CNeRG-Computing Legal Case Document Similarity

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Short Research Papers I SIGIR ’20, July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China

Hier-SPCNet: A Legal Statute Hierarchy-based Heterogeneous

Network for Computing Legal Case Document Similarity
Paheli Bhattacharya Kripabandhu Ghosh
Department of CSE, IIT Kharagpur, India Tata Research Development and Design Centre, Pune,

Arindam Pal Saptarshi Ghosh

Data61, CSIRO and Cyber Security CRC Department of CSE, IIT Kharagpur, India
Sydney, NSW, Australia

ABSTRACT 302 of Indian Penal Code which describes punishment for murder),
Computing similarity between two legal case documents is a chal- and (2) Precedents or prior cases decided by important courts (e.g.,
lenging task, for which text-based and network-based measures the Supreme Court, High Courts). In such a system, law practition-
have been proposed in literature. All prior network-based similar- ers have to look up a huge number of prior cases that match a given
ity methods considered a precedent citation network among case situation or is similar to a particular case. In this work, we focus on
documents only (PCNet). However, this approach misses an im- the task of automating the computation of similarity between two
portant source of legal knowledge – the hierarchy of legal statutes case documents, which has several practical applications in legal
that are applicable in a given legal jurisdiction (e.g., country). We search and recommendation, similar case matching, and so on. Es-
propose to augment the PCNet with the hierarchy of legal statutes, timating the similarity between legal case documents is especially
to form a heterogeneous network Hier-SPCNet. Experiments over challenging because (i) the documents are long, complicated and
a set of Indian Supreme Court case documents show that Hier- unstructured, and (ii) there is no well defined notion of legal simi-
SPCNet enables significantly better document similarity estimation, larity – two case documents are considered similar if legal experts
as compared to existing approaches using PCNet. We also show that judge them to be similar.
the proposed network-based method can complement text-based It is expensive to obtain thousands of training data instances
measures for better estimation of legal document similarity. required to train supervised models for this task. Existing methods
for computing legal document similarity are hence unsupervised,
CCS CONCEPTS and can be classified into network-based methods that rely on cita-
tion to prior case documents [3, 7], and text-based methods that rely
• Information systems → Information retrieval; • Applied
on the textual content of the documents [4, 5].
computing → Law.
In this paper, we focus on network-based methods. All existing
KEYWORDS network-based methods (including the hybrid ones [4]) rely on a
precedent citation network (PCNet) that capture citations from one
Case document similarity; Similar case matching; Citation network; case document to prior-case documents (see Section 2). However,
Statute hierarchy; Network embeddings; Legal IR; Metapath2vec PCNet misses an important source of legal information that is
ACM Reference Format: inherent in the statutes of a particular jurisdiction (e.g., country).
Paheli Bhattacharya, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Arindam Pal, and Saptarshi Based on our discussions with Law practitioners in India (faculty
Ghosh. 2020. Hier-SPCNet: A Legal Statute Hierarchy-based Heterogeneous members from the Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property
Network for Computing Legal Case Document Similarity. In Proceedings of Law, India), statutes represent the written laws and are hence a
the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
valuable source of legal knowledge, that can be used in several tasks
in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’20), July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China.
including estimating similarity between legal documents. Hence,
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
in this work, we augment PCNet to construct a heterogeneous
1 INTRODUCTION network Hier-SPCNet (Hierarchical Statute and Precedent Citation
Network) that encompasses the structure of the statutes as well as
Many countries such as India, Australia, United States and United citation information present in them (see Figure 1).
Kingdom follow the Common Law System, wherein there are two To estimate the similarity between legal documents, we propose
primary sources of law – (1) Statutes or written laws (e.g., Section to apply the graph embedding algorithm Metapath2vec [1] on the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or heterogeneous Hier-SPCNet. Our method relies on the key idea
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed that if two documents cite a common statute/precedent, or if two
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the documents cite different statutes/precedents that are themselves
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or structurally similar in the network, then the two documents may be
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission discussing similar legal issues, which is a strong signal for estimat-
and/or a fee. Request permissions from
SIGIR ’20, July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China ing document similarity. We evaluate our approach on a set of 100
© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. document pairs comprising of case judgments from the Supreme
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8016-4/20/07. . . $15.00

Short Research Papers I SIGIR ’20, July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China

Figure 1: The proposed heterogeneous network Hier-

Court of India, whose similarities have been annotated by legal ex-
SPCNet consisting of case documents and statutes. Existing
perts. Results show that our proposed method achieves significant
methods have considered only PCNet (greyed box).
improvement over prior methods that use the PCNet alone.
We also compare our proposed network-based method with a act1

state-of-the-art text-based method for computing legal document
partp d5
similarity using document embeddings [5]. partb

We observe that the proposed network-based method can give d4

complimentary insights compared to what is given by the text- sm sn d6

similarity method. Combining the two is a promising way of esti- d1

topics topict d3
mating legal document similarity from multiple aspects. d2

To our knowledge, this is the first work that proposes a network si sj sk

to capture all domain information inherent in both statutes and

precedents and show its utility in capturing the similarity of two
legal documents. Although in this work we focus on Indian legal For construction of Hier-SPCNet, we extract the hierarchy from
documents, our method can be extended to any jurisdiction that the text of the statutes, and then represent each act as a hierarchical
defines statutes/codes in their judicial system (e.g., France [6]). structure of nodes (act / parts / chapters / topics / sections) and
hierarchy links. Figure 1 shows a pictorial representation of an
2 EXISTING NETWORK-BASED METHODS act having the complete hierarchy (𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 ) and another act having a
FOR LEGAL DOCUMENT SIMILARITY smaller hierarchy (𝑎𝑐𝑡 2 ).
Existing network-based similarity methods construct a Precedent Extraction of citations from text: Extracting statute/precedent
Citation Network (PCNet) in which the vertices are case documents, citations from legal text is non-trivial, since the citations are written
and there is a directed edge 𝑑 1 → 𝑑 2 if document 𝑑 1 cites another in various forms. We extract the citations using regular expression-
document 𝑑 2 . The greyed box in Figure 1 shows PCNet for a small based patterns, e.g., the pattern < [section or article number] of the
example. Following are the existing similarity measures applied on [Act] > is used to extract citations such as ‘Section 47 of the Code of
PCNet for finding legal document similarity: Criminal Procedure, 1973’. An internal evaluation showed that this
• Bibliographic Coupling [3]: It is defined as the Jaccard simi- methodology correctly extracts more than 90% of all citations that
larity index between the sets of precedent citations (out-citations) are identified by human annotators (details omitted for brevity).
from the two documents whose similarity is to be inferred. Hier-SPCNet: The network consists of six (6) types of nodes –
• Co-citation [3]: Similar to bibliographic coupling, but it is de- case documents, acts, parts, chapters, topics, sections (or articles).
fined on the sets of in-citations from the two documents. Also there are two types of links/edges – hierarchy links (orange,
• Dispersion [7]: This measure measures to what extent the out- solid arrows in Figure 1) and citation links (blue, dotted arrows in
neighbours (out-citation documents) of the two documents are Figure 1). The types of edges are described below.
themselves similar, i.e., occurs in the same community/cluster. We • Citation edges: These edges are of three types. (1) document →
use the NetworkX implementation for this measure. document: if one document cites another document. These edges
are the ones in PCNet (the grey coloured box in Figure 1). Existing
3 PROPOSED AUGMENTATION OF PCNET methods have considered only this network. (2) document → statute:
WITH LEGAL STATUTE HIERARCHY if a document cites a statute. For example, in Figure 1, document 𝑑 1
We now describe how we augment PCNet using information from cites section 𝑠𝑖 of 𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 . A document can also cite an act as a whole,
the legal statutes, to obtain Hier-SPCNet (Hierarchical Statute and without referring to a particular section, e.g. document 𝑑 5 cites 𝑎𝑐𝑡 2 .
Precedent Citation Network – shown in Figure 1), and how we use (3) statute → statute: if a statute cites another statute. Note that
Hier-SPCNet for legal document similarity. the two statutes can be part of the same or different Acts, e.g., in
Figure 1, statute 𝑠𝑘 of 𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 cites statute 𝑠𝑛 of 𝑎𝑐𝑡 2 .
3.1 Constructing Hier-SPCNet • Hierarchy edges: The hierarchy edges (shown as orange, solid
Modeling the hierarchy of statutes: In most common law coun- arrows in Fig. 1) represent the hierarchy within each Act, as de-
tries, an Act has its own hierarchy. For instance, in the Indian scribed in Section 3.1. These edges can be of various types, such as
judiciary, an Act can be divided into ‘parts’; each ‘part’ can be di- act → part (e.g., 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑝 is under 𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 in Fig. 1), act → chapter, part
vided into ‘chapters’; each ‘chapter’ can be further divided into → section (e.g., in 𝑎𝑐𝑡 2 , sections 𝑠𝑚 and 𝑠𝑛 are under a 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑏 ), topic
‘topics’; under a ‘topic’ are finally ‘sections’/‘articles’. An example → section (e.g., 𝑠𝑖 and 𝑠 𝑗 are under 𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑠 under 𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 ), and so on.
of the Act → Part → Chapter → Topic → Section/Article hierarchy Note that, as stated earlier, all levels of the hierarchy may not exist
is – Constitution of India, 1950 → Part VI: The States → Chapter uniformly in all the Acts.
III: The State Legislature → Topic: Disqualification of members →
Section 192: Decision on questions as to disqualification of members. 3.2 Document similarity using Hier-SPCNet
Sometimes, for smaller acts, parts of this hierarchy may not be The existing measures of bibliographic coupling, co-citation and
explicitly specified. For instance, we may have sections/articles dispersion (see Section 2) can be applied over Hier-SPCNet, simi-
directly under an act. An example is – Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 lar to how they are applied over PCNet. However, when applied
→ Section 3: Penalty for giving or taking dowry. over Hier-SPCNet, these measures also include statute information,

Short Research Papers I SIGIR ’20, July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China

e.g. bibliographic coupling over Hier-SPCNet finds the number of Table 1: Pearson correlation coefficient (𝜌) with mean expert
common citations to prior cases as well as to statutes. similarity score, for similarity values inferred by various
Additionally, we apply graph embedding techniques Node2Vec [2] methods over the two networks. Proposed Hier-SPCNet en-
and Metapath2Vec [1] over Hier-SPCNet. These embedding tech- ables statistically significantly better inference of similarity
niques map the nodes of the graph to a vector space, such that nodes than PCNet (by Student’s T-Test at 95%).
having similar neighbourhoods in the network have similar repre- Method 𝜌 over PCNet 𝜌 over Hier-SPCNet
sentations (embeddings). We then compute the cosine similarity Bibliographic Coupling 0.279 0.574
Co-citation 0.221 0.221
between these node embeddings to estimate the similarity be- Dispersion 0.229 0.287
tween the documents (nodes). Node2Vec 0.448 0.586
Metapath2Vec 0.215 0.674
Node2Vec [2]: Given a network, Node2vec generates node embed-
dings (vectors) via random walks, following Breadth-First Search
(BFS) or Depth-First Search (DFS). We apply Node2Vec on both PC- The Hier-SPCNet used for the experiments consists of 1, 806 case
Net and Hier-SPCNet (implementation at https:// aditya- documents and 128 acts (along with their hierarchies) that are cited
grover/ node2vec with embedding size of 128 and other hyperpara- by at least one of these documents. In total, there are 22, 566 nodes
maters set to default). Note that Node2vec assumes a network to be and 31, 309 edges in the network. The PCNet contains the same
homogeneous (all nodes and edges of same type). While PCNet is 1, 806 case documents as nodes and 542 citation edges among the
actually homogeneous, Hier-SPCNet is not; however, Hier-SPCNet documents.
is also considered homogeneous when applying Node2vec. Developing gold standard for document similarity: For eval-
Metapath2Vec [1]: Metapath2Vec is meant for heterogeneous net- uating methods for legal document similarity, two legal experts
works, where nodes are of different types and the edges have (senior law students from the Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual
different semantics. The basic working mechanism is similar to Property Law, India) were asked to annotate the similarity of 100
Node2Vec, but while Node2Vec uses standard BFS/DFS, Metap- document-pairs. Each expert assigned a similarity score in the range
ath2vec works on certain user-defined metapaths. A metapath is [0.0, 1.0] to each document-pair, where 0.0 indicates that the docu-
a path between two nodes where the edges can have different se- ments are entirely dissimilar, and 1.0 indicates that the documents
mantics. For Hier-SPCNet, we define 14 different metapaths to are very similar.
capture situations where two documents cite the same or related For a particular document-pair, we considered the mean (average)
statutes, whereby some signal of similarity between the documents of the similarity scores given by the two annotators as the final
can be inferred. We used the implementation of Metapath2vec from expert similarity score.
https:// project/ stellargraph/ , with walk length of 5, number Evaluation metric: For evaluating the performance of a partic-
of random walks per root node of 2000, embedding size of 200, and ular similarity computation method, we use Pearson correlation
other hyperparameters set to default. Some of the metapaths we coefficient (𝜌) between the mean expert similarity scores and the
defined are as follows: similarity values inferred by the said method, on the 100 document-
• doc-sec-doc: when two documents cite the same section/article. pairs. This metric has been used in multiple prior works on legal
E.g., in Figure 1, documents 𝑑 1 and 𝑑 3 cite the same section 𝑠 𝑗 . document similarity [3–5].
• doc-sec-topic-sec-doc: when two documents cite different sec-
tions/articles, and the sections are under the same topic. E.g., in 4.2 Results: PCnet vs. Hier-SPCNet
Fig. 1, document 𝑑 1 cites section 𝑠 𝑗 and 𝑑 2 cites 𝑠𝑖 and both 𝑠𝑖 and
Table 1 shows the performance of various network-based methods
𝑠 𝑗 are under the same topic 𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑠 . .
on both PCNet and Hier-SPCNet. All the methods show statistically
• doc-sec-topic-chap-topic-sec-doc: when two documents cite
significant (by Student’s T-Test at 95%, 𝑝 < 0.05) improvement
different sections, and the sections are under the same chapter. E.g.,
when applied over Hier-SPCNet, as compared to when applied over
in Fig. 1, 𝑑 1 cites section 𝑠 𝑗 and 𝑑 3 cites 𝑠𝑘 , and 𝑠𝑖 and 𝑠𝑘 are under
PCNet, except for co-citation. The value of co-citation remains the
different topics under the same 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑐 of 𝑎𝑐𝑡 1 .
same for both networks since it depends on the common in-citations,
• doc-doc-doc: when two documents cite a common document.
and in-citations of documents are same in PCNet and Hier-SPCNet
This is the standard precedent citation, which is the only metapath
(since no document is cited by a statute). Especially, a higher value
used when applying Metapath2vec over PCNet.
of bibliographic coupling over Hier-SPCNet highlights that, for
Descriptions of the 10 other metapaths are omitted for brevity.
accurately estimating legal document similarity, it is important to
consider citations to not only common prior-cases but also to com-
4 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS mon statutes. Also, there is substantial improvement in Node2Vec
We now describe the experiments to compare performance on vari- similarity over Hier-SPCNet, compared to Node2Vec over PCNet.
ous network-based methods over PCNet and Hier-SPCNet. Although Node2Vec considers the graph to be homogeneous, in-
4.1 Experimental setup cluding the hierarchical structure of statutes over PCNet helps,
Dataset used: We consider case documents from the Supreme since the leaf nodes (i.e., the section nodes) are structurally similar.
Court of India, and statutes in the Indian judiciary. All case docu- The best performance is observed using Metapath2vec over Hier-
ments and statutes were crawled from Thomson Reuters Westlaw SPCNet (correlation of 0.674 with mean expert similarity score),
India ( We used only the publicly which is able to well capture document similarity through the
available full texts, and did not use any proprietary information. metapaths among the nodes. Thus, we have effectively encoded the

Short Research Papers I SIGIR ’20, July 25–30, 2020, Virtual Event, China

Table 2: Pearson correlation coefficient (𝜌) with mean expert the similarity since both documents cite sections of the Indian Penal
similarity score, for a text-based method [5], the proposed Code, which is one of the main acts in the Indian judiciary for all
network-based method, and combinations of the two. None criminal offences.
of the pairwise differences in 𝜌 is statistically significant Although the two methods perform comparably, an advantage of
(paired Student’s T-test at 95%). the network-based method over Doc2Vec is that it can impart some
Method 𝜌 explanation to the measured similarity (elucidated by the examples
Network-based (Metapath2vec on Hier-SPCNet) 0.674 above) which was duly appreciated by our legal experts.
Text-based (Doc2Vec) 0.734
max (text, network) 0.760 Combining network-based and text-based similarities: This
average (text, network) 0.754 discussion shows that the text-based and network-based methods
legal knowledge inherent in the statutes though hiearchical and complement each other. Hence, a combination of these two metrics
citation links by defining the metapath schemas. seems promising. We tried some simple combinations using the
functions average (a pair gets the similarity value which is an aver-
5 COMPARING NETWORK-BASED AND age of the text-based and network-based similarity values) and max
TEXT-BASED SIMILARITY (a pair gets either the text-based similarity or the network-based
Apart from network-based similarity, important signals for legal similarity, whichever is maximum). The results, shown in Table 2,
document similarity also come from the textual content of legal support the idea that combining network-based and text-based
documents [4, 5]. In this section, we compare the network-based measures can be beneficial, since the two methods probably cap-
and text-based methods for legal document similarity. ture complementary signals of legal document similarity. Devising
We consider a text-based similarity method using document better methods of combination is left as future work.
embeddings (Doc2Vec), that has been shown in our prior work [5] to
estimate legal document similarity better than many other methods. 6 CONCLUSION
Following the methodology in [5], we trained a Doc2Vec model on In this work, we achieved significantly better estimation of similar-
a large set of Indian Supreme Court case judgments (which do not ity between legal documents, by developing a hierarchical network
contain the documents in our evaluation set of 100 document pairs). (Hier-SPCNet) comprising of the hierarchy of statutes, and then ap-
We then infer Doc2vec embeddings for the document pairs in our plying network embedding methods. To our knowledge, this is the
evaluation set, and compute cosine similarity between the Doc2Vec first attempt to computationally model the legal domain knowledge
embeddings of the documents in each pair. inherent in the statutes, to measure legal document similarity. Our
Comparing network-based and text-based similarity: The text- method would be applicable for any other jurisdiction that defines a
hierarchy of statutes [6]. In future, we would like to develop better
based method (Doc2vec) achieves a correlation of 0.734 with the
techniques for combining network-based and text-based similarity
mean expert similarity score (see Table 2), which is slightly better
for legal case documents.
than the correlation of 0.674 achieved by the network-based method
(Metapath2vec over Hier-SPCNet). The difference is not statistically Acknowledgements: The authors thank the law students who
significant (𝑝 = 0.34) by paired Student’s t-test at 95% . In fact, for helped in developing the gold standard data. The research is par-
58 out of the 100 document-pairs, the similarity estimated by the tially supported by SERB, Government of India, through the project
network-based method is numerically closer to the mean expert sim- ‘NYAYA: A Legal Assistance System for Legal Experts and the Com-
ilarity score than the similarity estimated by the text-based method, mon Man in India’. P. Bhattacharya is supported by a Fellowship
while for the other 42 document-pairs, the text-based similarity is from Tata Consultancy Services.
closer to the mean expert similarity score.
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