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Statement, Question, or Exclamation

A statement is a sentence that gives information or opinion. A period (.) comes at

the end of a statement. Example: I brought my umbrella.

A question is used to ask another person something. A question mark (?) comes at
the end of a question. Example: When would you like me to visit?

An exclamation is a sentence that uses strong emotion. In most cases, it is as if

they were being yelled. An exclamation mark (!) comes at the end of a exclamation.
Example: That was amazing!

Directions: Read each sentence. Determine whether the sentence is an

exclamation, statement, or question. Write the letter (E) for exclamation, (S) for
statement, or (Q) for question.

1. Do you know what day it is? __________

2. Ice cream is my favorite food. __________

3. The dogs both ate this morning. __________

4. What is your favorite meal? __________

5. I just can't figure this out! __________

6. Marcy always chews gum. __________

7. Get out of the way! __________

8. Did you ever read that book? __________

9. Run faster! __________

10. I enjoy fishing. __________

11. Stop hitting your brother! __________

12. Do you like fly kites?


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