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5 Postprocessing


Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calculate Mean (slowness) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Dispersion Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Traveltime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Postprocessing 5-1

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Post-processing and post-processing quality control are an important part of sonic waveform processing. A
derived traveltime from a processed sonic log can be used to delineate a sonic waveform arrival as part of a
quality control procedure. Dispersion and borehole washout etc. affect the final processed result too.
The "Dispersion Correction" on page 5-5 module calculates the dispersion curve and applies the correction
at each depth postion to correct the dispersion effects.

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Calculate Mean (slowness)

This module is used to average the picked slowness of two sub-array configurations. The mean slowness is
output. See Fig. 1 for an example.

To calculate the mean

1. Select Petrophysics > Full Waveform Sonic > Postprocessing > Calculate Mean to
display the tp_array_sonic_mean module.
2. Specify the Input Set.
3. If required, change the Output Set.
4. Set the values for the parameters as described in Table 5-1, "array_sonic_mean Module
Parameters" on page 5-3
5. Click Start to run the module.

array_sonic_mean Module

Table 5-1: array_sonic_mean Module Parameters

Parameter Name Default Description
METHOD ARITHMETIC Select the method required to calculate the slowness mean;
WEIGHT1 These fields are only available when METHOD is set to WEIGHTED.
WEIGHT2 For weighted mean, input weighting logs are required and applied to
the input logs.
LOG_IN1 Select first input log.
LOG_IN2 Select second input log.
LOG_OUT Specify output mean log.

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Input Log 1 picked from Input Log 2 picked from Average of RECEIVER
configuration configuration. configurations.

Fig. 1: Calculate Mean Slowness

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Dispersion Correction

The Dispersion Correction module calculates the dispersion curve and applies the correction to the input
shear velocity/sonic at each depth position. The dispersion curve depends on five borehole related
parameters: the borehole size (diameter), the formation P- and S-wave velocity, the borehole fluid velocity
and the density ratio of the formation to the borehole fluid.
The dispersion curve is modelled under ideal conditions, such as round borehole etc, and is very sensitive
to the borehole size. The borehole diameter in the caliper log should be evaluated before running the
module, as an abnormal borehole size, such as washouts, may result in deriving an erroneous dispersion
relation. The bit size log or an average borehole value may then need to set a borehole diameter tolerance
value for a reasonable fluctuation range from the bit size value. It will flag some zones with bad borehole
size to skip the process for this depth frame.
The module outputs the corrected slowness log. Optionally, dispersion and spectrum logs can be output for
diagnostic analysis; in which the logs can be overlaid on an array track, along with a bad hole flag log to
mark the problematic zones.
See Fig. 2 for an example layout showing the results of dispersion correction.

To run the Dispersion Correction module

1. Run tp_log_shift to manually shift the necessary input logs so that all the inputs refer to the
same depth reference. An easy method is to shift the caliper density logs to match with the
waveform reference.
2. Select Petrophysics > Full Waveform Sonic > Postprocessing > Dispersion Correction
to display the tp_array_sonic_correction module.
3. Set the values for the parameters as described in Table 5-2, "tp_array_sonic_correction Module
Parameters" on page 5-6.

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
The tp_array_sonic_correction Module

Table 5-2: tp_array_sonic_correction Module Parameters

Parameter Name Default Description
START Processing start and stop time of the input waveforms. If left blank,
STOP the total recording time length is used.

TOLERANCE Enter a value (from 0 - 100 percent) to specify the tolerance of the
bit size; see BS below. If blank, tolerance is not required.
FREQUENCY_START 100 Enter values to use to define the modeling range for the frequency
FREQUENCY_STOP 15000 axis of the dispersion relation (frequency vs. slowness).

MORE_OUTPUT Yes If set to NO, the only output is the corrected slowness log;
otherwise, the module outputs all by default.
Enter a value or select a log for the following:
CALI Caliper log for borehole diameter.
BS Bit size log.
RHOB_F Borehole fluid density
RHOB_S Borehole formation density.
DT_F Borehole fluid slowness.

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Table 5-2: tp_array_sonic_correction Module Parameters (Continued)
Parameter Name Default Description
DT_P DT_PICK Measured sonic slowness logs obtained from the waveform
DT_S DT_DTSM_PICK processing.

LOG_IN Waveforms to use for dispersion correction.

DISPERSION_S DISPERSION If required, change the default output log name for the output
dispersion relation.
DT_S_CORR DTSM_CORR If required, change the default output log name for the output
corrected shear sonic.
SPECTRUM SPECTRUM If required, change the default output log name for the output
stacked power spectrum.
HOLE_FLAG FLAG This output log has only two values, 0 and 1. If TOLERANCE is
defined, a flag of 0 indicates a bad hole and the module will not
perform a dispersion correction; a flag of 1 indicates a good hole,
and dispersion correction will be performed.
If TOLERANCE is NOT defined, a flag of 0 indicates a bad hole and
the module will apply an internal constraint whereby the Vp/Vs
ratio will be forced to no less than 1.3 to prevent over correction. A
flag of 1 indicates a good hole, and dispersion correction will be

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

Fig. 2: Dispersion Correction Results

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

This module uses the processed sonic log (“Processing” on page 4-3) to derive the travel time of a selected
arrival, which is useful for post-processing quality control.
The signal travel distance is estimated from the sum of the transmitter-to-receiver distance and the
diameter difference of the borehole and tool. Most of the data is obtained from the tool specification, but the
selected receiver index order has to be specified. For example, if we want to derive the traveltime for the
waveform from the second receiver, we need to enter "2" in the INDEX field.
Fig. 3 shows travel time calculated for the 1st, 4th and 8th receiver.

To calculate the travel time

1. Select Petrophysics > Full Waveform Sonic > Postprocessing > Traveltime to display the
tp_array_sonic_itt module.
2. Specify the Input and Output sets.
3. Set the values for the parameters as described in Table 5-3, "tp_array_sonic_itt Module
Parameters" on page 5-9.
4. Click Start to run the module.

The tp_array_sonic_itt Module

Table 5-3: tp_array_sonic_itt Module Parameters

Parameter Name Default Description
TOOL_SPEC Enter the required tool specification (see “Create Tool Specification” on
page 2-3 for detailed information on tool specifications).
INDEX 1 Enter a value from 1 to 8 (inclusive) to indicate the receiver index—1
indicates the first receiver, 2 the second receiver, etc.
DT DT Enter/select the required sonic or shear sonic log.

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Table 5-3: tp_array_sonic_itt Module Parameters
Parameter Name Default Description
CALI CALI Enter/select the depth shifted caliper log for borehole diameter information.
DT_F Enter a value or log for the density of the borehole fluid.
LOG_OUT TT Enter the output log name.

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Fig. 3: Traveltime calculated for Monopole PWF4 (Receivers #1, #4, #8)

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

dispersion correction 5

dispersion curve 5
integrated travel times 9
calculate mean slowness
sonic wave processings 3

dispersion correction
sonic wave processings 5

integrated travel times, calculate 9

mean slowness 3

swp 1

calculate mean slowness 3
dispersion correction 5
postprocessing 1
traveltime 5, 9

sonic wave processing 5, 9

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With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

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