enthalpy of the steam leaving the over-heater
electrical energy coexist with heat consumers (if it is present) or the boiler (if the over-heater is not
(process). The steam is produced in the steam generator present).
at a high pressure then it goes into the turbine, where it * iaa: enthalpy of the feeding water entering the
is expanded up to the pressure required by the process, steam generator.
in which the necessary heat delivery occurs, then the
The heat of the steam leaving the over-heater is Equations used in the determination of the cost of the
represented, in the TS diagram, by the area 1, a, b, c, d, electrical energy. [2, 3, 4]
2, 1.
This heat with enthalpy io goes into the turbine (4) and The annual costs that are involved in the generation of
there it is expanded. For the ideal turbine that works electrical energy split into:
without losses or heat exchange with the environment, 1. Fuel costs
the expansion process is isotropic and it is represented 2. Amortization costs [1]
in the TS diagram by the line "de". The actual process 3. Salary costs (including social security)
is represented by the line "df' in Figure 3. 4. Repairing costs
Pb 5. Indirect costs (only applied in those industries that
io dI :` Tb
sell electrical energy).
Fuel Expenses (G): [4]
z 8
0 The following expression is used to determine the fuel
L X 1I costs:
X Eele'ctrica x 3.6
G= Px e

Nm x Ne x Nc x Ntub x VCN
ic XWhere
X=1 1. P: fuel price (for sugar cane mills is the price of
________________________________________ of bagasse) in dollars or thousands of dollars.
one ton
2. Eelectrica: electrical energy delivered by the
"Fig. 3" Process of expansion of the steam in the turbine. generator in kW-h
3. Ne: efficiency of the generator that at full load can
In the case sugar mills
In th of caseof
sgar mlls that use bak-presure
hat ue back-pressure be calculated as:
turbines mostly, the steam pressure leaving the turbine 2.5
is greater than the atmospheric pressure and equals the Ne2=96- (3)
pressure needed by the process. The heat that can be N/Pn/1000
transformed into work in the turbine is represented by
the area iI, al, el, 2, iI and can be used almost fully. It Where:
is considered that the steam once used in the process, * Pn: Nominal power of the generator in kW
part of the steam condensed plus the feeding water are * Nc: Boiler efficiency (table 1)
pumped (figure 1) to the steam generator, which closes Ntub: Tubes efficiency
the thermodynamic cycle. Figure 4 shows the actual . . ..
cycle in theover-scaledTSdiagram.
in th ove-scaed T diagam. o, i ordr to * VCN: net caloric value (for sugar cane mills) it iS
determine the cost of electrical energy in' this type of the quantity of Mega Joules that has one ton of bagasse
with a certain percentage of moisture).
industries, it is necessary to be based on data from the The following expression is used to find this value:
energy balance, among these data are: pressure and VCN = 4250 - 4850 w (4)
temperature of the steam leaving the turbine, caloric Where:
value of the fuel, efficiency of the devices, etc.
' ~~~~*
w: moisture expressed in per unit
* VCN: net caloric value in kcal/kg
T To obtain the value of VCN in MJ/ton divide the
To d
expression 4 by 4.1868 x 10-3.
The curve shown in Figure 5 can be used to determine
/b To' the energy losses of the generators with certain load,
with this datum and the input power, the efficiency
with certain load can be calculated.

2 e~~~~~~~~f

"Fig. 4."Thermal real cycle of the process
fl ~~~~~~~~~~Dub=Nx86O
1.00 xNe xNm xNtub xNt(5
* N: average generation ratio per hour, per ton of
Oh7 average--sugar--cane milled per hour (kW-h/tc)
* tc: ton of sugar cane milled per hour
* Ho: enthalpy variation in the ideal expansion
0.50 % Load ~~~~~~~~~~(kcal/kg) H=li 6
0. 0.4 0. M. 1.0 Where:

"Fig. 5." Losses in generators as function of their power. th eit ofi2 etheatubin (katl/kg)acead hdela

Amortization Expenses: [4] * Nt: thermodynamic efficiency

This information appears in the cash flow of theI 2
companies where the study of cogeneration is realized. Nt =
'Il-i2 (7)
Salary Expenses: * 2: actual enthalpy of the steam at the exit of
the turbine kcal/kg
This data can be determined taking into account the *Ntub: efficiency of the tubes
information of the total salaries of the operators of ,- w
electrical panels, turbines, mechanics, etc., during the Ntub=a(8)
period of sugar making season in case of the sugar cane 'a
mill or during the stage of generation, maintenance,
etc., for another type of industry, that is to say, the
salary of the personnel that works directly in this type Where:
of facilities including the per cent of social security. * ia: Enthalpy of steam at the exit of the boiler
Repairs Expenses.- w: lost work (kcal/kg)
W =ia-lib -il±+i2 (9)
Includes the salary of the personnel that works in the * ib: Enthalpy of the ideal expansion, from the
disarmament and maintenance of the equipment, conditions at exit of the boiler, to the conditions of exit
(including social security) plus the cost of the materials of the turbines (kcal/kg)
and components used during this type of work. All the values of enthalpies can be obtained in steam
Expenses: ~~~~tables or using the Mollier's diagram with the
~~~~~~information of pressure, temperature, moisture of the
steam, etc.
These costs are only taken into consideration when a 2. Determine the necessary fuel in order to generate
part of the electrical energy generated is sold to another the steam that carries out work in the turbines
company, that is, when part of generation is (Bx). In the case of sugar cane mills is defined as
The cost of the kW-h obtained by cogeneration iskgobase/hur[4
calculated adding all the values of the different costs Dturbo x M x Wr
previously obtained and dividing them by the total Bx = (I_________
generations. In most cases this cost ranges from a few VCN - Nc (0
tenths of cents to a few cents. Where:
A method very similar to the previous one was * M: average mill (tc/hora)
developed in the Central University of Las Villas, * Wr: actual work of the steam in the turbine
Cuba. It can be used by any type of industry that needs (kcal/kg)
steam in its industrial process. The method consists of: Wr = ii- (11
1. Determine testeam consumtion of the tubines * VCN: nt caloric valu of the fuel (cal/kg of fuel
Practical Example Of The Application Of The Method 1Fuel expenses
For which it is necessary to calculate:
The method was applied to several Cuban sugar mills, a. The efficiency to full load as:
such as the "Hector Molina" located in Havana 2000/0.95 = 2105 kW.
province, Cuba [4], which possesses five turbo-
generators with the following capacities: three of 2 b. Full load losses:
MW; one of 1.4 MW and one of 4 MW. The turbo
generator of 2 MW was chosen for demonstrative AP = 2P0inputP output
purposes, its electrical efficiency (mqe) is 0.95 % and the A P = 2105 - 2000 = 105 kW.
calculations are performed for a load of 1000 kW.

Table 1. Efficiency of the boiler most used in the Cuba Sugar Mills

No. Boile type (WithEfiiec

regard to%VCN)

1 [Piro Tubular with oven of fixed broiler 85

2 Of straight pipes and three passes with Martin oven without arches 67
3 Of straight pipes and three passes with Martin oven with arches 69
4 Of straight pipes and three passes with Ward oven 70
5 |Villa Clara with Ward oven 75
6 Stirlingwith Martin oven if arches 64
7 | Stirling with Martin oven of arches 66
8 |Stirling with Ward oven 67
9 |Evelma of the first generation with Martin oven of arches 64
10 Evelma of the second generation with Martin oven of arches 66
11 | Evelma of the third generation with oven of cell 78
12 | Challenge of 25 and 40 t/h 78
13 ][German of 45 t/h 80
14 ][|Scrap- 78
15 Stirling with esparcidor oven and air heater 80
16 ][ Stirling with distributor oven | 70

2. Amortizacion expenses.

The same appear tabulated in the table III, installation, including 10 % of social insurance.
according to the information offered by the In the example object of analysis this value
Provincial Department of the Cuban Sugar Mill, amounts to 13.39 dollars.
known by initials "MINAZ". [1, 2, 3, 4]
4. Repairs Expenses
3. Salary Expenses during the time of sugar
making season. There took the salary of the personnel that is
employed at the arm, disarmament and repair of
The salary of the operators took of general slate, the teams, including 10 per cent of social
turbines, mechanics, etc., during the period of insurance and the cost of the materials is added to
sugar making season, or, the salary of the him and used components.
personnel that works directly in this For the analyzed example this expense amounts to
170 dollar.
Table 2. Approximate values of the turbine thermodynamic efficiency.

Turibin type, 2 * Therjodynamic efficiency

Pressure (kg/cm
|Counter pressure | 3-7 0.65-0.70
Counter pressure 0.5-3 0.70-0.72
Condensation 0.72-0.75
|Reaction and condensation | - 0.75-0.80
* Manometer pressure. If it is wished in lb per square inches multiply for 0.3417

5. Indirect expenses. Salary (sugar making season) .... 8 170.00

.. . .
Only it is born in mind when energy sells at the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Indirect
expenes nses.........
Total.. $ 221 763.00
system, or, when it is commercialized and part of
the generation is a mercantile product. The total generation was 22 456 861 kW-h,
For the analyzed example the whole generation during the period of sugar making season, which
boils away in the factory. implies that the cost of the kW-hour generated out
The cost of the energy will be then equal to the of:
sum of all the expenses. 221 763
_________= 0.009878 dollars / kW-hora.
Fuel....... $ 99 877.00 22456861
Amortization....... $ 100 324.00
Table 3. Results of the application of the method to H6ctor Molina sugar mill
of Havana Province, Cuba.

TurboI Capacity Average * Fuel Expensive Cost of Amoizatio Ne APn

Generator MW energy (dollarshoir) Inversion exenses Nominal (W) Nm
(kW-h) (ddolars) (ddllars)
1 2.0 1492 6.33957 228 635 15 547 0.95 105.263 09
2 2.0 1746 7.39667 228 635 15 547 0.95 105.263 0.95
3 2.0 958 4.26400 320 557 21 798 0.947 112.903 0.92
4 1.4 1236 5.58550 301 820 24 604 0.935 97.320 02
5 4.0 1700 7.24051 335 705 22 828 0.96 166.667 0.95

Total ---- 7132 30.82625 1415 352 100 324 ---- 587.416
* In a typical day. Days of sugar making season: 153
Expense of fuel ................... $ 99 877.00 Entire generation..............22 456 861 kW-h
Expense of amortization 100 234.00 Price of bagasse ton $ 5.25
Expense of salary
(sugar making season) 13 392.00
Repairs Expense....... 8 170.00
Total expense ........ $ 221 763.00

Cos of the generated nrgy $ -009875 pesos/kWh

For what it is possible to appreciate that the cost fully in the same one. In the table the IV there
of energy generated in the companies that use appears the cost of the electrical energy obtained
b oeeainfrsvrlCbnsgrmls
steam in its process, as the sugar cane mills, it is
minor of 1 cent, which the generation justifies
Table 4. Cost of the electrical energy generated by cogeneration in several
Cuban sugar mills. [4]

Name Located in Cost of the electrical energy

of sugar mill the provinceof (dolars1kW-h)
10 de Octubre F Villa Clara -I 0.012
[Mario Muftoz Monroy F Matanzas 0.01018
[Batalla de Santa Clara F Villa Clara l 0.01563
[Quintin Banderas F Villa Clara IF 0.0104
[Hector Rodriguez F Villa Clara IF 0.012226
[Mariana Grajales F Villa Clara 0.01113
[Hector Molina Habana Province -I 0.009875
Uruguay Sancti Spiritus 0.0078
l_______________________ 0.109**
** Using oil as fuel.

1. The ranges of the cost of the electrical energy
obtained by cogeneration is from tenths up to 1. Sa'nchez Juan J. y otros. Disefno de
a few cents, this one gets cheaper if the fuel instalaciones electricas industriales. Tomo I.
used is the bagasse. Editorial Amate. Mexico. 2006.
2. The solved example can serve as handlebar 2. Sa'nchez Juan J. y otros. Disefno de
for the calculation of the cost of the kW/hora instalaciones electricas industriales. Tomo II.
obtained by cogeneration. Editorial Amate. Mexico. 2006.
3. It turns out to be beneficial to the companies 3. Sa'nchez Juan J. y otros. Disefno de
that use steam in his process to cogenerate. It instalaciones electricas industriales. Tomo III.
will represent a considerable saving of money Editorial Amate. Mexico. 2006.
as consequence of the reduction of the price 4. Sainchez Juan J. y otros. Configuraciones
to which one buys the supplier companies in Circuitales en la Industria Azucarera.
relation to the obtained one by cogeneration. Memorias del VIII Congreso Intemacional
sobre Azuicar y Derivados de la Cafna de
RECOMMENDATIONS Azuicar Diversificacion '2004. ICIDCA del
14 al 18 de Junio de 2004. Hotel Habana
It is recommended: Libre Tryp. Cuba.
1. To all the companies that use steam in his 5. Sainchez Juan J. y otros. Configuraciones
process: to cogenerate. Circuitales en la Industria Azucarera.
2. To try not to spend steam for the reduction Memorias del VIII Congreso Intemacional
valve, that is, use all steam that needs the sobre Azuicar y Derivados de la Cafna de
process to generate electrical energy. Azuicar Diversificacion '2004. ICIDCA del
14 al 18 de Junio de 2004. Hotel Habana
Libre Tryp. Cuba.

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