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Thermodynamics Tutorial 5 30 August 2023

Question 1
Determine how much heat is required to convert 6 kg of water at a pressure of 680 kPa and
temperature 150,3°C to superheated steam having a temperature of 200°C at 680 kPa (Cp = 2.46
kJ/kg.K). First draw a Temperature – Enthalpy diagram of the process.

Question 2
The following data were obtained in a trial on a boiler comprising an economizer, evaporator (or
boiler drum) and superheater:
Pressure of steam generated 2000 kPa
Temperature of steam generated 350°C
Temperature of water entering economizer 31°C
Temperature of water leaving economizer 165°C
Dryness of steam leaving evaporator 0.98
Temperature of air entering air preheater 15°C
Temperature of air leaving air preheater 190°C
Flowrate of feed water 3910 kg/h
Flowrate of fuel oil 425 kg/h

The fuel oil has a higher calorific value of 45 MJ/kg and a gravimetric analysis: Carbon 84%,
Hydrogen 16%. The furnace is supplied with 15% excess air. For the air Cp = 1.01 kJ/kg.K

(a) Determine the mass of air fed in kg/h.

(b) Estimate the equivalent evaporative capacity of the boiler, from and at 100°C.
(c) Determine the thermal efficiency of the boiler
(d) Complete the following heat balance for the boiler, based on the HCV of the fuel oil.
kJ/kg of fuel burnt
Oil Evaporator
Air preheater
Unaccounted heat losses

DUE DATE: Wednesday, 30 October AT 13H00.

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