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GTEC 12013 – Mathematics for Technology II

Quiz 1
Answer all the questions on this paper itself in accordance with the instructions given for each
Time allowed: Twenty (20) minutes

1. Find the component form of the vectors shown.

A = _________________________

B = _________________________

C = _________________________

2. Given that 𝒗 = 〈−3, −6〉, and 𝒘 = 〈4, −3〉 . Then find,

i. 2𝒗 − 3𝒘

ii. |𝒘|
iii. |𝒗 + 2𝒘|

⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ whose initial point 𝑃 is at (2, 3) and

3. Find the magnitude and the direction of the vector, 𝑃𝑄
terminal point 𝑄 is at (5, 8).


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