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Vocabulary (Through Root Words and Mnemonics) 3.

PLAC/PLAIS  (to please/soothe/calm down)

1. FID (trust/faith) (1) PLACATE (verb) to pacify/calm down
(1) FIDELITY (noun) faithfulness, loyalty (2) PLACID (adj) quiet/calm/serene
(2) INFIDELITY (noun) faithlessness, disloyalty (3) PLACABLE (adj) who can be pleased/satisfied
(3) PERFIDY (noun) faithlessness, deceitfulness (4) IMPLACABLE (adj) who cannot be pleased.
(4) CONFIDENT (adj) bold, fearless, convinced (angry, violent, aggressive)

5. DIFFIDENT (adj) shy, hesitant 5. COMPLACENT (adj) self-satisfied

6. BONAFIDE (adj) genuine, authentic 6. PLACEBO (noun) a fake treatment/medication

given to a person to satisfy him/her psychologically
7. MALAFIDE (adj) illegal, false
7. COMPLAISANT (adj) willing to please others or
8. CONFIDANT (noun) an intimate and accept what they do or say without protest, obedient.
trustworthy friend
4. PATHY (emotions, feelings)
9. CONFIDE (verb) to share secrets with someone
whom you trust (a) APATHY (noun) lack of emotions, indifference

10. AFFIDAVIT (noun) a document of affirmation (b) ANTIPATHY (noun) a feeling of dislike/hatred
and trust (c) SYMPATHY (noun) a feeling of pity or sorrow
2. LOC/LOQ  (to speak/talk) for someone’s misfortune

(1) LOQUACIOUS (adj) talkative (d) EMPATHY (noun) the ability to understand the
feelings of others
(2) ELOQUENT (adj) who speaks/talks very
fluently/clearly e. TELEPATHY (noun) a way of communicating
feeling from one person’s mind to another without
(3) SOMNILOQUENT (adj) talking/muttering while actually meeting him (sixth sense)
5. NOV/NEO (new)
bombastic way of speaking to impress someone, (a) NOVICE (noun) one who is new to something,
exaggeration beginner, inexpert, inexperienced

5. BLANDILOQUENT (adj) a flattering speech. (b) NOVEL (adj) new

(using sugar coated words to flatter someone) (c) NOVELTY (noun) newness
6. MELLILOQUENT (adj) One who speaks in a very (d) NEOPHYTE (noun) beginner, newcomer
sweet voice e. NEONATAL (adj) related to newly born babies
7. VENTRILOQUENT (adj) a way of speaking in f. INNOVATION (noun) to make/create something
which a person changes his/her voice so that it new
appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere
g. RENOVATION (noun) to give new look to
8. DENTILOQUENT (adj) a way of speaking with something
clenched teeth
h. NOVITIATE (noun) apprenticeship, training period
9. CIRCUMLOCUTION (adj) an indirect way of
speaking, beat around the bush(idiom) (6) LUC (light, bright, clear)

10. SOLILOQUY (noun) The act of talking to oneself (a) LUCID (adj) clear

11. COLLOQUIAL (adj) an informal speech/casual (b) PELLUCID (adj) clear

conversation, mutual discourse (c) ELUCIDATE (verb) to express something
12. OBLOQUY (noun) an abusive language used to clearly
criticise/blame someone (d) LUCENT (adj) bright and shining
(13) INTERLOCUTION (noun) talk between two or e. TRANSLUCENT (adj) allowing light to pass
more people, conversation through
(14) ELOCUTION (noun) the art of effective public

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7. BELL (war/fight) 11. BENE (good, well)
a. BELLONA (noun) Roman Goddess of war (1) BENIGN (adj) friendly, harmless, polite
b. BELLICOSE (adj) quarrelsome, always ready to (2) BENEVOLENT (adj) one who is kind, friendly
fight and helpful
c. BELLIGERENT (adj) querulous, aggressive (3) BENEFICIAL (adj) helpful, useful
d. REBELLION (noun) revolt, mutiny 4. BENEFICIARY (noun) a person who gets help or
e. ANTEBELLUM (adj) relating to time before war advantage generally in the form of money

f. POSTBELLUM (adj) relating to time after war 5. BENEDICTION (noun) blessing

g. BELLIPOTENT (adj) powerful in war 6. BENEFACTOR (noun) a person who provides

help/advantage to others
8. ACRI | ACER (bitter, sour, sharp)
7. BENISON (noun) blessing
(a) ACRID (adj) bitter, unpleasant
12. MAL (Bad)
(b) ACRIMONTIOUS (adj) bitter, caustic
(1) MALIGN (adj) harmful, bad, destructive
(c) ACERBATE (verb) to embitter, to exasperate
(2) MALEVOLENT (adj) unkind, impolite, spiteful
(d) EXACERBATE (verb) to worsen, aggravate
(3) MALEFACTOR (noun) a corrupt and immoral
9. PAN (all, everywhere) person
a. PAN INDIA all over India 4. MALAFIDE (adj) fake, untrustworthy
b. PANACEA (noun) a cure for all diseases 5./ MALNUTRITION (noun) poor diet, lack of proper
c. PANDEMONIUM (noun) chaos, confusion, nutrition
disorder 6. MALICE (noun) ill-will, hatred
d. PANTHEIST (noun) one who believes in all gods 7. MALAISE (noun) a feeling of illness or discomfort
of all religions
8. MALADROIT (adj) inexpert, immature
e. PANDEMIC (noun) a disease spread all over the
country/world 9. MALICIOUS (adj) wicked, hostile, evilish

f. PANORAMA (noun) a view of an area in all 10. MALIGNANT (adj) harmful, spiteful
directions 13. GRE (group, gathering)
g. PANTHEON (noun) a temple dedicated to all gods (1) GREGARIOUS (adj) friendly, sociable
h. PANDORA BOX (noun) a box that was the cause (2) CONGREGATION (noun) a group of people
of all evils/problems assembled for religious worship
I. PANCHROMATIC (adj) a photographic film that is (3) EGREGIOUS (adj) very noticeable in group
sensitive to all colours especially for being bad/incorrect, flagrant
10. DICT (say, tell, announce) 4. SEGREGATE (verb) to divide into separate
a. BENEDICTION (noun) blessing, boon (to say groups
good words) 5. AGGREGATE (noun) a whole formed by
b. MALEDICTION (noun) curse, bane (to say bad combining several small groups.
words) 14. VIV (life, live)
c. VALEDICTION (noun) farewell speech (1) CONVIVIAL (adj) something/someone very
d. PREDICTION (noun) telling about the future lively and friendly
forecast (2) VIVACIOUS (adj) a person full of life and
e. CONTRADICTION (noun) an idea/statement energy, high spirited
which is opposite to one another (3) VIVID (adj) realistic, true to life, bright, deep
f. INTERDICTION (noun) an official announcement 4. VIVIPAROUS (adj) animals that give birth to
to ban something young ones rather than eggs
g. DICTUM (noun) saying, a noteworthy statement 5. REVIVE (verb) to give new life to
accepted by all something/someone, restore 2
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6. SURVIVE (verb) the ability to live 3. SANITORIUM (noun)  a type of hospital where
7. VITAL (adj) important to life, crucial, significant mentally sick people are treated

8. VIVISECTION (noun) surgery conducted on living 4. SANGUINE (adj)  cheerful, hopeful, optimistic
organisms 5. SANGFROID (noun)  equilibrium, balance,
15. MAG (huge, big, grand) calmness

(1) MAGNANIMOUS (adj) big-hearted, generous 6. SANITARY (adj)  hygienic, unpolluted

(2) MAGNILOQUENT (adj) one who speaks in a 7. SANITATION (noun)  cleanliness

grand/bombastic style to impress people 8. SANCTITY (noun)  purity, godliness, holiness
(3) MAGNIPOTENT (adj) strong and powerful 19. MORT (death, decay, weak)
(4) MAGNIFY (verb) enlarge (1) MORTAL (adj) who is subject to death,
5. MAGNIFICO (noun) a powerful ruler/person perishable

6. MAGNIFICENT (adj) something which is very (2) IMMORTAL (adj) who is not subject to death
grand and large in size. (3) MORIBUND (adj) weak, in a very bad
16. AMBUL (move, walk) condition

1. AMBULANT (adj) one who is able to walk and not (4) MORTUARY (noun) a building/room in a
confined to bed hospital where dead bodies are kept

2. AMBULANCE (noun) a vehicle that is used to 5. OXYMORTIA (noun) a sudden or unexpected

move patients death

3. SOMNAMBULIST (noun) one who walks in sleep 6. POST-MORTEM (noun) medical examination of
the body after death
4. NOCTAMBULIST (noun) one who walks in sleep
7. MORTICIAN (noun) a person who arranges
5. PERAMBULATOR (noun) a baby carriage funerals for the dead
6. FUNAMBULIST (noun) one who walks on rope 20. VOR (to eat)
7. AMBLE (verb) to move/walk slowly (1) HERBIVORE (noun) An animal which eat
17. EU (good, well, pleasant) plants
1. EULOGY (noun) a speech or writing that praises (2) CARNIVORE (noun) An animal which eats
someone or something flesh/meat
2. EUPHONY (noun) a very pleasant and sweet (3) OMNIVORE (noun) An animal which eats both
sound plants and meat
3. EUPHEMISM (noun) a way of saying unpleasant 4. INSECTIVORE (noun) An animal or a plant that
things in a pleasant way eats insects
4. EUPHORIA (noun) a strong feeling of happiness 5. DEVOUR (verb) to eat something quickly
5. EUTROPHY (noun) good/ healthy nutrition because your are hungry

6. EUTOPIA / UTOPIA (noun) a place or state that 6. SAVORY (adj) something very tasty to eat,
exists only in imagination where everything is perfect, palatable
an ideal world without any suffering(paradise) 21. DEM (people)
7. EUPEPSIA (noun) good digestion (1) DEMOCRACY (noun) government elected by
8. EUGENICS (noun) a science/practice to improve the people
the genetic quality of human population by selective (2) DEMOGRAPHY (noun) the study of human
breeding population
18. SAN (cleanliness/health/pure) (3) DEMOPHOBE (noun) one who has fear of
1. SANE (adj)  a person of good mental health, crowd/people
sensible, wise 4. DEMOPHILE (noun) one who loves to be in
2. INSANE (adj)  mentally ill, insensible crowd, sociable

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5. DEMOCIDE (noun) killing of people by their 2. MATRICIDE (noun) act of murdering one’s
government mother
6. EPIDEMIC (noun) a disease affecting a large 3. PATRICIDE (noun) act of murdering one’s
number of people father
7.PANDEMIC (noun) a disease affecting people all 4. FRATRICIDE (noun) killing of one’s brother
over the world/globe 5. SORORICIDE (noun) killing of one’s sister
8. ENDEMIC (noun) a disease affecting a particular 6. UXORICIDE (noun) killing of one’s wife
7. FILICIDE (noun) killing of one’s children
9. PANDEMONIUM (noun) confusion/disorder
created by a large number of people 8. INFANTICIDE (noun) murder of an infant or new
born baby
10. DEMOGOGUE (noun) a leader who arouses the
feelings of people to gain power and popularity 9. FOETICIDE (noun) the intentional destruction of
human foetus in the uterus
22. OMNI (all, throughout)
10. HOMICIDE (noun) killing of human being
(1) OMNIPRESENT (adj) the quality of being
present in all places at all times 11. GENOCIDE (noun) murder of a race or
(2) OMNISCIENT (adj) knowing everything
12. PARRICIDE (noun) murder of one’s parents
(3) OMNIPOTENT (adj) one who has unlimited
power 13. REGICIDE (noun) murder of king/queen

4. OMNIVOROUS (adj) one who eats both plant 26. PHOBIA (fear)
and flesh 1. ACROPHOBIA (noun) fear of high places
5. OMNIBUS (noun) a bus designed to carry a large 2. AEROPHOBIA (noun) fear of air
number of passengers. 3. ANOREXIA (noun) fear of getting fat makes
23. SOLI | SOL (alone, single) young girls stop eating resulting in harmful
1. SOLITARY (adj) lonely, alone effects

2. SOLITUDE (noun) loneliness, isolation 4. AGOROPHOBIA (noun) fear of open places

3. SOLILOQUY (noun) a speech made by a person 5. CLAUSTROPHOBIA (noun) fear of being

while alone confined to small places

4. DESOLATE (adj) lonely, dejected 6. KLEPTOMANIA (noun) a compulsive desire to

5. ISOLATE (verb) separate, remain alone from
others 7. NECROPHOBIA (noun) fear of dead body

6. SOLACE (noun) to give comfort to a person who 8. ZOOPHOBIA (noun) fear of animals
is lonely/alone 9. XENOPHOBIA (noun) fear of foreigners
7. SOLO (adj) single, solitary 10. NYCTOPHOBIA (noun) fear of darkness
24. AMBI (both, around) 11. LOGOMANIA (noun) mania for talking
1. AMBIVERT (noun) a person having the qualities of 12. OCHLOPHOBIA (noun) fear of crowd
both an extrovert and introvert 13. THANATOPHOBIA (noun) fear of death
2. AMBIDEXTEROUS (adj) one who uses both right 14. HYDROPHOBIA (noun) fear of water
and left hand with equal expertise
15. GERAPHOBIA (noun) fear of old age
3. AMBIVALENT (adj) having mixed feelings, unsure,
undecided 27. CRACY (rule, Government)

4. AMBIGUOUS (adj) doubtful, uncertain 1). BUREAUCRACY (noun)  government run by

5. AMBIENCE (noun) the surrounding atmosphere
2) DEMOCRACY (noun)  government by the people
25. CIDE (killing, murder)
3) MONARCHY (noun)  government by a king/queen
1. SUICIDE (noun) act of ending one’s life
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4) ARISTOCRACY (noun)  government by the 10. ORNITHOPHILIC (adj) a person who loves birds,
nobles/lords a bird-lover
5) ANARCHY (noun)  absence of government 11. PHILANDERER (noun) a fickle lover, a flirt.
6) AUTOCRACY (noun)  government by one 30. AMI / AMO (friendly, loveable, peaceful)
person(dictatorship) 1) AMITY (noun) friendly relations, harmony
7) AUTONOMY (noun)  the right of self-government 2) AMICABLE (adj) polite, friendly, sociable
8) OLIGARCHY (noun)  government by few persons 3) AMIABLE (adj) peaceful, cordial
9) PLUTOCRACY (noun)  government by the rich 4) AMOROUS (adj) relating to romantic love
10) THEOCRACY (noun)  government by the laws of 5. ENAMORED (verb) affected by strong feeling
religion of love or fascination
11) SECULAR (noun)  government not by the laws of 31. ALTER/ALI/ALLO (other, change)
1) ALTERATION (noun) change, modification,
28.CRE (believe, belief) transformation
1) CREED (noun) a set of beliefs, principles 2) ALTERNATION (noun) one after another
related to a religious group
3) ALTER EGO (noun) the other side of a
2) CREDO (noun) a statement of belief person’s personality which is not seen by others,
3) CREDENTIALS (noun) anything that provides a bosom friend
the basis for belief, confidence 4. ALTERNATIVE (noun/adj) another
4) ACCREDIT (verb) authorise, certify, approve choice/option
5. DISCREDIT (verb) disapprove 5. ALLONYM (noun) a work that is published
someone/something because of lack of faith under the name of a person other than the author
6. CREDULOUS (adj) one who believes too 6. ALIENATE (verb) to transfer to another
readily without proper evidence/proof and is easily
7. INCREDULOUS (adj) not willing or not able to
believe something
8. CREDIBLE (adj) able to be believed
9. INCREDIBLE (adj) extremely good or big which
is impossible to believe
29. PHIL (love, liking)
1. PHILANTHROPIST (noun) a lover of
2. BIBLIOPHILE (noun) a lover of books
3. PHILOLOGY (noun) a love for words
4. PHILODEMIC (adj) a love for people/crowd
5. PHILOSOPHIA (noun) a love for wisdom
6. HYDROPHILIC (adj) having a strong affinity for
7. PHILIP (noun) a lover of horses
8. ZOOPHILIC (adj) having an attraction or liking for
9. XENOPHILE (noun) one who is attracted to
foreign things (such as style or people)
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