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2.6 Descripción de personas con respecto a su físico y a su personalidad

Use adjectives to describe a person physically and in personality.

These are some adjectives that you can use.


tall friendly

short polite

skinny straightforward

thin hilarious

*fat / overweight / chubby nice

slim frank

blonde likable

hair color: helpful

brown, red, black

skin: hard-working
dark, white,

eyes: considerate
green, brown, blue, dark

hair: enthusiastic
long, short, wavy, curly, straight

1. Describe your cousin:

He is tall and skinny, he has brown and short wavy hair, eyes of color brown and white
skin. He is nice and a hard-working person.

2. Describe your best friend:

She is tall and skinny, she has brown and short curly hair, her eyes are brown and she
is white. She is a friendly, enthusiastic and hilarious person.

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