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Obiar, Frances Margarette R.

BSOT 1-1

A Love Beyond the Gender

Many people are wondering how these members of LGBTQIA+ conquer everything in the name of love and
even career. And I am one of those people, I always ask myself if they go on dates as a usual couple does or how their
stories started and how they ended. I am curious how they manage to fight the judgmental society and cruelty of the
people’s perspective on their kind of love. And as time passed by, I learned that there is no such thing as a normal
couple, because even if it is a same-sex relationship, it is still a normal couple. The abnormality only lies in the view
of people who are not open to the idea of same-sex people being with each other. Furthermore, the only reason why
we cannot see them in public is that we are limiting them to express themselves.

It is past due for us to become more accepting of same-sex marriages. It is discriminatory to forbid same-sex
unions because they disadvantage a minority. Laws against slavery, the Bill of Rights, and equal protection clauses
are the only laws prohibiting discrimination against minorities. Denying a homosexual couple, the right to wed is
equivalent to denying a Hispanic couple, or even an interracial couple, the right to wed. Why aren't heterosexual
couples able to get civil unions if they are the same thing?

Same-sex marriage would increase everyone's rights and give gay and lesbian people in the Philippines the
chance to wed the person they love. Expanding civil marriage to couples who are of the same sex shows respect for
the fundamental rights to equality and nondiscrimination from the perspective of human rights. It ought to be written
into Philippine legislation. The Philippines should join nations like the US, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina,
Uruguay, New Zealand, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Ireland to make marriage equality legal.
In Asia, Taiwanese legislators are considering a draft law that would permit same-sex unions.

The ACC they marriage would promote traditional family values and deter dangerous behavior. Promiscuity
is characterized by issues like STDs, which immediately spring to mind as being related to sexuality. Monogamy and
faithfulness, which are the kinds of behaviors that should be supported, are encouraged by marriage. It's time, in my
opinion, to change how we feel about same-sex marriages. Regardless of our religious convictions, we cannot dispute
that accepting the marriage of LGBTQIA+ people is a significant step toward moving forward. Not only can we tolerate
them by accepting their methods, but we can also support them by allowing them to express their love for one another
without worrying about what others would think of them. I've always thought that love has no boundaries and is
capable of defeating all odds. I believe that we will become more accepting of them in society eventually.

Regardless of gender or even how the world views it, everyone has the right to love. Additionally, I believe it
will show future generations of kids that loving knows no bounds and boundaries. If they know that they are
comfortable and will no longer feel hesitant to offer their love to the world, we can educate them how to be nice and
express themselves in the way they wish.

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