2nd Quarter Journal

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2nd quarter:

1st week journal

This week's journal entry marks the beginning of a long-awaited school break— the long

this week is probably one of the best week ever. The weight of assignments, exams, and
constant deadlines lifted from my shoulders. This week was all about reclaiming my time and
sanity. I embraced the luxury of a quiet morning, a leisurely breakfast, and a moment to
appreciate the sheer absence of looming academic pressures. It's not often that we get to take
a break from the daily grind of school or work. So, when we do, it's important to make the most
of it.

For me, this long weekend is the perfect opportunity to recharge my batteries and get back in
touch with the things that matter most in life. I plan to make this break count. Because when it's
over, I know that the hustle and bustle of everyday life will resume once again. But for now, I'm
going to savor every moment of this much-needed respite.

The week set a relaxed tone, No alarms blaring, no rush to get dressed, and no rush to eat
breakfast just to be able to attend the flag ceremony. I embraced the freedom from academic
pressures, choosing to indulge in much-needed sleep and simple pleasures. One of the things I
did is reconnecting with my old hobbies. I spent my free time reading a book that I've been
meaning to get to for months and it was such a fulfilling experience. It reminded me of how
much I love getting lost in a good story. Another thing I did was to pick up my old paintbrushes
again. Painting has always been a therapeutic activity for me. It allows me to express myself in
a way that words cannot and it's a great way to unwind.

this week also given me a chance to bond with my family. I was able spend quality time with my
loved ones, we also visited my grand parents.

As the school break comes to a close, I can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to
recharge and reset. This week was a much-needed pause—a chance to breathe, reflect, and
engage in activities that bring joy. Armed with a newfound sense of balance, I approach the
upcoming academic challenges with a refreshed perspective and a heart full of gratitude.

2ND WEEK journal
As I embarked on the second quarter with a sense of renewal and fresh opportunities. I felt a renewed
sense of purpose and excitement as I delved deeper into my work. The first quarter had been a bit of a
struggle, with unexpected challenges and setbacks along the way.

the first week started on an academic note with the checking of periodic tests. All could feel is Excitement
and nervousness, as results hung in the balance. The revelation of my scores brought both surprise and
disappointment, sparking a realization that I needed to redouble my efforts to improve. Some subjects
also unveiled the final grades for the first quarter, prompting reflection on my academic performance and
setting the stage for improvement in the coming weeks.

Amidst the academic focus, the week unfolded as a rollercoaster ride, presenting unexpected twists and
turns. one of the highlights of this week is when a minor setback occurred when I realized my phone was
missing. I felt frustrated and worried, as my phone contained important contacts and information.
However, It turned out that three grade-12 students had found it outside of the classroom and brought it
to the office. I thanked them profusely and felt grateful for their honesty.

Despite an initial setback, the week turned brighter with lighthearted moments. A humorous incident at
the school supplies store, involving a confusing receipt, became a source of communal joy. What could
have been stressful turned into laughter as we realized the prices were correct, leading to a shared
moment of amusement and stress relief among friends.

The week also featured a creepy encounter that kept me on my toes. We encountered this one creepy guy
on our way to the School supplies store, the truth is Me and Chrisha, one of my friend was actually
clueless. We were so confused why two of our friend immediately quickened their pace all of the sudden,
and then that’s when i realized why. We thought it would be the last time but we encountered the creepy
guy once again, it was on friday afternoon when we were heading to the lcc mall.

My friend Marian, decided to stop by a street food stall to buy some snack. Me and Chrisha wasn’t aware
once again that the creepy guy was just beside us, I even bump into him. I was confused why they keep
on going to the other side of the stall, and that’s when I figured out that the guy who i had been passing
by was the creepy guy. He keep on going to our side that’s why we keep on panicking. thankfully the
vendor shoo him away. The unsettling experience reached its peak when the creepy guy followed us,
prompting fear and a heightened sense of alertness. Thankfully, the guy disappeared after a few moments.

Amidst these challenges, the week's highlights included a general cleaning of our classroom, fostering a
sense of teamwork and cleanliness. Additionally, preparations for the upcoming math showcase added an
exciting dimension as we invested time and creativity in planning our presentations.

Overall, the second quarter had had been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences. Despite the
ups and downs, it was a fulfilling and memorable one. this week is undeniably eventful, marked by
academic challenges, amusing moments, and a touch of suspense with the creepy guy, creating a mosaic
of experiences.
3RD WEEK journal

This week has been an unforgettable chapter in the annals of Masbate National
Comprehensive High School (MNCHS) – a kaleidoscope of colors, cheers, and
competitive spirit as the much-anticipated intramurals unfolded.

I could say that this is also one of the most unforgettable week. it was my first time
experiencing the school intramurals, I was amazed by the level of enthusiasm and
energy exhibited by my fellow schoolmates. Everyone came together to show their
school spirit, and it was truly a sight to behold. From the opening ceremony to the
closing ceremony, there were various activities and events that showcased the talents
and skills of the students.

As a first-time participant, I couldn't help but be amazed by the level of organization and
dedication that went into making the intramurals a success. The meticulous planning,
the passionate performances, and the overall vibrancy of the week reflected the
collective effort of students, teachers, and organizers.

One of the highlights of this week is the presentation of all grade level. each grade level
prepared a yell. The presentation of the yells was a moment of sheer excitement and
anticipation, as each grade level brought their A-game and gave it their all. The cheers
were filled with creativity, passion, and enthusiasm.

Overall, This week of firsts will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression. It wasn't just
about witnessing events; it was about being part of something larger than myself. As the
echoes of cheers fade and the school grounds return to their routine, the memories
forged during these intramurals will remain etched in my mind.

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