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Eulerian Graph


30 November 2021

Group Assignment
Group 5

David Immanuel (18/430338/PA/18851)

Goh Chin Yang (21/487411/NPA/19672)
Oktaviani Winarso (20/459348/PA/20009)
William Kosasih (20/456578/PA/19765)

Group Assignment
Daftar Isi
1 Definition
2 Some Properties
3 Application

Group Assignment

Definition (1.1)
Given a graph G, a walk in G is a finite sequence of edges of the
form v0 v1 , v1 v2 , . . . , vm−1 vm , also denoted by v0 → v1 → . . . → vm ,
in which any two consecutive edges are adjacent or identical. We
call v0 the initial vertex and vm the final vertex of the walk. The
number of edges in a walk is called its length.

Definition (1.2)
A walk in which all the edges are distinct is a trail. A trail
v0 → v1 → . . . → vm is closed if v0 = vm .

Definition (1.3)
Trail v0 → v1 → . . . → vm is a path if the vertices v0 , v1 , . . . , vm
are distinct (except, possibly, v0 = vm ).

Group Assignment

Definition (1.4)
A connected graph is a graph such that any two vertices are
connected by a path.

Definition (1.5)
A connected graph G is called Eulerian graph if there exists a closed
trail containing every edge of G. Such a trail is an Eulerian Trail.

Definition (1.6)
A non-Eulerian graph G is semi-Eulerian if there exists a trail
containing every edge of G.

Group Assignment
Some Properties

Theorem (2.1)
A connected graph G is Eulerian if and only if the degree of each
vertex of G is even.

Corollary (2.2)
A connected graph is Eulerian if and only if its set of edges can be
split up into disjoint cycles.

Corollary (2.3)
A connected graph is semi-Eulerian if and only if it has exactly two
vertices of odd degree.

Group Assignment
1) The Problem of Seven Bridges
In Königsberg, there is a river which divided four land regions
with a central island. These four land regions were connected
by seven bridges as shown in figure below. The people who live
there often ask whether it is possible to start in a land area and
make a walk through the bridges visiting each bridge exactly
once and returning to the starting point.

Group Assignment
2) Diagram Tracing and Eulerian graph
There is a popular old children game as follows: Can you trace
a diagram with a pencil, with the condition that the diagram
should be traced beginning at a point and ended at the same
point but the pencil should not be lifted until the diagram is
completely traced and a line in the diagram can be traced only

Group Assignment
3) Chinese Postman Problem
Suppose that a postman has to deliver letters to the residents
in all the streets of a village and want to go through every street
exactly once. Let graph G represent the village, with vertices
represents street corners and edges represents the streets. If the
graph representing the village is semi Eulerian, then this path
gives rise to a route following which the postman can start in a
street corner, deliver letters going through every street exactly
once. This is a desirable situation for the postman. But if no
such Euler path exists in the graph, then the postman may have
to repeat some of the streets.

Group Assignment
[1. ] Robin J. Wilson (1996). Introduction to Graph Theory (4th
ed.). Essex, England: Longman Group Ltd.
[2. ] Aruna R , Madhu N.R, Shashidhar S.N, ”Eulerian Graphs
and Its Applications”, International Journal of Advance
Research in Science and Engineering, Vol. No. 6, Issue No.
02, February 2017.

Group Assignment

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