Life & Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

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Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF RIZAL the Rizal course in Philippine

Why Study Rizal?
 To recognize the importance of
 First and foremost, because it is Rizal’s ideals and teachings in
mandated by law. relation to present conditions and
 Secondly, because of the lessons situations in the society.
contained within the course itself.  To encourage the application of
such ideals in current social and
WHY STUDY RIZAL: BECAUSE IT IS personal problems and issues.
The teaching of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and LESSONS CONTAINED WITHIN THE
writings is mandated by Republic Act 1425, COURSE
otherwise known as the Rizal Law.
 To develop an appreciation and
SENATOR JOSE P. LAUREL deeper understanding of all that
 The person who sponsored the Rizal fought and died for.
Rizal law said that since Rizal was  To foster the development of the
the founder of Philippine nationalism Filipino youth in all aspects of
and has contributed much to the citizenship.
current standing of this nation, it is THE MAKING OF RIZAL LAW
only right that the youth as well as
all the people in the country know Culture is a way of life of people living in a
about and learn to imbibe the great certain place. And the school was recognized
ideals for which he died. as a powerful agent of cultural transmission.

WHY STUDY RIZAL: BECAUSE IT IS  With the intention of reminding the

MANDATED BY LAW youths about our past and inculcating
nationalism to them, Sen. Jose P.
 The Rizal Law, enacted in 1956, Laurel, the father of Rizal Law together
seeks to accomplish the following with Claro M. Recto who authored the
goals: law or RA 1425 filed Senate Bill No.
 To rededicate the lives of youth to 438 , yet it received resistance from
the ideals of freedom and other senators like Sen. Decoroso
nationalism, for which our heroes Rosales, Sen. Mariano Cuenco and
lived and died Francisco Rodrigo.
 To pay tribute to our national hero  Sen. Decoroso Rosales, Sen. Mariano
for devoting his life and works in Cuenco and Francisco Rodrigo
shaping the Filipino character negatively criticized the bill on the stand
 To gain an inspiring source of that requiring the teaching of Rizal
patriotism through the study of would be a violation of religious
Rizal’s life, works, and writings. freedom.
 To gain an inspiring source of  But the lengthy deliberation of the bill
patriotism through the study of ended with a compromise that the word
Rizal’s life, works, and writings. compulsory was removed to read,
inclusion in the curricula.
WHY STUDY RIZAL: BECAUSE OF THE  It also provides that while the teaching
LESSONS CONTAINED WITHIN THE of Rizal as a subject is required, the
COURSE doctrine of the separation of the church
and the state must be upheld.
 Aside from those mentioned above,
there are other reasons for teaching

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

 However, when the government

becomes oppressive and arbitrary, it is
the right of the people to overthrow a
 Rizal Law or RA 1425 mandates the despotic ruler.
inclusion of all public and private  legitimizes revolution as a powerful
schools, colleges and universities, the weapon against an oppressive and
course on the life, works and writings of decadent government
Dr. Jose Rizal and requires the reading
of the unexpurgated version of Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.  People’s consent alone legitimizes a
PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. government and the processes of
247 decision-making must be participated by
 A decree issued by Pres. Fidel V.  He prescribed eternal vigilance on the
Ramos which mandates the immediate part of the governed against their rulers.
and full implementation of the Rizal Law
with sanctions against schools for non- LOCKE AND ROUSSEAU
 It is right to stage civil disobedience or to
CHED MEMORANDUM take up arms when a government
breaks its covenant with the people.
CHED Order No. 6  espoused the theory that God endowed
man with natural rights, such as right to
 This was issued by Chairman Angel C.
Alcala which provides that the Rizal life, liberty and property and by entering
Course will be given as a three-unit into a social contract, man formed a civil
subject. society to protect his rights.


 This reiterates and specifies CHED  A government ruled by the people

Order No. 6 which included Philippine  Democracy is a system of government
History like Rizal as a legislated three- in which state power is vested in the
unit subject. people, or the general population of a
 Demos means “people” and kratos
“Pen is mightier than sword.”
 A theory which holds that the state is of
divine creation and the ruler is ordained THE PHILIPPINES IN THE 16TH CENTURY
by God to govern the people.
 Was the basis of absolute monarchy in
Europe and in Asia  in the 16th century was a religious
JOHN LOCKE movement against abuses in the Roman
Catholic Church, influenced by
SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY economic and political factors. It sought
 contends that while rulers have the to restore Christianity to its early purity
obligation to look after the general by subordinating ecclesiastical tradition
welfare of the people, the latter have the to the test of scriptural authority.
obligation to support their ruler. Spearheaded by Martin Luther King, a
German monk.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

 Counter Reformation are efforts in the

16th and early 17th centuries to oppose
the Protestant Reformation and reform
the Catholic church. Early efforts grew
out of criticism of the worldliness and
corruption of the papacy and clergy
during the Renaissance.


 venerated as Saint Ignatius of

Loyola, was a Spanish Catholic
priest and theologian, who, with six
companions, founded the religious
order of the Society of Jesus also
known as Jesuits.
 He was one of the most influential
figures in the Counter-Reformation.
Known for its missionary,
educational, and charitable works,
the Jesuit order was a leading force
in the modernizing of the Roman
Catholic Church.



 Controlled by the State and the Church

 During the early years of Spanish
colonization, education was mostly
religion oriented and controlled by the
Roman Catholic Church. Spanish friars
and missionaries educated the natives
through religion with the aim of
converting indigenous populations to the
Catholic faith.
 4G”s - for the glory of God, Spain,
evangelization and general welfare.
 Education during the Spanish regime
was privileged only to Spanish students.
 In Spanish period, the Philippines
underwent deep transformation and
Spanish education played a major role
in that transformation. Formal education
system was established and the focused
of education during the Spanish period
was mainly religious education. During
this period, the oldest universities,
colleges and vocational schools
founded in Asia were created by
Catholic missionary or religious orders.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

cause of revolutionary Filipino priests

like Fr. Jose Burgos.
 It was Paciano who financially and
It is important to know the origins of Dr. Jose morally sustained Rizal in his studies
Rizal's name as every parts of it has a meaning abroad.
and it showcases the impacts of Spanish
colonial policies, mixed heritage and the struggle
of Filipinos for their independence and identity.  DATE OF BIRTH - June 19, 1861
And to also pay tribute to his contributions in our  PLACE OF BIRTH - Calamba, Laguna.
history especially in our freedom. Philippines.
FULL NAME - Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado  PARENTS
Alonso Y Realonda MOTHER: Teodora Alonsa Realonda
FATHER: Francisco Mercado Rizal.
ORIGIN  He’s the 7th out of the 11 siblings of the
Family. He’s also the Second Brother of
"José" - has Spanish origins and was chosen the Family.
by his mother since she is a devotee for the
saint. BAPTISM

"Protacio" - was chosen as part of Dr. Jose  The church baptistery, where Rizal was
Rizal's name following a Spanish naming baptized on June 22, 1861
custom prevalent during his time. According to  By the then parish priest of Calamba
this custom, a name corresponding to the saint’s Rufino Collantes and his godfather
day on which a child was born, as listed in the Pedro Casanas, is a recognized
Spanish calendar, was often given. As Dr. Rizal National Historical Landmark.
was born on June 19, the day assigned to  He was Baptised 3 days after his birth.
"Protacio," this name was chosen as part of his  His Sponsor and Godfather in the
full name. baptism was Rev. Pedro Cansañas.
THE CLAVERIA DECREE - On the 21st of Cansañas’ nephew is also
November 1849, the Governor General of the  Mariona Herbosa, who will become his
Philippines, Don Narciso Claveria y Zaldua, brother in law in the near future.
issued a law (thereafter called the Claveria
Decree) requiring Filipinos to adopt Spanish LIFE IN CALAMBA
AND indigenous names from the Catalogo
Alfabetico de Apellidos for civil and legal  Jose Rizal had many beautiful memories
purposes. of his childhood in his native town
Calamba. It’s scenic beauties and it’s
"Rizal" and "Mercado" - came from his father's industrious, hospitable, and friendly folks
side, while "Alonzo" and "Realonda" came from profoundly affected his mind and
his mother's side. The Mercados of Calamba character. The happiest period of Rizal’s
chose the unlisted name Rizal, although they life was spent in this lakeshore town.
continued to use the name Mercado. Their
 As Rizal was frail and sickly when he
original application was for the name Ricial
was a Kid. His Father made a Nipa
(meaning “the green of young growth” or “green
Cottage for him in their Hacienda. He
fields”), which was connected to their livelihood,
also had an Nurse Maid to look after him
but this was denied for no apparent reason.
at the time. His parents were very tender
 Francisco and Teodora’s seventh child, with their care towards him.
Jose, adopted the name Rizal to enable  After writing his first poem, Rizal who
him to travel freely and to dissociate was then 8yrs. old, wrote his first
himself from his brother Paciano, who dramatic work which was a Tagalog
had gained notoriety by supporting the comedy.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

HIS BIRTH symbolized strength and stability, qualities that

were hoped for in their firstborn child.
 His upbringing shaped him into a brilliant
scholar dedicated to justice and PACIANO - Paciano, the second child, was
freedom. Through his writings and named after Saint Francis of Assisi's brother
peaceful activism, he inspired who served as his constant companion. The
generations to resist oppression. His name Paciano represented loyalty and support.
legacy stands as a powerful reminder of
NARCISA - Paciano, the second child, was
one person's ability to shape a nation's
named after Saint Francis of Assisi's brother
who served as his constant companion. The
FAMILY name Paciano represented loyalty and support.

 Rizal's family was well-educated and LUCIA - Lucia was next in line; her name
prosperous. derived from the Latin word "lux," meaning light
 His father was a successful farmer and or enlightenment.
businessman, while his mother came
MARIA - Maria Rizal Mercado y Alonso
from a distinguished lineage of
Realonda was Dr. Jose Rizal's mother's full
intellectuals. This environment fostered
maiden name; hence she passed it on to her
an atmosphere conducive to learning
daughter Maria (Biang).
and critical thinking.
 Rizal's siblings also contributed to his RIZAL - Rizal is of course, the 7th
development as an individual. They
supported his pursuit of education CONCEPTION - Concepcion came next; her
abroad, despite the risks involved. Their name meant "conception" or "beginning,"
unwavering support allowed Rizal to symbolizing hope for new beginnings.
study medicine in Europe, where he JOSEFA - The eighth sibling was Josefa, named
honed his skills as a writer and thinker. after their father Francisco Mercado's mother as
 Dr. Jose Rizal, was born into a large a tribute to her memory.
family with eleven (11) siblings.
 Each of his siblings had unique names TRINIDAD - Trinidad followed suit; her name
that held significant meaning and represented unity and harmony within the family.
reflected the values and aspirations of
SOLEDAD - Soledad means solitude or peace
their parents.
in Spanish; this name reflected the desire for
tranquility within oneself.



 At the tender age of three, Rizal learned

the alphabet from his mother who was a
strict and patient teacher.
 Later on, he was taught by his uncles,
the brothers of Dona Teodora.
 After that, Rizal was sent to Binan at the
age of 9 as per his father’s request and
was taught by MAESTRO JUAQUIN
 He also learned painting in the shop of
an old painter named Juancho.
SATURNINA - The eldest sibling was Saturnina,
named after the Roman god Saturn. This name HIS CHILDHOOD WORKS

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

TO MY FELLOW CHILDREN (Sa Aking  This was the winning poem of Rizal in a
Mga Kabata), 1869 literary contest for students in the
University of Sto. Tomas.
 This was written originally at the age of  Message: The Philippines is the Indio’s
eight in Tagalog. motherland and not “Mother Spain.”
 Message: We must love and speak our
national language 1st Stanza

3rd stanza Hold high the brow serene,

Whoever knows not how to love his O youth, where now you stand;
native tongue Let the bright sheen
Is worse than any beast or evil smelling Of your grace be seen,
fish. Fair hope of my fatherland!
To make our language richer ought to be
our wish  Jose Rizal was also designed by nature
The same as any mother loves to feed to be an artist. For this, he revealed that
her young. before he was 5 years of age for without
any assistance from others, he began to
THROUGH EDUCATION OUR draw with his pencil and would mold in
la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria),  Fortunately, his mother, father and
1876 uncles recognized these talents and
gave him encouragements.
 This poem was written in Spanish while
he was a student in the Ateneo.
 Message: Education is power. It DR. JOSE RIZAL’S EARLY EDUCATION
emancipates our motherland from (THE GRADE SCHOOL IN BINAN)
ignorance and oppression.
Rizal’s Early Education
1st Stanza
 Rizal had his early education in
The vital breath of prudent Education Calamba and Biñan. It was a typical
Instills a virtue of enchanting power; schooling that a son of an ilustrado
She lifts the motherland to highest family received during his time.
station.  Teaching was characterized by four
And endless dazzling glories on her R’s:
shower. Reading
And as the zephyr’s gentle Writing
exhaltation Arithmetic
Revives the matrix of the fragrant Religion
flower,  Instruction was rigid and strict.
So education multiplies her gift of Knowledge was forced into the
grace; minds of pupil. By means of tedious
With prudent hand imparts them to memory method aided by teachers
the human race whips.

TO THE FILIPINO YOUTH (A la The Hero’s First Teacher

Juventud Filipina), 1879.
Doña Teodora (his mother) – Rizal’s first
teacher. She discovered Jose's talent for
poetry and encourages him to write.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

Maestro Celestino - Jose's first private o Goes to orchard to look for a

tutor. Private tutors of Rizal. mabolo to eat.
o Breakfast.
Maestro Lucas Padua - was second
o Goes to class at 10a.m
private tutor.
o Lunch break.
 Rizal at the age of 3 learned the o Goes back to school at 2p.m.
alphabet and prayers. o Goes home at 5p.m
o Studies lesson and draws a
Maestro Leon Monroy – Rizal’s tutor in
Spanish and Latin. He was the classmate of
o Has supper.
Don Francisco.
o Prays again.
 When Don Leon died; Jose's parents o Plays in the street if moon is
decided to send him to a private school bright.
in Binan. o Sleeps.
Jose Goes to Binan End of Binan Schooling
June 1869  Before the Christmas season in
1870, Jose receives letter from
 Jose goes to Biñan with Paciano
his sister Saturnina.
 Carromata – mode of transportation
 Talim- the steamer that Jose
 Lodged at his aunt's house
 December 17, 1870 Jose left
First day in Binan School Biñan after one year and a half
schooling in that town.
 School of Maestro Justiniano Aquino  Arturo Camps- Frenchman and
Cruz-formal teacher a friend of Don Francisco took
 Rizal Described his Maestro as tall, thin, care of Jose during the trip.
long necked, sharp-nosed, with a body
slightly bent forward.
 The school was in maestro's house.
Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de Manila
First School Brawl

 Pedro (teachers son) (bully) -wrestling Jose was sent to Manila four months after
 Andres Salandanan- arm wrestling the martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za and with
 Jose never run away from a fight. Dona Teodora still in prison. He studied in
 Near the school was the house of an old the Ateneo Municipal-- a college under the
painter, called Juancho, who wain supervision of the Spanish Jesuits.
Flatweof the school teacher. Ateneo Municipal
 Old Juancho Freely gave Jose drawing
and painting lessons Jose Rizal and his  Bitter rival of the Dominican-owned
classmate Jose Guevarra become College of San Juan de Letran
apprentices.  Formerly the Escuela Pia (Charity
School) - for poor boys in Manila
established in 1817 • In 1859- name was
Daily Life in Binan changed to Ateneo Municipal by the
Jesuits and later became the Ateneo de
 Jose's Daily Routine:
o Hears mass at 4 a.m. or studies
lesson before going to mass. Rizal Enters the Ateneo

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

• June 10, 1872- Jose, accompanied by • 1st best: emperor

Paciano, went to Manila to take the • 2nd best: tribune
entrance examinations on Christian • 3rd best: Decurion
Doctrine, arithmetic, and reading at the • 4th best: centurion
College of San Juan de Letran, and • 5th best: Standard-bearer
passed them. His father was the first one
who wished him to study at Letran but he
changed his mind and decided to send Jose Ateneo students uniform is consisted of
at Ateneo instead. ‘hemp-fabric trousers´ and ‘striped cotton
coat´. The coat was called “Rayadillo”, and
was adopted as the uniform for Filipino troops
during the days of the First Philippine Republic.

 Father Magin Ferrando, college registrar of

Ateneo Municipal, refused to admit Jose
Rizal’s First Year in Ateneo (1872- 1873)
• He was late for registration
• He was sickly and undersized for his  Rizal’s first professor in Ateneo was Fr.
age (11 years old). Jose Bech
 Upon the intercession of Manuel Xeres  Rizal was placed at the bottom of the
Burgos, nephew of Father Burgos, he was class since he was a newcomer and
admitted at Ateneo. Jose adopted the knows little Spanish. He was an externo
surname ‘Rizal´ at the Ateneo because (Carthaginians), occupying the end of
their family name ³Mercado´ had come the line. But at the end of the month,
under suspicion of the Spanish he become ‘emperor´ of his Empire.
authorities. He was the brightest pupil in the whole
class, and he was awarded a prize, a
 Ateneo was located in Intramuros, within the
religious prize
walls of Manila. He boarded in a house on
Caraballo Street, 25 min walk from the  Rizal took private lessons in Santa
college. The boarding house was owned Isabel College during noon recesses to
by Titay, who owed Rizal family P300. improve his Spanish language paying
Jose boarded there to collect part of the three pesos for those extra lessons.
debt  He placed second at the end of the
year, although all his grades were still
Jesuits System of Education: marked ‘Excellent´
• Jesuits trained the character of the student by Summer Vacation (1873)
rigid discipline, humanities and religious
instruction. They heard Mass early in the  Rizal didn’t enjoy his summer
morning before the beginning of daily class. because his mother was in prison so
Classes were opened and closed with prayers Neneng (Saturnina) brought him to
Tanawan. But without telling his father,
• Students were divided into two groups: he went to Santa Cruz to visit her
mother in prison. He told her of his
• Roman Empire - consisting of the
brilliant grades.
internos (boarders) with red banners
 After summer, he returned to Manila and
• Carthaginian Empire - composed of
now boarded inside Intramuros at No.
the externos (non-boarders) with blue
6 Magallanes Street. Dona Pepay,
who had a widowed daughter and 4
Each of these empires had its rank. Students
sons, was his landlady.
fought for positions. With 3 mistakes, opponent’s
position could lose his position.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

Second Year in Ateneo (1873-74 o Rizal’s best professor in Ateneo

o Rizal described him as ‘model
 Rizal lost the class leadership. But he
of uprightness, earnestness,
repented and even studied harder, once
and love for the advancement
more became ‘emperor´. He received
of his pupils´
excellent grades in all subjects and a
 He returned to Calamba with 5 medals
gold medal.
and excellent ratings.
 Prophecy of Mother’s Release
o Dona Teodora told her son of Last Year in Ateneo (1876-77)
her dream the previous night.
Rizal, interpreting the dream, Rizal- The most brilliant Atenean of his time,
told her that she would be and was truly ‘the pride of the Jesuits´.
released from prison in 3 Graduation with Highest Honors
month’s time. It became true.
o Dona Teodora likened his son • March 23, 1877- Rizal, 16 years
to the youthful Joseph in the old, received from his Alma
Bible in his ability to interpret Mater, Ateneo Municipal, the
dreams. degree of Bachelor of Arts,
 Teenage Interest in Reading with highest honors.
o The first favorite novel of Rizal • The night before graduation, he
was The Count of Monte could not sleep. Early morning
Cristo by Alexander Dumas. on the day of his graduation, he
 His boyish imagination was stirred by prayed to the Virgin to
the sufferings of Edmond Dantes (the ‘commend his life and protect
hero) in prison, his spectacular escape him as he step into the world´.
from the dungeon of Chateau d’If, his
Other related information about Rizal in
finding a buried treasure in the rocky
island of Monte Cristo, and his dramatic
revenge on his enemies who had Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo
wronged him.
 Rizal also read non-fiction. He  He was an active member, later
persuaded his father to buy a costly set secretary, of Marian Congregation
of Cesar Cantu’s historical work • A religious society
entitled Universal History. • He was accepted because of his
 He also read Travels in the Philippines academic brilliance and
by Dr. Feodor Jagor, a German devotion to Our Lady of
scientist-traveler who visited Phil in Immaculate Conception, the
1859-60. He was impressed by: 1. college patroness.
Jagor’s keen observations of the  He is also a member of the Academy
defects of Spanish colonization 2. His of Spanish Literature and the
prophecy that someday Spain would Academy of Natural Sciences
lose the Phil and that America would  He studied painting under Agustin
come to succeed her as colonizer. Saez, a famous painter, and sculpture
under Romualdo de Jesus
Third Year in Ateneo (1875-76)  He continued his physical training
 June 16, 1875- He became an interno under his sports-minded Tio Manuel.
in Ateneo Sculptural Works in Ateneo
 Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez:
o one of his professor, inspired  Father Lleonart requested him to
him to study harder and write carve for him an image of the
poetry Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

 He intended to take the  His Father Don Francisco decided

image with him in Spain but to send him to UST in manila
forgot to do so knowing he was gifted with
 So the Ateneo boarders exceptional intelligence
placed it on the door of their  However, Dona Teodora was
dormitory. It plays a hesitant, because she had viewed
significant part in Rizal’s last the fate of intelligent young Filipinos
hours at Fort Santiago who questioned the Spanish
authorities in the Philippines. She
Anecdotes on Rizal, the Atenean was vocal in her opposition to the
 Felix M. Roxas - He related an decision of Don Francisco.
incident of Rizal’s school days in the  On April 1877, Jose Rizal returned
Ateneo which reveals the hero’s to Manila and enrolled at the UST,
resignation to pain and forgiveness. taking the course Philosophy and
 Manuel Xeres Burgos - his Letters, though at that time, Rizal
anecdote on Rizal illustrates his was still confused of what course to
predilection to help the helpless at study. His freshman subjects were
the risk of his own life. Cosmology, Metaphysics, Theodicy
and History of Philosophy.
Poems Written in Ateneo
An advice to help a confused Rizal
 Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First
Inspiration) - first written poem of  The following year, Rizal consulted
Rizal - which was dedicated to his Rev. Fr. Pablo Ramon, the Director
mother on her birthday - He wrote it of Ateneo de Manila, as to what
when he was 14 years old. course to take. Father Ramon
advised him to take up Medicine;
 In 1875, inspired by Fr. Sanchez, he
therefore, he enrolled in the
wrote more poems, as such:
Medical course, with the hope
1. Felicitacion (Felicitation)
that he could relieve Dona
2. El Embarque: Himno a la Flota
Teodora’s failing eyesight after he
de Magallanes ( The Departure:
finished the course in
Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet)
3. Y Es Espanol: Elcano, el
Primero en dar la Vuelta al Mundo The title of Surveyor and Expert Assessor
(And He is Spanish: Elcano, the
First to Circumnavigate the  While enrolled in Medicine, Rizal
World) spared some time to study
4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror Surveying. He was so interested in
de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, the course, that he finished it in one
Terror of Jolo) year at the Ateneo de Manila. Rizal
 In 1876, he wrote poems on religion, excelled in Surveying and won
education memories and war. (e.g. medals in subjects covering
In Memory of my Town) Topography and Agriculture.
 On October 28, 1881, with the help
of Don Eustaquio Villablanca de
RIZAL’S LIFE Mendoza, after Rizal presented his
HIS TIME AND STAY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF credentials in Ateneo, he was
SANTO THOMAS awarded the title of Surveyor and
Expert Assessor on September
30, 1881.
University of Santo Thomas

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

A taste of Spanish Brutality  In this competition, many writers

participated and submitted their pieces
 One night in 1878, while he was walking with respective assumed names such as
alone along a dark street, Rizal failed to journalist, priests, scholars and
recognize the Spanish Civil Guard professors. Rizal, on his part submitted
who was passing by his side; thus, he an allegorical drama entitled “El
did not bow, salute or greet the soldier. Consejo de los Dioses” (The Council
 At a striking distance, the Civil Guard of the Gods).
whipped Rizal mercilessly at the back  Board of Judges, they awarded the first
with a dry stingray tail. He suffered prize to Rizal’s literary work, due to its
from wounds inflicted on his back that superiority and quality. Unfortunately,
lasted for two weeks before it completely Rizal was temporarily stripped of the
healed. award due to his identity as an Indio
 Rizal could not accept such brutal (Filipino)
treatment inflicted by the Civil Guard; he  Despite all objections from Spaniards in
went to Captain General Primo de Manila, the board of judges insisted that
Rivera and complained of the Spanish the work of Rizal deserved the first
soldier. Instead of adhering to Rizal’s place. Thus, Rizal was awarded a gold
complaint, the Captain General even ring, where the bust of Cervantes was
reprimanded him, said that Rizal should engraved.
even be thankful for being alive, and
was spared by the Guardia Civil. His literary works

Literary Genius  A La Juvented Filipina (to the Filipino

Youth) (1879).
 Jose Rizal manifested his literary genius
 El Consejo de los Dioses (the council of
while at UST. In 1879, the Artistic and
Gods) (1880).
Literary Lyceum, a society whose
 Juanto al Pasig (Beside the Pasig)
members were composed of artists in
literature, sponsored a contest in poetry
 Abd-el Azis y Mahoma (ABD-EL-AZIS-a-
writing and composition.
 Rizal joined the contest and wrote a
 A Filipinas (to the Philippines) (1880)
poem entitled “A La Juventud
 Al M.R.P.: Pablo Ramon, Rector del
Filipina,” (To the Filipino Youth) as his
entry to the competition. Ataneo en sus Dias, (Birthday greetings
to the Very Reverend Father Pablo
 After the expert reading and scrutiny of
Ramon, S.J.)(1881)
the Board of Judges, the entries coming
from Spanish, mestizo and Filipino Summary of the two works
students, who submitted their respective
pieces to the competition, Rizal’s poem
was adjudged as superior and won him  A La Juvented Filipina (to the Filipino
the first prize and recognition in UST, Youth) (1879).
and from his hometown in Calamba. - this poem addresses the filipino youth
 In 1880, the same society, the Artictic- and encourages them to rise and take
Literary Lyceum sponsored another up their roles in the nations progress,
artistic completion in honor of the 264th emphasizing the importance of
death anniversary of “Spain’s most education even describing it as the
glorified man-of-letter” Don Miguel de breath of the holy spirit and urging
Cervantes, the author of the book, “Don young Filipinos to cultivate their minds.
Quixote,” a celebrated work produced by  El Consejo de los Dioses (the council
a Spanish writer. of Gods) (1880).
-this poem is a one-act play by Rizal that

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

presents a fictional gathering of gods  Segunda Katigbak

from various mythologies. The gods are Segunda Katigbak was her puppy
troubled by the suffering of the Filipinos love. Unfortunately, his first love was
during the Spanish colonial rule. engaged to be married to a town mate-
Discussing whether they intervene and Manuel Luz.
help the Filipinos gain their freedom.
The paly ends without a clear resolution  Leonor Valenzuela
leaving it to the hands of the Filipino After his admiration for a short girl in the
people. person of Segunda, then came Leonor
Valenzuela, a tall girl from Pagsanjan.
Leaving the University
Rizal send her love notes written in
 Rizal was unhappy in his time with UST invisible ink, that could only be
and decided to continue his studies deciphered over the warmth of the
abroad. lamp or candle. He visited her on the
o The Dominican professors were eve of his departure to Spain and bade
hostile to Rizal. her a last goodbye.
o There was a racial
discrimination to Filipino  Leonor Rivera
students. Leonor Rivera, his sweetheart for 11
o Rizal disliked the old repressive years played the greatest influence in
methods of teaching in UST keeping him from falling in love with
other women during his travel.
A Filipino leader Unfortunately, Leonor’s mother
disapproved of her daughter’s
 Rizal was the leader of the Filipino
relationship with Rizal, who was then a
students at UST who were against the
known Filibustero.
arrogant Spanish students. Rizal’s
Group were called “Indio Chongo”, in
return the Filipino students called She hid from Leonor all letters sent to
them “Kastila Bangus”. Hostility her sweetheart. Leonor believing that
between the two groups often exploded Rizal had already forgotten her, sadly
in angry street rumbles. consented her to marry the
Englishman Henry Kipping, her
 Rizal often participated in these student
mother’s choice.
brawls. In one of his fights, he was
wounded on the head. His wound was
tenderly washed and dressed by
Leonor Rivera his cousin and true
love.  Consuelo Ortiga y Rey
Consuelo Ortiga y Rey, the prettier of
Don Pablo Ortiga’s daughters, fell in
Rizal the Romantic love with him. He dedicated to her A la
Senorita C.O. y R., which became one
 Rizal’s venture in romance was anything of his best poems.
but short. He lived quite a short life, only The Ortiga’s residence in Madrid was
35 years when he died. frequented by Rizal and his compatriots.
 He met enough women that would last He probably fell in love with her, and
him a lifetime. He was intelligent and Consuelo apparently asked him for
charismatic, two traits that certainly romantic verses. He suddenly backed
helped his conquest with romance. out before the relationship turned
 There were at least 9 women linked to into a serious romance, because he
Rizal. wanted to remain loyal to Leonor Rivera
and he did not want to destroy his

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

friendship with Eduardo de Lete who Luna into a duel. Fortunately, Luna
was madly in love with Consuelo. apologized to Rizal, thus averting
tragedy for the compatriots.
 O-Sei San Their love affair unfortunately did not
O Sei San, a Japanese samurai’s end in marriage. It failed because Rizal
daughter taught Rizal the Japanese art refused to be converted to the
of painting known as su-mie. She also Protestant faith, as Nellie demanded,
helped Rizal improve his knowledge of and Nellie’s mother did not like a
Japanese language. physician without enough paying
If Rizal was a man without a patriotic clientele to be a son-in-law. The lovers,
mission, he would have married this however, parted as good friends
lovely and intelligent woman and lived a when Rizal left Europe.
stable and happy life with her in Japan
because Spanish legation there offered  Suzanne Jacoby
him a lucrative job. In 1890, Rizal moved to Brussels
because of the high cost of living in
 Gertrude Beckette Paris. In Brussels, he lived in the
While Rizal was in London annotating boarding house of the two Jacoby
the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, he sisters. In time, they fell deeply in love
boarded in the house of the Beckett with each other. Suzanne cried when
family, within walking distance of the Rizal left Brussels and wrote him
British Museum. Gertrude, a blue-eyed when he was in Madrid.
and buxom girl was the oldest of the
three Beckett daughters.  Josephine Bracken
She fell in love with Rizal. Tottie helped In the last days of February 1895, while
him in his painting and sculpture. But still in Dapitan, Rizal met an 18-year-
Rizal suddenly left London for Paris to old petite Irish girl, with bold blue
avoid Gertrude, who was seriously in eyes, brown hair and a happy
love with him. Before leaving London, he disposition. She was Josephine
was able to finish the group carving of Bracken, the adopted daughter of
the Beckett sisters. He gave the group George Taufer from Hong Kong, who
carving to Gertrude as a sign of their came to Dapitan to seek Rizal for eye
brief relationship. treatment.
Rizal was physically attracted to her. His
 Nellie Boustead loneliness and boredom must have
Rizal having lost Leonor Rivera, taken the measure of him and what
entertained the thought of courting could be a better diversion that to fall in
other ladies. While a guest of the love again. But the Rizal sisters
Boustead family at their residence in the suspected Josephine as an agent of
resort city of Biarritz, he had befriended the friars, and they considered her as
the two pretty daughters of his host, a threat to Rizal’s security.
Eduardo Boustead. Rizal used to fence Rizal asked Josephine to marry him,
with the sisters at the studio of Juan but she was not yet ready to decide due
Luna. Antonio Luna, Juan’s brother and to her responsibility to the blind Taufer.
a frequent visitor of the Bousteads, Since Taufer’s blindness was
courted Nellie but she was deeply untreatable, he left for Hon Kong on
infatuated with Rizal. In a party held by March 1895.
Filipinos in Madrid, a drunken Antonio Josephine stayed with Rizal’s family in
Luna uttered unsavory remarks Manila. Upon her return to Dapitan,
against Nellie Boustead. Rizal tried to arrange with Father
This prompted Rizal to challenge Antonio Obach for their marriage.

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

However, the priest wanted a with the multicultural people and

retraction as a precondition before language of the place.
marrying them. Rizal upon the advice
of his family and friends and with Naples, Italy - June 11, 1882
Josephine’s consent took her as his wife  Rizal disembarked and, accompanied by
even without the Church blessings. a guide, went around the City of
Josephine later give birth Naples for one hour. This was the first
prematurely to a stillborn baby, a European ground he set foot on.
result of some incidence, which  Rizal was briefly astounded by its
might have shocked or frightened
dynamic citizens and the picturesque
wonders of the municipality particularly
the Mount Vesuvius and the Castle of

“Places Rizal Visited before going to France - (June 12-15,1882)

 Early on the morning he landed at
Departure from the Philippines - May 3, Marseilles and boarded at the Noalles
1882 Hotel. Later he around for observation.
Rizal arrived at France for the first
 Rizal left Philippines to complete his time at Marseilles, where he visited
studies in Spain. the Chateau d'lf, the fortress famous as
 He boarded the Salvadora using a the setting for Alexandre Dumas' The
passport of the name Jose Mercado. Count of Monte Cristo.
which was procured for him by his
uncle Antonio Rivera, father of
Leonor Rivera. Rizal’s Travel To Barcelona, Spain

 On the afternoon of May 15, Rizal left

Singapore - May 9, 1882 Marseilles to proceed to Spain via
train. He crossed the Pyrenees and
 The Salvadora docked at Singapore stopped for a day at the frontier town
 The first stop over of Rizal on his way of Port Bou.finally reaching Barcelona
to Spain is Singapore, which he spent on June 16, 1882.
for sightseeing the city including its  His first impression of Barcelona was
famed Botanical Garden, Buddhist unfavorable. He thought of it as an ugly,
temples, the monument of Sir Thomas dirty and its residents are inhospitable.
Stanford Raffles, the founder of Later, he changed his impression and
Singapore. liked the city. He found it as a great city,
with an atmosphere of freedom and
Colombo, Sri Lanka -May 11, 1882
liberalism. He also found its people were
 It was Rizal’s journey to Colombo, Sri open-hearted, hospitable, and
Lanka that was important for him to courageous. He enjoyed promenading
improve his knowledge of the French along Las Ramblas which was the
language while on board a French ship, famous street in Barcelona.
Djemnah.  Rizal's departure for Spain was kept in
utmost secrecy, even his parents and
Egypt -June 2, 1882 sisters were not informed about until his
 In route through the Suez Canal, Rizal ship has lifted its anchor.
got off at Red Sea terminal and was  His travel passport was issued in the
amazed by the impressive moonlight name of “Jose Mercado". Those who
scenery in Suez and was engrossed saw him off were his brother Paciano

Life and Works of Rizal Reviewer - Midterm

who gave him some money, Saturnina a  He could not even pay his landlord his
diamond ring, Uncle Antonio, and few monthly due. He only ate once a day
close friends. He carried with him good and soon became sick and was said
recommendations from the Ateneo to have tuberculosis. He was
authorities to the Jesuit fathers in extremely discouraged and disappointed
Barcelona. that he was on the point of burning the
 Jose Rizal left the country in May 1882 manuscripts of his novel, Noli. Upon the
to pursue further studies abroad. He insistence of Maximo Viola, one of Dr.
enrolled in a course in medicine at the Jose Rizal's friend, who loaned P300 to
Universidad Central de Madrid in Spain Rizal, Noli Me Tangere was finally
 He enrolled Medicine and Philosophy printed in March 1887
and Letters in the famous Unibersidad
Central de Madrid. Aside from his hectic Reasons:
academic schedule, he managed his o To defend Filipino people from
other activities like painting and foreign accusations of
sculpture. He also met and associated foolishness and lack of
with other Filipino students who formed knowledge;
the Hispanic Filipino Circle. o To show how the Filipino people
 In Spain, Rizal was exposed to liberal lives during Spanish colonial
ideas and cultural influences postulating period and the cries and woes
the maximum individual freedom of of his countrymen against
action, especially on matters of personal abusive officials;
belief and expression. o To discuss what religion and
 In one incident in Madrid, Jose Rizal belief can really do to everyday
gave a speech entitled "The Brindis❞ to lives;
the Filipino painters who won in an art o To expose the cruelties, graft,
contest. They were Juan Luna and Felix and corruption of the false
Resurreccion Hidalgo. Luna's government at honestly show
Spolarium, was awarded first prize and the wrongdoings of Filipinos that
a gold medal, while Hidalgo's Christian led to further failure.
virgin Exposed to the Populace earned a
silver medal. When he graduated, he
received the scholastic grade of
“excellent' (sobresaliente) and was
awarded the degree of Licentiate in
Philosophy and Letters. He also
completed his medical education but
was not given his degree because he
did not have money to pay for the

Publication of Noli Me Tangere

 The title “Noli me Tangere” is a latin
word means “touch me not”.
 The first half of Noli me Tangere was
written in Madrid, Spain from 1884-
1885 while Dr. José P. Rizal was
studying for medicine.
 While in Germany, Rizal wrote the
second half of Noli me Tangere from
time-to-time starting February 21, 1887.


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