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Jln. Tanjung Harapan No. 17 Hp: 085363742008

KodePos 29212 Tembilahan

Name : Day, Date :

Level :BOOK 3 JHS MISS :Ms Amel

Translate these words into good English – Indonesia

1. Satu jam : 1. Attack :
2. Pengumuman : 2. Attendace :
3. Tempat lain : 3. Appear :
4. Perjanjian : 4. Awkward :
5. Sekitar : 5. Baggage :
6. Sebagai : 6. Bargain :
7. Lahan yang gundul : 7. Anniversary :
8. Kuno : 8. Annoyed :
9. Kera : 9. Bark :
10. Lagu kebangsaan : 10. Apologize :

Choose the correct answer !

Jogging is a very popular activity in New York In winter, the weather is too cold for it, but in spring,
it is warmer and many New Yorkers go out to jog in Central park. This is a very good place to

1. What is the main idea of the text above?

a. The weather c. New York
b. Winter d. Jogging
2. X : May I borrow your ruller?
Y : Sorry, It……..
a. Is breaking c. breaks
b. Broke d. is broken
3. X : Have you done your task?
Y : Yes, I have. I……. by my friend
a. Am helping c. helped
b. Am heloed d. help
4. X : What a clean class it is!
Y : Yes, we…….it since morning
a. Are cleaning c. will clean
b. Have cleaned d. clean
5. Sisi : Hi reza, next week will be free. What will you do?
Reza : Nothing, what’s the matter?
Sisi : How about going to the Borobudur Temple?
Reza : That’s a good idea. I’ll wait for you.
Based on the dialogue above…..
a. Sisi agrees to go to Borobudur
b. Sisi disagree to go to Borobudur Temple
c. Riza Agrees to go to Borobudur Temple
d. Riza disagree to go to Borobudur Temple
6. What does your mother do before going to holiday?
a. She will makes a delicious meal c. she makes a lot of snacks
b. She is making a cake d. she will made a lot of juice
7. Ina : Next week we will have a holiday.
Ira : ……………to Bali?
Ina : I still don’t know. What about you?
Ira : I am still not sure either
a. Have you gone c. are you going
b. Do you go d. did you go
8. The woman was …….after she saw the bus crossed the bridge
a. Suprising c. shocked
b. Amusing d. embarrassed
9. X : It is hot isn’t it? …….
Y : that sounds fun
a. Do you want to go swimming? c. I have an Idea
b. That’s a good idea d. Do you want to go to Sauna
10. Moza : did you go to the computer exhibition ?
Rury : no, I didn’t go……
c. Somewhere c. nowhere
d. Anywhere d. Everywhere

Please Translate these sentences into good English

1. Apakah kamu suka berolahraga di Swarna bumi setiap minggu?
2. Adik saya sangat suka menonton tv sebelum tidur.
3. Tuan Paul mengajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari.
4. Orang tua saya adalah pengacara. Mereka tidak bekerja di sekolah
5. Kota saya memiliki banyak tempat menarik
6. Ada banyak tempat wisata di tembilahan
7. Saya ingin belajar membuat kue.
8. Mereka tidak suka bermain di lapangan tengah hari
9. Saya selalu mengunjungi nenek padang
10. Saya tidak suka makan roti, tetapi pizza adalah makanan kesukaan saya.
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