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First of all, I have a question for everyone.

Q: As a college student, can you let me know some financial
pressure which you are facing ?

As you know, we all faces many problems which effect on my mental

health. And financial pressure is another important factor we are cope
with. So what is financial pressure?
1. Definition:
- Financial pressure arises from any situation where money worries
are causing stress.
It may relate to debts you are facing now, or financial concerns you have
about the future. It could be about actual or feared changes in work or
personal circumstances that affect your income. It might be about
expected expenses for you or your family.
These are hard financial times for many individuals, especially for
Entering university is a big challenge for students. They all have big
dreams, ambitions, and sobs about student life away from home.
Along with that, worries about new life, new environment and, of
course, financial problems is another important concern.
Come into busy urban, it is not easy for you when you have to spend
conservatively in the first month, the months can take a lot of money
from your parents, finance is always "a worthy issue" to talk about in the

2. Details
- First of all, we have to talk about tuition fees. Because compared to
the tuition fees when studying in middle school and high school,
university tuition fees are always much higher. Especially when students
study at private schools, schools that teach according to international
standards or study abroad. Although many families have already started
saving for their children's college education, paying tuition before each
school year is still a big expense. Even for families that are not too rich,
university students will soon have to find part-time jobs to cover part of
their tuition or living expenses. At the same time, you also need to make
good academic efforts to win scholarships or financial aid packages.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for saving while you are a student?
- The second biggest problem is that you have to be financial
autonomy in your life. This is the Important problem that almost every
student encounters, especially freshmen. In addition, not only you have
to store money carefully, but also you have to spend it. And you need
learn how to measure and measure just right to cover all expenses for the
month. Avoid the situation that at the beginning of the month you have
to spend too much and at the end of the month you have to endure with
instant noodles.

Although any stress can take a toll on your health, stress related to
financial issues can be especially toxic. Financial stress can lead to:
+ Poor mental health: In many instances, the link between mental and
financial health is cyclical—poor financial health can lead to poor
mental health, which leads to increasingly poor financial health, and so
+ Poor physical health: Ongoing stress about money has been linked to
headaches, stomachaches, migraines, heart disease, diabetes, sleep
problems, and more.

Q: Have you encountered any pressure that makes you tired and
want to give up?

3. Conclusion:
However, students are a very beautiful and meaningful time for those
who have experienced difficulties in college. Although there are some
shortages, the students need to practice creating an optimistic attitude
and practice hard endurance. Facing temptations, difficulties and
challenges in student life will contribute to cultivating and training
yourself to become more mature and mature. Everything is resolved, so
are you wondering what you should do to overcome them? Vân Anh is
going to tell you what you need to do?

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