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Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Musical Traditions
Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the questions. Then ask a
question you have about the text.

Music has been around since the beginning of time. Music has definitely changed
over time, but music still remains a form of expressing human emotion. Hundreds
of year ago, music was made using things found in the forest such as tree
branches, animal hides, and rocks. Today, we usually use musical instruments
such as guitars, drums, and pianos. While sounds may have changed, today’s
musical instruments were inspired by the instruments of our ancestors. Music
also has many different purposes. Some music gets you in the holiday spirit, and
some music gets you dancing. Some music might make you cry and other music
might make you laugh. Music is and always will be a part of history.

How long has music been around?

a. since 100 years ago b. since the beginning of time

c. since 1776 d. since last year

What type of music do you like to listen to and why? Answers will vary

What are today’s musical instruments inspired by? Instruments of our ancestors

True or False: Music has only one purpose.

What question do you have about music or the history of music?

Answers will vary

CCSS. RI.K.1 |©

Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Happy Thanksgiving!
Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the
questions. Then ask a question you have about the text.

Frank and his family have many Thanksgiving traditions. In the

morning, they watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. For dinner,
they always eat turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and
pumpkin pie every year. They also decorate the table with beautiful fall
decorations and place settings. While Frank’s mother is preparing dinner, Frank
and his brother go outside and play football. During dinner, they go around the
table and say one thing that they are grateful for. After dinner, they go into the
living room and watch a holiday film together and think about their great day.

What is the first thing Frank’s family does on Thanksgiving day?

Watches the Thanksgiving Day parade

Who does Frank play football with?

a. his mom b. his dad c. his cousin d. his brother

What four things does Frank’s family eat every year for Thanksgiving?

turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie

What holiday traditions does your family participate in every year? (This can be
for any holiday.)

Answers will vary

What question do you have for Frank about his family traditions?

Answers will vary

CCSS. RI.K.1 |©

Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Party Time!
Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the questions. Then
ask a question you have about the text.
Timmy is throwing a party for all his friends. He has invited his 5 closest friends.
His mom is in the kitchen making treats. He will be serving chips and dip, mini
tacos, trail mix and fruit. He prepares for the party by moving the furniture
around in the living room, so they have plenty of room to play games. He also
brings his games and comic books out into the living room, so everything is ready
to go when his friends arrive. But before they play games and read comic books,
they are going to have a water balloon fight. Timmy’s dad is outside filling the
water balloons. Now, everything is all set for Timmy’s party. It’s party time!

Timmy is throwing a party for his:

a. mom b. friends c. dad d. sister

Who is in the kitchen making the treats? Timmy’s mom

What does Timmy do to the living room? Move around the furniture

What are the 3 activities that Timmy has planned? Water balloon fight, playing
games and reading comic books

If you were to throw a party, what would you serve your guests and what
activities would you have planned? Answers will vary

Ask a question about the text.

Answers will vary

CCSS. RI.K.1 |©

Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the
questions. Then ask a question you have about the text.

Puzzles are popular toys have been around for a long

time. Puzzles have a variety of uses. They are used to pass
time and to entertain, but can also be used as a work of
art. Puzzles come in a lot of styles for different age groups. Babies have puzzles
with a few big pieces, and adults usually put together puzzles with a lot of small
pieces. After a puzzle is complete, some people take it apart and put it back into
the box. Some people, on the other hand, will keep the puzzle together by putting
special glue on it, so they don’t have to take it apart. They either keep it as it is or
frame it. Framed puzzles make great gifts. Next time you put together a puzzle,
think of all the things you can do with it!

True or False: Puzzles have been around for a long time and can be used for many
different things.

What can a puzzle be used for? (Circle all that apply)

a. To pass time b. To entertain c. To educate d. Gift‐giving

What kind of puzzles should babies play with? Puzzles with a few big pieces

How can you keep a puzzle put together? Putting a special glue on it

What can you do with a puzzle that is glued together? Keep it as is, frame it, or
give as a gift (all answers acceptable)

Ask a question about the text. Answers may vary.

CCSS. RI.K.1 |©

Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Preparing for Winter

Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the questions. Then ask a
question you have about the text.

It’s getting colder outside, so Kendra’s family is preparing for winter. Kendra’s mom is
performing a fall cleaning. She is cleaning out all the things they don’t need anymore
and performing a deep clean on everything in the house. Kendra’s father is chopping
wood, so they have plenty of wood to keep warm in the cold winter months. Kendra and
her little sister are raking leaves, so the lawn looks nicer. Kendra’s favorite part about
raking leaves is putting them into a pile and then jumping in them. After playing the
leaves, the two girls rake them into a bag and put them on the curb for the garbage man
to pick up. They two girls and their father come in for a mug of hot apple cider to warm
up. Finally, everything is ready for winter.

Who is cleaning the house?

a. Kendra’s mom b. Kendra’s dad c. Kendra d. Kendra’s sister
Kendra’s father is:
a. raking leaves b. picking apples c. chopping wood d. hunting
Kendra and her sister are: (circle all that apply)
a. raking leaves b. mowing the lawn c. playing in the leaves d. painting
What does Kendra, her sister and her father drink?
a. hot chocolate b. apple cider c. tea d. coffee
What is your favorite warm beverage to drink in the fall and why? Answers will
Ask a question about the text.
Answers will vary

CCSS. RI.K.1 |©

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