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What kind of

Situation Response Assertive Response


1. You’re finding it difficult I’m pretty useless at getting Passive

to start a project. You going. I can never see how
say to a colleague: to start.

2. A colleague hears you Well, I’ve dealt with that sort Passive
handling an awkward of thing before – I didn’t
situation. Afterwards really do anything.
she praises the way you
handled it. You say:
3. Your boss asks you for a Assertive
lift home. It’s
inconvenient for you as I’m late already, and I have
you are late already and an engagement tonight. I
it would take you out of won’t be able to take you
your way. You say: home, but if it helps I can
drop you off at a bus stop

4. Your boss asks what The stupid man doesn’t Assertive

went wrong with a lost know what he wants. I told
order from a customer. him what he should have,
You say:
but he wouldn’t listen,

5. A proposal has been It might be alright, I suppose, Passive/Passive

made to install a new if that’s what you think is Aggressive
piece of equipment, best.
which you don’t think is
right for the job. You
6. A colleague has I like the work plan you Assertive
produced a work plan produced. I think my
for his department. department could benefit
You’d like his help with
from a similar approach.
one for your
department. You say: Will you spend half an hour
with me, so that I can see
how you developed it?

7. A colleague agreed to George, I understood you Assertive

come to a meeting but were coming to the meeting.
failed to turn up. I would have liked to have
Afterwards, you ring him
had your contribution. What
and say:

8. You sat in on a My goodness, that was good. Passive

presentation given by I could never have put it over
one of your staff. You so well.
feel it was highly
successful. You say:
9. The date is being fixed 'Well alright, as it seems Passive/Passive
for a meeting; it is to be OK for everyone Aggressive
convenient for else.'
everyone except you.
10. A member of your 'I hope you don't think I'm Passive
team has asked for being mean, but the
time off to visit a sick

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