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The line graph illustrates the rates of birth in the two countries China and the

USA from 1920 to 2000.

Overall, there were considerable fluctuations in the fertility rates of both

nations. In addition, the birth rate in the USA was higher than that of China
almost all the time surveyed.

Between 1920 and 1935, the USA’s rate of fertility fluctuated, yet it always
remained above 10%. In the next ten years, however, there was a significant
decrease in the birth rate of the nation. In 1945, the rate of fertility fell to
approximately 5%. By constrast, in the 1950s, the figure for the USA reached
its highest point during the 80-year period, at 15%. Through out the remainder
of the period, the USA saw a gradual decline in its birth rate, which decreased
to nearly 6% by the year 2000.

In comparision with the USA, the fluctuations in the fertility rate of China was
more dramatic. Even though the birth rate in China was lower than that in the
USA almost all the time surveyed, its fertility rate exceeded the USA’s in the
1950s, when it reached it highest level of approximately 20%. However, 5 years
later, the rate of birth in China rapidly decreased and fell to approximately 1%
in the year 2000.

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