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Name: Sibonghanoy, Kevin B Subject: Socio 102-65870 Date: 09/12/2023

Course: BSMT-2nd Year. Schedule: 3:30-4:30

A. The idea of positivism.

Positivism is a research paradigm founded on the ontological concept and
teaching that truth and reality are "free and independent of the viewer and observer,"
it can be characterized as the "self-governing, independent, and objective existence of
truth”. Positivism follows in the footsteps of the natural sciences, embracing the
concept that science is defined by the methodological techniques that allow us to
successfully explain and predict natural occurrences.
B. What is meant by “Survival of the Fittest”
Survival of the fittest states that organisms that are adapted to their
environment have a better chance of surviving and reproducing. The survival of the
fittest keeps the individuals in any species that can later evolve and form new species.
C. The concept of “Looking Glass Self ”
The process through which individuals base their sense of self on how they
feel others perceive them is referred to as the looking-glass self. People utilize social
interaction as a form of "mirror," using the opinions of others to assess their own
worth, values, and actions.
D. Society is an ongoing process of interaction
Social processes are types of social interaction that occur on a regular basis.
We refer to social processes as the methods in which individuals and groups interact
and form social interactions.
E. Societies will undergo evolution according to the principle of natural law
The philosophy of natural law draws much of its motivation from the nature of
our moral intuitions. Natural Law is the realization of a momentous possibility: the
possibility that what is highest in the province of legal and moral thought is also
deepest in nature.
F. Relevance of sociology to you as a future seafarer
Sociology helps me prepare for specific careers, by studying personal sectors
of society and to sharpen my skills needed to be effective in public life such as
analytical thinking and problem solving. It will help me shed light on social problems,
contributes to policy development and offers insights into how societies function and
evolve as a seafarer.

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