Farmnote SugarCane Equations

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Agdex 712/25

Sugarcane : Measuring Commercial Quality

Jim Engelke, Department of Agriculture, Kununurra.

There are a number of measurements that contribute to • fibre per cent;

assessing the quality of sugarcane: • commercial cane sugar (CCS); and
• purity
• pol (sucrose) per cent in juice;
• brix (total soluble solids) per cent in juice; The process of determining sugarcane quality requires
• pol (sucrose) per cent in cane; several measurements. The diagram below summarises the
• brix per cent in cane; process.

The process of determining sugarcane quality requires several measurements.

The diagram below summarises the process.

Whole cane



Shredded cane Juice

(1st expressed juice)

Brix in juice Polarimeter reading

Sample taken weighed, Schmidt Reference tables

washed and dried and
then reweighed

Pol (sucrose ) in juice

Fibre per cent (1st expressed juice)

Brix in cane Pol (sucrose ) in cane

= Brix in juice x 100 - (fibre % + 3) = Pol in juice x 100 - (fibre % + 5)
100 100

Commercial cane sugar (CCS)

= Pol In Cane - 0.5 impurities in cane

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Pol (Sucrose) percent in juice
Sucrose content is often referred to as per cent pol, with pol
being derived from the name of the machine that measures
the sucrose content, a polarimeter. A polarimeter works by
sending polarised light through a known quantity of sugar
juice (for example, a 100 mm or 200 mm column filled with
juice) and measuring the rotation of the light after passing
through the liquid. Standards have been developed by
mixing known quantities of sucrose with water and
measuring the light rotation.
The resulting rotation figure can then be converted to a
figure that estimates sucrose (or pol) per cent in juice.
Either a set of conversion tables or a formula can be used to
obtain the sucrose per cent in juice. To use the tables the
brix, or total soluble solids, in juice must also be known.
Brix is measured using a brix spindle, density meter or
refractometer. Walker four roller mill that squeezes juice from the shredded
19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 With the fibre percentage it is then possible to
calculate percentage brix and sucrose in cane.
71 17.16 17.13 17.09 17.05 17.02 16.99 16.95 16.92
72 17.41 17.37 17.33 17.30 17.26 17.23 17.19 17.16 Brix and pol (sucrose) per cent in cane

73 17.65 17.61 17.58 17.54 17.50 17.47 17.43 17.40 There are two steps to calculating the brix and
74 17.89 17.85 17.82 17.78 17.74 17.71 17.67 17.63 sucrose in cane.
75 18.13 18.09 18.06 18.02 17.98 17.95 17.91 17.87 Cane is squeezed through a series of rollers to extract
76 18.37 18.34 18.30 18.26 18.22 18.19 18.15 18.11 the juice. The first pair of rollers squeezes a higher
77 18.61 18.58 18.54 18.50 18.46 18.66 18.39 18.35 proportion of the brix and pol than subsequent
rollers. Sampling of juice is routinely performed at
Table 1.1 Extract of the reference tables for converting polarimeter the first set of rollers. Therefore the first step is to
and brix readings to a per cent sucrose in juice. correct the brix and pol measurements in first
expressed juice to more accurately represent those of
For example, a sample that has a brix reading of 21.0 and a
the total juice in cane.
polarimeter reading of 75 equates to 17.98 per cent sucrose
in juice using the table above. Using the results of mill experiments carried out by Dr G.
Kottmann, CSR formulas are used to calculate the brix and
The formula to calculate per cent pol in juice is:
pol in cane.
Per cent pol (sucrose) in juice =
{-6.517 + (25.3 x PR*) – 0.0118 x (PR x PR) + (2.937 x The results of these experiments showed that:
brix)–– 0.207 x (brix x brix)} / 100 a. For every 100 parts soluble solids (brix) in the first roller
*PR = polarimeter reading juice there are approximately 97 parts in the whole juice
of cane.
Calculating pol in juice is the first step in calculating per
cent pol in cane. Therefore multiplying the brix reading in first
expressed juice (1EJ) by 0.97 is a better estimate of brix
Fibre in cane
in the total juice of cane.
To calculate the sucrose in cane or CCS a figure for fibre is
also needed.

Method for Determining Fibre Percentage at the Sugar Mill

Over a period of 24 hours samples are collected immediately after the cane has passed through the shredder. These
samples are combined, and a 500 gram sub sample taken.
• Sub sample is put through a cutter grinder.
• The ground sample is then placed into a fibre machine where it is washed to remove brix (soluble solids) and
fine dirt.
• The sample is then dried using hot air and weighed.
The final weight divided by the initial weight provides a fibre percentage.
Example: Original weight of 500 grams, final weight of 75 grams.
Fibre percentage = (final weight / original weight) x 100
= (75 / 500) x 100
= 15 %
Sugarcane harvesting in the Ord.
b. For every 100 parts of pol in first roller juice there are To obtain the values for brix and pol in cane a fibre per cent
approximately 95 parts in the whole juice of cane. is required. The fibre per cent is then deducted from a value
of 100 (representing all components of cane) then divided
Therefore multiplying the pol in first expressed juice by 0.95 by 100.
gives an estimate of the pol in the total juice in cane.
In the case of fibre per cent equal to 15
The second step is to account for the fibre percentage of the
cane. = 100-15 / 100
This is necessary as higher levels of fibre make it more = 0.85
difficult to extract the juice in cane, whereas lower levels of
fibre make it easier for the rollers to squeeze out larger Therefore in the case where cane fibre is equal to 15 per
proportion of the total juice. cent, the corrected brix and pol (sucrose) in cane values
are then multiplied by 0.85.

Aerial view of Ord Sugar Mill owned by Cheil Jedang, a Korean based company.
Commercial cane sugar
Commercial cane sugar (CCS)
is calculated knowing both
brix in cane and pol in cane.
CCS was originally known as
POCS or pure obtainable cane
sugar. CCS provides an
estimate of the percentage of
recoverable sucrose from cane.
Assumptions that are made
when calculating CCS include:
25% of the impurities in cane
are removed in clarification
and the remaining 75% is in
molasses. For every 60 parts
impurities going to the
molasses 40 parts of sugar are
also removed. As a result high
impurity cane reduces the
potential for raw sugar
Impurities in cane = brix in
Ord sugar mill laboratory where cane quality is determined. cane – pol in cane
Therefore with a fibre equal to 15 per cent we get: CCS = pol in cane - 0.75 (impurities in cane x 40/60)
Brix per cent in cane = (brix in juice x 0.97) x 0.85 Which can be reworked into a simpler equation as
Pol (sucrose) per cent in cane = (pol in juice x 0.95) x 0.85 follows:
The formulas are expanded in the following calculations. CCS = pol in cane – 0.5 impurities in cane
Brix per cent in cane Therefore from the example;
Brix in cane = brix in 1 e J x (100 – (% fibre + 3))/100 CCS = 14.38 - (0.5 x 2.84)
Therefore with brix in juice of 21.0 and fibre of 15% it is = 12.96
possible to calculate brix in cane.
Purity of cane
Brix in cane = 21.0 x (100 – (15 + 3))/100
Cane purity is a measure of the level of sucrose present in
= 17.22 cane relative to the total level of soluble solids.
Pol (sucrose) per cent in cane Purity is generally expressed in percentage terms.
Pol in cane = pol in 1 e J x (100 – (% fibre + 5)/100 Purity of cane = (pol in cane/brix in cane) x 100
Therefore with our brix reading of 21.0, the pol in juice Purity of cane = 14.38/17.22 x 100
calculated to be 17.95 and fibre of 15% it is possible to = 83.5 %
calculate pol in cane.
Pol in cane = 17.98% x (100 – (15 + 5))/100
= 14.38%

741/02 - 200 - 6/2002 ISSN 0726-934X

© Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture 2002. This material may be reprinted provided that the article and the author(s)
are acknowledged. Published by the Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Locked Bag No.4, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983

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