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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this monthly devotional is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly Iron Man Oikodome {oy-kod-om-ay'} to build up and encourage the men who love and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with Him. Hebrews 3:13 "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests please send them and I will send them out to the bros for prayer, if privacy is needed I will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 029 Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners (PSALM 146:7 NKJV). GOD DOES IT ALL Bros who can help you when you are down an out and feel like you have been or are being taken advantage of by someone, or some thing is keeping you back or holding you down? Who can defend you or lift you up when it seems like there is no way for justice to prevail in your situation? Who or what can provide you with comfort during those times when you can feel a heavy spiritual oppression holding you down? During those times it can seem like there is something standing in the way of allowing a blessing to come your way. As if the blessing cant be birthed, like it is stuck in the middle of happening, or becoming a realityits seems to not come forth Bros God is the only One who can execute justice for the oppressed in times where it seems like we are without hope. He can bring forth that justice that seems elusive or nonexistent, God does it all in His perfect timing and His perfect way according to His perfect will! Who can provide food for you when there is no paycheck or no income or conceivable way for you to pay for food or receive food from any local resource known by you? I have seen Gods hand move and do many wondrous and totally unbelievable things that the human mind cannot fathom during these seasons of lacking. When God provides for us in that time of need have you noticed He seems to do something to your heart- when He moves so mightily and it seems to bring your physical body to a place of paralysis except your emotions. Whereby all you can do is stand in awe of Gods gentle mercies and greatness and cry like a baby, your whole soul seems to give it up with tears of gratitude and as you give thanks and praise and thanksgiving to Him you are overwhelmed by His great and mighty love as you experience firsthand just how awesome that love is, He is faithful and we cant believe He would bless us like that but He does. He gives freedom to the prisoners in jail and even out of jail, those in spiritual darkness. He sets the captives free! Some of the worst prisons are not even prisons of physical confinement But they are sin made prisons (bondage) and maybe seems like there is no way out. They are of sin and spiritual bondage, separation from God, they are destructive, deadly, and only God can set you free. God gives freedom to the prisoners, He can deliver each one of us from oppression, lack of provisions, the yoke and bondage of any and all prisons whether they be a physical prison or personal sin prison, He is the key to freedom and deliverance, He is Jesus Christ, He is God, HE DOES IT ALL. Listen to what Jesus says as He quotes from the book of Isaiah "The Spirit of the LORD [is] upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to [the] poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to [the] captives And recovery of sight to [the] blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; (Luke 4:18 NKJV). Agape,
Daniel Wright Iron Man Oikodome Proverbs 27:17

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