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Unit 4 | Session 2

Waiting for something special

Learning objective: plan a festival
Unit 4 | Session 2
Waiting for something special
Learning objective: plan a festival

Lesson Overview
1 Get started: Cultural events
2 Listening and Speaking 1: Podcast about
festival and invitation
3 Reading: Promotional text about a festival
4 Progress check
Get started: Cultural events and festivals

Think about these questions for a minute.

Do you go to many cultural events?

If yes, what kind of event? (music, art, theatre, etc.)

Are there many events or festivals organized where

you live? What kind of event or festival?
Which would you like to go and see? Why?

Share opinions using your microphone or the

Check the best summary
Burning Man Festival is a ..
1 very popular arts festival in the desert
2 big party and arts festival in the city of Nevada
3 place to watch and meet artists on bikes

1 The festival is particularly famous for ?

a its bikes b its bands
2 What do people do there? Check three options.
a dance b give gifts c make noise d make fires e cook f sing
3 It is so popular that it’s talked about on many…
a social media sites b TV shows
Speaking task (7 min)
Asking and answering questions about the festival

Student A Student B
You want to go to the Burning Man festival. You know all about the Festival, give
Ask your partner questions about it. your partner the information from the

Useful language Useful language

What can you do there? It’s a …. Festival .
When is it? It takes place…
How many people…? … people are going.
How long…? It starts…
How much…? It costs…

1 What can kind of festival is it?

a a city arts festival b a relaxing festival in nature
2 What is the aim of the text?
a sell the event to possible guests b describe the event for the media

Come to the Fusion Festival this summer! From July 10 – 17 in Germany’s beautiful
Black Forest. If you want a chilled week in the country to relax your mind and body, this is for
you. Play music or watch others perform. Make art, play games, go hiking, cook or enjoy yoga
and massage treatments. The important thing is to chill!
It’s only $50 for three days or $200 for the whole week including camping and parking.
Numbers are limited so book now! It’s really something special!
1 Would you like to go to this festival? Why? Why not?
2 What would you change about it?

Come to the Fusion Festival this summer!

From July 10 – 17 in Germany’s beautiful
Black Forest. If you want a chilled week in
the country to relax your mind and body, this
is for you. Play music or watch others
perform. Make art, play games, go hiking,
cook or enjoy yoga and massage treatments.
The important thing is to chill!
It’s only $50 for three days or $200 for the
whole week including camping and parking.
Numbers are limited so book now! It’s really
something special!
Progress check

Now I can ...

 Listen to the description of a festival.

 Read a text about a festival.

Unit 4 | Session 2
Waiting for something special
Learning objective: plan a festival

Thank you!

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