Duties & Responsibilities, Code of Ethics, & Teacher's Prayer

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Teaches one or more grades/levels using

appropriate and innovative teaching strategies

2. Facilitates learning in the elementary/ secondary

schools through functional lesson plans (for new
teachers up to 3 years) Daily Log (for teachers
teaching 4 years and above) of activities and
appropriate, adequate and updated instructional

3. Monitors and evaluates pupils / students’


4. Undertakes activities to improve performance


5. Maintains updated pupils/students progress


6. Supervises curricular and co-curricular projects

and activities

7. Maintains updated pupils/ student school records

8. Counsels and guides pupils/ students

9. Supports activities of government and non-

governmental organizations

10. Conducts Action Plan

11. Maintains Daily Routine (classroom cleanliness,

classroom management, overall physical classroom

12. Maintains harmonious relationship with fellow

teachers and other school personnel as well as with
parents and other stakeholders

13. Does related work

Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers
(Section 7 of Republic Act 4670)

A. Responsibility- The work of the teacher in the

development and guidance the young are a
tremendous responsibility for which he is accountable
to God, to his country, and to posterity. It is a trust of
which every teacher should strive to be worthy. A
teacher who uses his position for an unworthy
purpose betrays that trust.

B. Professional Conducts- It behooves every teacher to

assume and maintain a professional attitude to his
work and in dealing with his associates in the
professional. It should be his self-imposed duty to
constantly improve himself professionally. Criticism,
when necessary, should clearly reflect friendly
modification and a sincere desire to uphold the
standard dignity of the profession, dealing with his
pupils or student, the teacher should ever strive to be
professionally correct, friendly and sympathetic.

C. Integrity- Since the teacher’s work is not confined

to the development of certain fundamental skills and
abilities encompassed by the teaching of the 3R’s but
also includes the development of desirable habits and
attitudes that goes in the formation of the character,
his manners of living should provide a worthy
example, his pupils and students to emulate, for his
fellow teacher to be proud, and for the community to
feel as being enriched by it.
Teacher’s Prayer
Lord Jesus,
When You lived, worked and talked amongst men
In Palestine, they called you Teacher.

Help us to remember the greatness of the work

Which has been given for us to do,
Help us always to remember that we work with the
most precious material in the world, the mind of a child.

Help us always to remember that we are making

Marks upon those who refuse to learn.
When I have to exercise discipline help us to do so
In sternest and yet in love.

Keep us from the sarcastic and biting tongue,

And help us always to encourage and never to
Discourage those who are doing their best,
Even if that best is not very good.

Help us to help the children, not only to store things

in their memories, but to be able to use their minds
to think for themselves

Amidst all the worries and irritations and the

frustrations of our work, help us to remember that the
future of the nation and the world, is in our hands,
This we ask for your love’s sake.


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