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Differential and Integral Calculus Sets, Relations, Functions. Limit, Continuity & Derivability, Applications of Derivatives, Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals and Applications, Giferential Equations ‘Single Option Correct and Numerical Value Type Questions This section contains 378 multiple choice questions and 35 numerical value type questions. Lot A and B be two non-empty sets. In which Venn m below does the shaded part represent (As B) UA UV BY? ' eamicenmennt seagas sets niu) = . 0B) = Sed 1B) © 100, Pr 8) 7 ea Dy (1) 200 (2) 300, (3) 400 44) 500 2, The relation aR, if|a| 0 fe showe below. For which graph is 4a — b? > 0? a a Aa] a fa) iB oD Graph 1 Graph 2 fab (ofa ao oe ‘Graph 3 ‘Graph 4 (1) Graphs 1 2) Graph 2 (3) Gragin 3 4) Graph + ‘Success Achiever Diterensal ana integra Cacuus 99 19. Partof the domain of the function 26. Identify the function which is not periodic (where all the symbols have they usual meaning) (1) singax +1) (2) sin 3 @ snk (4) sinfx] 27. Hsin x > 0, cos x < 0, tan x > 0, then x belongs to (a2) (93) 20. The domain of definition of the function @ {-= 3) me 5 rernem' loa, = 28. Letfix)= min (x1... 1—2), Then fi) equals 2-112) @) G2, -11001.2) ee ne PEL nena © eajuD ae Oe pa Aieane meinen 20, Let 9) = log., 903) = [x] and h(x) = sin. The 21. Range of the function f(x) = (1]'". where Ox is range of (faganyix) is fractional part of x, is. where x € (1) (9) aq 7 aon 4) 11 1 1 30. Let £: RY RY be @ function which satisfies o {i | 2 ( Fa} Te. 1Y)= Nay) + atetes) . then the function (3) (0. 1) 4) @, 1] } 22. Hx) =e +e then fix + y)- fx —yyequals fais (0 #29-12y) @ 920+ 92), (3) One-one and onto (2) One-one and ints 8) fet "+ fx-y) |) A2x)- fey) (B) Many one and onto (4) Many one and into ‘1 1, Let fix) = Gx + 1K + 2K + 3K + 4) + 5, where zB. Lat Mx) = x4 Then f°) equais © L4, 6] then the range of the function is (1) (2. $045) (2) (4, $045) 1 (8) [p, 5045) (6) (125, 5045] oy 34 2 BaP +s = fifa) “{;) 32. The exhaustive range of the function 1) 1 Fao = f2sin® x{1+ sin’ x) +2008" x(1+ cos? x) ey boo? -a{2) wg a? -rf 5) ee 24. Let x) = ax? + be + ¢ where a, b and ¢ are real 4 constants. ITifx + y) = for ail real x and y, ey 4a a + )= Ax) + AY) x anid y, o lé 2| @ | (i) a=OQcr0 @)ae0.c=0 8) a=0,.c=0 4) ar0.ced 0 LE+] 25. Wa>0, fix) = fix a) + fix—a), then 2 (1) ffx) is periodic with period 2a (2) fix) is periodic with period 4a (3) x) is penogic with period 6a (4) fix) is not periodic ‘The exhaustive range of the function 1x) = ST +1) + ST + 1) +a is () Bem) 2) B=) @) B5.=) (4) (56. ~) Success Achiever =f (1) (0, 64] (3) @. 128) 35. The exhaustive domain of the function 2) (0, 1251 @) (0. 256) tan= fog, (og, (7 ]-8))) is (wnere [1 ruprecarta resent taper ncn) ( [4-416] [10,4] @ (-4.-¥10] U[ v0, 4) @ (-VAT. - 8] U[ Vi0. 4i7) 4) [-V47, 10). (V10, 477} 36. Loti: (-1, 1)» R such that ‘37. The number of bijective functons f: RR. where: R= (a ©, ¢, d. @), such that f(a) * @ f(b) +c Heh # a, Hd) # 0, Fle) + oie () 44 ao @ 3 #6 38. The area of the region given by the fe 3 { vila, nee y)siog,, 5 eanatat> 3h in square unis is equal to i) acon" ( 3 of avon (3) ag oud 39. The range of xp = 7" +7" + 5a oe) @ B=) @0-) #) 112.) a7, Let f: +R be defined by fx) = 2 + [xl then 2x) © Rx) = fx) = () 2 2) 2 (3) -2 4 ‘The period of the function sind V3 cosdis () & Qe k x as a> The function x + sinx is (1) One-one and onto: (2) One-one and into (3) Many-one and onto (4) Many-one and inio The number of ieegers for which ihe fenction Ax) = "Cs m0 —— m2 aa ee Wf: Rs Riis defined by fix) = x2 + 1, the value of (17) and fF" 3) ane, respectively (1) 6 4-4} 2 +8,-3 @ 3-3. 4 &the The function f and g are given by fix) = x ~ bx}. whore |x) is the greatest integer < x and dhs) = 2n(xi then range of gris MEW 2 @-1.1) 4) (0. 1) et fx)» = 4, Then, for what value of abs Ax) = x? m2 @ 2 @1 “-1 WI) = Coste} + sin, where [x stands for the greatest integer function, then #{ | equals mo ay The function fay = +++ 22. (> 0) has minimum at () e=3 @ eet ay 2 @xr=6 (@) x= 96 Success Achiever 49. 5 It is given that f(x) is a function defined on R, 55. satisfying f(1) = 4, and for any x © R, fix + 5) > fix) + 5, and fix + 1) 3 f(x) +1 the value of £(2019) is (1) 2024 2) 20% ) 2019 a4 The pabynomial in x 11) = 1 0,a21, then | Dittereniiat and integral Caicuius OH Ht y = f(x) Is @ invertible function and (1, 5) is a point on its graph, which of the following statements is comect? (1) (5. 1) Is @ point on the graph of the inverse function y = Fx) (2) 45) = 411) (3) The graph of the inverse function y = 1) wil be symmetrical about x-axis @) ne) = Wat= 0, abe gp", then ty (Beale )— alge - x) Pa) x } bea eg Let fx) = (a+ by at bY ~ (a + bY (at +b) - + (ae by + at + DY 1, a be RY Then, j=, aay (1) toga + ©) og (a) @) tog(a + 6) + toga + loge 2) fep(a + 5) loga logb (4) log(a + 6) — toga = log ™, fog, ax} * equals me ae Be (a) et tin, {eo 2 vx ]sne( Sr] aus (no (1 @) & (4) Let = lim gyfer ics ve -vF) a-verd a bo inf) ‘Then 21, + 81, is equal to (3 20 @4 as Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8 Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : (011)-47623456 TUTTO! Onorntat ant ning Cotas Success Achiover 6 sin, [t+ tn equals = ine aa m= 2 wet te ae @ wo 4 be a¥** « ftenn}™* 1--cos.xc0s2xcos3x 62. ten forex + tan af equate 70 im. se mo a. mo aa @2 ws be at oi 6 im © > iequal to yee ae-e mn MS,= 1nd 5,2 Snot 2 Bare « ae lim 5, | ‘Then —_* —_____ is equal to 64 fim 5 = is equal sn (er [)] (1) 2 loge @ tor @) toger 6) tesa oy me tog (t+ ox + bx?) tog (t~ axe ox?) pa “3 ss in shxstanr ‘eqs ; mo a. 1 @2 66. Let f: R - R, such that (1) = 241) Then -2 2 oz QZ a> } or . 7 wo0 1 2 5 as 4 5 @ 5 ® 5 |. Lat a function be defined as imin||x|. ff). 1x54 fa] V<| mls 2 then number of points where f(x) is non differentiable in (-2, 2) 18 ((] mepresents greatest integer function) M2 aa 4 ws Hibs a [Paani s(x], Os <2 WHO") sine e|e—3), 2sx 1 1 Oy “> Success Achiever 96. The length of the longest interval in which the function 4 cos?x ~ 3 cosx increases is m5 a5 2 oF as 7 if x)= fe"(e—e—2\r-3)o, then the subset of interval in which fx) is decreasing (1) (1.2) @G=) @ 6.4) 2x 98. The equation of the tangent to the curve 4 % 9 = + Matis parallel to he x-axis is myso @ y=2 Byat a ys8 99. Ite normal to y = fix) makes an angie of = in anticlockwise direction with positive ards at (1. 1) then (1) is equal to mt a3 ao m2 2 100. The function f(x)» f(sin'+00s" tbat i nereasing mR aR @ R- @ ® {%-ne2! 101. For the curve x =f - 1, y = @ =f, tangent is perpendicular to axis, Then fs equal to m1 ao 1 1 @> ws 102. The function cot “(sin + cose), x < (m,n), is ‘decreasing an [93] 407M" the function f(x)= Ditterensial and Integral Calcuus [IOS |. which of the following is correct? (1) = sing (2) 6 > tane (@) sin(cose) > cosisind) (4) c0s(sina) > sin(coss) 1104. The function 9(x) = — sin(x) — 2ier is monotonically decreasing for 0 esd 2 kad B) ke4 4) ks0 105. If k, and k, are the least values of the functions 1&9 defined as f(x) = 2log.o(x) — log (0.01), x> 1 wy and g(x) =e*# ex Respectively then 7, Is equal tt m1 a4 (2 a3 106. The acule angle between the curve y? = dax and 32 = day at the point except origin is. 9 ton (3) @ tan-(3) Os increasing for all x= A: then (1) a> 0, -dac0 (4) be 4ac=0 108. The minimum value of 3(*°-2+82 ig 2 m1 3 “4 applied en the function @ata-0 () b+ 20-0 ) ta+b=0 TOS) citerontial and integral Catouus T-ax, wet 110, f: + Ris datfined by F(x) = om : oa The range af values of k for which f has a local minimum at x= 1, is given by () ke (3 @ ke =) 8) ke =, 0 @ ke ea a 111, A cubic funetion ffx) has a local maxima at x = 0 and local minima at x = 1. i 1) = 3, and 0) = 0, ‘then Mx) is (1) Gx? + te @) 4 +9 2) Get + ox? 4? 112. The langth of subnormal of y= tanw at x = © (1) 2 @3 a4 at 113. The ratio of the rate of change of the volume of a Sphere with respect to the radius to the total surtace area is m3 @2 at ws 114. On the curve x! ~ 12y = 0, if abscissa changes at a faster rate than ordinate such that x = (@, b) : then [IJ is equal to me aa @4 ws 115. A 20 metre ladder resis with one end against a vertical wall the other end being on the floor. The lower ond moves away from the wall at a rate of 3mimin. The rate at which the upper end falls when its base is 16 metre away from the wall is (1) 3 mvmin @) 4 mvmin 8) 4 vmin (4) -3 evmin 116. If the tangent at (x, y) to the curve y= fx) is verboal, then ) fe) =0 Aree 8) re)=t 4) rays 2 117. If m is the slope of a tangent to the curve @ = 1 +27, then m belongs to the interval Ue 2) F-2.-1 204 @) 1, 3) Success Achiever ‘118, If ax + by * c= O is a normal to the curve xy = c*, ‘then () 27 0,b<00ra<0,b>0 @ o>0,0>0 @ a wo 120. The angle between the curve a? - y* = a? and yas mo aw @) 4s w © 121. Let 1: RR be a positive decreasing function Jon St) vee 1. Than tim 755) ” 5 rs Qa (1 4S 122. Ifthe curves # — 4ax= 0 and.x* - 4by = 0 intersect ‘orthogonally at point Pa, b) other than origin then @ + D? is equal to m2 @s a4 wo 123. The function 1(8)= = Is decreasing in the inieeval (M @x) 0 (3+) oar | Success Achiever Differential and iniog’al Caicuius OFM 424. fx > 0, then minimum vatue of f(x) =x+_ ‘occurs al equal to: * mt @2 as “4 125. M glx) = 2? + At + wx + 2sini(x) Is increasing Wire R, then (1) Pe 6u+2>00 0 @) us 8 <0 ) =H +12<0 ©) eH 126. It glx)= V3 sin(x)-con{x)-2px+2 decreases for all x © R thon () pst @) pss 1 @) p2t @) PRS ‘12T. Lot Mix) = Ax) # A ~ x) be defined on (0; and ix) and f(x) both are increasing then x ies in the teva o {ie @) {a i 128, How many real solution does the equation xf + ie + 16x? + 30x - 560 = 0 have? mt @a @s aT 120. A function f(x) verties Rolle’s theorem in [@. 6). ‘Which of the following is nol necessary? (1) x) ts continuous in fo, bf (2) fx) is difterentiable in (a,b) (3) Ra) = fib) (4) Aix) is increasing in (a. 6} 190. ix) = 20 + winx is decreasing when A lies in the terval () E41. 1) @) 2.9) @ B.4l (4) No value of x 4131. MPG) > 0, ¥ re Rand glx) = At =x) 1 +), then gf) is increasing in (1) &.0) @ O-) (1) (0.1 @) (1. 2) @) (1) Hea 132. Flt)= [r= 1x2 Be, then 5 (1) 2¢= Tis the point of maxima () x= 2is the point of maxima @) = 3 is the point of maxima M4) x= 28 the point of minima 199. Hx) = 2 + Ket + 2 + 4 is always increasing, then K Bes in the interval (1 14, 8) 2) I-10, -6 & (-V6. 16) 4) EV7.V7I ‘134. For real x, lot f: A» Ris defined as fix} = x? + dred (1) fig neither one-one nor onto R (2) Fis one-one but Nex onto Re 1) Fis onto R but not one-one (4) is onions and onto 35. abe) x02 0, ff x=? ‘Then, which of the following is. true? (1) Fis ditorontiable at x = 0 and x= 2 (2) Fis differentiable at x = 0 but not at x= 2 @) Tis Gtorentiable at x = 2 but not at x= 0 (A) Fis 10 differentiable at x= 0 and x= 2 136, The value of K for whieh fx) = sinx — cos — Kx is: always decreasing for all values of x, is. OM Kaz @ Ke @ K20 #) Ket 137. The equation of the tangent to the curve y= (2x ~ 1) eX! at the point where ‘y is. masomiuen is myst Qxnt @ Beeyet 4) de-yet 138. If g(x) satisfies the conditions of Rfe's theorem in a. yimen foes ie 2 1 as ao “6 and Catches 420. x ln vend, han the selene volee of 2—**4 is 1 m5 a1 1 3 #5 140. if f(x) is increasing and g(x) i decreasing in their respective domain, then which of the folowing may be increasing in its domain? (1) fou) 2 otioxai) (3) S— 3G) + (MnP - (FP (4) Cate? + Sox) 141. The function f(x) = 43° — Bix? + 24K2x + 6 has local minimum and maximum at x =.a'and x = p respectively, where a? + 23 = 0. The set of exhaustive valves of x for which #(x) is decreasing, is w (-t-3) ) 4.8) 142. The coordinates of 2 point on the curve y= 2x? — 3x? + x at which the normal is parailel to the ine x * y= 1. is oan aan & (1.0) 4 @-1) 143. The algebraic sum of intercepts on the axes of coordinates by any tangent to the curve vr-Jp=4. at a2 wa 4) 6 144. The angle of intersection of curves, y = [fsinx| + |cosxi] and 4x? + Oy? = 36 is (where ['] represents the greatest inleger function) (8) (2 la) a wn (Fi « 1 @5 “7 ‘Success Achiever 145. If the length of subtangent and subnormal to y= 4ax al a point are equal, then the value of (Length of tangent}! + (Length of normal!” (Length of subtangent)” O) 6 ae Ga @) 2 146. Ha? + = 1 cats ar’ — 3y7 = 2 orthogonally, then the number of real value(s) of 6 is. (1) Zero @) G2 (4) Infinitely many 147. The number of points of extremum of the function F(x) = sin(sin(sin{sinx})), x [0, 2n), is 2 Qe oe 4) 16 148. The number of critical points of, 1x1 = max sine cosa. re (-2x, 22), is a7 (4) Infinitely many hex et ‘aaa a) <{h™ x21 (1) There are infinitely many real values of k for which f(x) fas a point of local maxima (2) There is no real value of k for which f(x) has «8 point of local maxima (3) (2) has 3 local minima for k = 7 (4) f(x) has @ local minima for k = 6 150. The minimum waive of (r+aye(y3- ede 4) is 9 av ar 4) 49 151. Consider a function f(x} = (x + 3)x"°. Then which of the folowing is incorrect? (1) Number of points of extremum is. 2 (2) Number of points of inflection is 2 (8) Number of points of local maxima is zero (4) Number of points of local minima is 1 1 Ths aia ee cra ct Sr =iGeh~a7 m4 es then () -24 (8) Zero @ 2 4) %6 ‘Success Achiever 153. 1: R > R be defined by I(x) = dsinx - Scosx + Sr, then the set of exhaustive values of x for which f(x) is decreasing, is me QR 8 O=) @ =. 154. x+y =4, then maximum value of xy is ms @z a3 ae 155, If the line y =x + A is tangent of y? = 4x, then the value of A i mt @2 a1 @o 156. The angle between the tangent to y = x° + 3x +2 at (-1, 0) and (-2, 0) is () or @ ao @ 157. On the interval (0, 1), the function 43(1 — x)? takes ‘maximum value at the point {) 0 @4 eo + ® 3 158. The maximum distance of the point (sinx. cosx) from (1, 1) is. () a+2y2 @) 2 2 © iz 159. The maximum value of fe) fe? ne in [0,3] 3 is 2 mo @s 4 4 @ 3 M3 4160. The image of the interval [-1, 3] under the function 9 defined as (x) = 4x(x— 43) (r+ V3) is 0.7) 2) F472] ana 4) FS 8) Dteronsat and mga Caicvue [HOB 61. Let Fe) = frie : Fit) = 22(1 + 2), then 4) equals os m2 as “4 162. The function fx) = K cosx + eos 3x has extremum valve at x= E. then K equals mt @ 2 @3 “4 163. flex +pylart +b ax equals oy Har? 40)" +S rs + Sieg axe Yaxt +e Har? +b)? «Sale +b + iBog lane Vart valve e dor? 40)?+Exlavtoe + Pega + lara] +6 dor? +0)? + Exot oe + Eta lane Var* +20 164. Jain xeos3x de ‘equals «4 (2) hein x gin x oe 2008 2011 @ plein 4 sin rae 2009 211 1 __ 4 eit 8) spug tn A ene a) 1 ©) p00 ** aor3 AO) Oorertal and integral Cause Success Achiever xesing x ve [ESS wat i} rach ve @ Jack ve @ xtan Eee w 4% 1-cosx 166. | de equals Je (a) = ty otis @ J) (xn) (ay ~e'oat {Fs F +e 167. g[lerrtnzstendede equals (1) k Veec3x Yeas 2x cos x (2) & Yoos3x Yseczx (3) k Voosax cos 2x cosx (a) & Ysec3x sec 2x sec x 168, [x log(2009x) dr equals ti $7 (tont20082)+ 55 +e irs Sy lnaz0002)- + 4 (a) (logtz009%) + \ 2009 1 (4 +" [togi 2008) lt? 169, (2008 + 200847” jcos2008x dx equals a) 104 gin. 2008 x + 2008 28 co 2008 +c BE on ‘sin 2008x+¢ (2) 27" cos 2008 + 3) * gn 20001 + 82 x2" cog 2000 + © sin2009%+ 6 4) 27 cos 2009 + 2208 20H 170. jew (4019608 2010x — sin2010x)dr equals (1) e%** (cos 2010 x + sin 2010 x) + c (2) (3) 29 * (ens 2010 x~ sin 2010 x) + ¢ ts 4) 09 a 1. |G =2008 x 20089-2070) dx equals “ 2008 ate ~2008}+(2009}" logtx - 2008) +20 loot - 2010) +¢ ieee ager (2) “tog (x = 2008) + ed Jogi - 2009) loge = 2010)+6 ; (3) PP toatx -2008)- (2009) togtx 2008) er ———logta ~ 2010) +c (2009)? 4) {2008 sogx—2008)- 20°F ogi 2009) oye Jog(x-2010)+ Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone © ves 6 ‘Success Achiever Differential and integral Cakuiue {494 +2009 (+ 20087" 72 Sor zosayet +2070) * 1S [zo0my «(a 2005 ou © [se elon * a (ote 208g ony oe (x \]4 (2) fot + 2000) +" fog fre (x + 2000)4* + 6 tan (all Bee 7008 x eel pial ada opig he 9 EY aimbot @ (4) Hout + 2000) 4 5 tog f+ (++ 2009)%] +o 176. (2009912008) sin ‘2008x1008 2008 x + sin®°* 2008 x)dn (1) sin? Boob + & 2) sin?" 2008 + & . (3) sin#tt® 2008 6 24 f2Otins (4) sin? zodaN + & © Toa i eae. . 1. et fatined "yg Dac.: —— @ Yeon 87s aati io soho +3 zien al Bie eg se . va072 = f2011 144] @ an 1 on me ne ) Yaore 77 + (20th + n( Edun) i a aoe 2 1 sao 1 178. de equals | ee em 1 (1) (14.07) 4g ‘ @ -(1s07* D0 46 : (3) (149 "2058 4 e 1 (4) =. 9/201 +6 Calostes. (2008+ 2010tan? x}sin™*" reos x sin + cos x (1) tog (sins + cos? + 0 2) bog (1 + tony + (3) tog (1 + tan x + tan yy + © Ha} fog (tan*tx + tant) + ¢ 180. Jo*ogtanx + 2eosec 2x) dx ‘equals ao. f dr equals (1) @* tog (tary + € () ef tog (seen) + & (@) © bog (cots) + (4) @* log (cosecx) + 181, Je" Gog(cosee.—cotx)—cosecx}cte equals (1) © tog (cosecx + cote) + © (2) -@" log (cosece + cotx) + ¢ (3) @* tog (cosecx) + @* og (cote) +6 (4) @* log (cosecx) - @* log (cour) +c 182, f2xsec? x+tanx)tanx om equais (1) wsectns c @) xsecx +e 8) riatzee @) x tanec. 2 1420 hee () xan se B) xvtex ee a et. i “ lmao (1) xsindz +e B) axsndk +e @) Jasindx ee 4) aisinlirve 186. Jetut oar +an03)d O) oO arc @ epee Be (e+ aryre A) (te dee 187. Jl hres cating ac quate (1) sinx log {sinx) +c (2) —sinu log (sinx) + ¢ (8) cose log (sinx) +c (4) -cosx log (sinx) +c 188. fo [Sousa | oe ec 109, fot”* osx axsinx + 2xsin? x}or equais ty Zeconnve gy Ze tennse Letreonrse a) Le tinese 190. Peete (xsinn) (1) cosec (x sin) + ¢ (3) col (x sing) +6 (2) -cosec (x sinx) + ¢ (4) -cot (x sing) + 6 191. laaereuee (1) secda {sec oc tanr'(x sec a) = cones a tare! (x cosee al) + ¢ (2) sec2u feosec a tan” cosee aa) = sec a tan (x sec al) + (3) cosec2a {sec a tan™(x sec a) ~~ cosec a tant (x cose al} + (A) cosec2a {cosec a tan™"(x cosec a) = ee a tan (x sec aj} +6 Success Achiever Jacenanenresenas} (4008? x-t)sin2xdx equals Freon eeaccn24) (1) ef +e Siceat es2eot2#) @ e* OSHS eos des2e521) @ -e* +e Seon 4nszece ay -eiteneenae “— -1}iea( oF Joe equals COB K+ E 199, f ocd wave 3 tafxefier) aaa staf x= sev?) fc) +e neds? telod x-Vtex7) “ hee (= Yer oe™ vi () x log @** tele re et lec ay tlle stra aa)oe (9 ~Hehg(e stele aaa) ee 4) -*-log(e™ + tee +0 +1)20 194, 496. ‘Jeosec’ xcs equats o inloosee x cotx|— Foot xcosec x0 @) —Jinloosec xs cour! eotxcosecx +0 ® Inloosee x—cot»|- Scosec xcotx=e Inloosec x + cotx\- cosec xcolx +6 Ancol” x 197. Thevalve of ap ay tS oy A hog, js" x cox" x|+€ 1 a at Gag Poe bs xe coe tx] + 1 8) Log, fs x + 008" xl +e (0) 7 tog, [six +008" x] +6 oa 198. The value of /- a is equal to es 2ave+t) avr-4) iy “jax” +e 2 hor +e @ 9,, gy WD, im ie 914) Difforontial and Integral Calcukes 100, The van of [22612806 ig (1¥2 see x) y wre @ @ sate w See 200. The value of KE sin” we je is ‘equal to tn Hafeoe') salica-cn {Zz 2 1 thse ( ane wo (Searles a ifalen e } savoow an {shale “ Bhfow(3)2 ee cox =] aajee a1 a * atx is equal to 1 _ tan’ x 2 0 Ave cy Bee, tw, i) 4) 202. fe'™"(x see? x + sin 2x) cx is equal to (1) @™ (e+ sec? x) te (2) e™* (x — sec? x) #6 (8) @* (ese x + sin x) +e (4) or — cos? x) +e Success Achiever 203. The value of [x"*"log, x (1+ log, x) dx is (1) hog, x4 tHe (2 x (rlog.x-t)re @) FExlog, x# 1) +e (4) x log, x 1) +0 204, The vatue of [ = s (86x19 6x44 Lree ect a “a @ —a tye 6x44 ~1 vi? 6x44 Oa aes Bey 205. The [at st is equal to ee Tae «a F. ® * ea 1. A ad ) oriele a) 2) tanYe-1) (4) tan“(e) 200. Lot 9, fant 0 Se Sng ke ‘ 1 |) Sor 2) Joos 3009 4 2010 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : (011)-47623456 Diforentat and iegrat Caeuius ASE Success Achiever 1 1 1 ia cos é 214. Let 8, =< S00gm* Feao0eR "BONA 208 cpg equals my Then MS; equals (1) 2007 @) 2008 a w—o ao om 1 4 sp) 2) t+ aa 'e*dx,@N, Then the value of 210. Let 1, = Be “0 21, Let tf toaxrra. Then the value of fromm + 2009 taogy equals 1 a Os ay Be 4 <« 212 |" ogdx oquae w Seg+ 2008) 2008 10g [1+ +1 @ satt+ 2008)+ 2008 og Sg 4 o seg(1+ 2008) 2008 [1-1 “ ott 2008)+ 2008 wa [4 55) 4 va [Hilo 1004 2008 oF as 4016 or © 4 1 Fe 215. Lot pix) be @ function on A such that P= pI = x), for al x @ (0, 1], p{O) = 1 and 1 p41) =41, Then { ptxide equals + a @ 2 a oa oF 216, [Yerba aba dik > a), equals i =a) @) (o-a} (@ b-aF (bat jae ecuais aif 2a 218. J,tan (S25) equals, ® mo aa x at ® 5 fasinxs boos x : 310 | nxecoex = Oo 2. Ji-F or weet ®, mM Fle+o) @) x(o+o) Ss Se 2 = cf 36 @) 55 @) Fle+d) @) 2x(a+0) z ® 12 * 08 "J —*— de equals aex poet eat 2x ee ot 4 « 3-4) a dE} ma anger TRERO Gg 2 2 the value of fis a 4 4 1 a 45 2) " G2) oF Ry a2 4) 2 221. The value of the integral f= S1¥__= ae er 227. Te value tf Nana) de is equal to, where [] a - z denotes the greatest integer function. oF as 2 2 (1) tan 1 = 100 e pont as > (@) 100-tan 1 «) Fl m Teenar (oven ‘col -log, (sin) abe Is a s. aaa am f[ssatzo eon of ak 0 ju 2) a jun (222) o = “3 ie am [rae meee © aal™-aaa) © aes a a oa? “eai) " ea ws) Success Achiever Diforortat and Cocos HZ 230. A function f: R—+ R satisfies the equation a fx + y) = fix) + fy) Vx, yc Rand is continuous 26. f Mhroughout he domain. Wi, + ++ J, +4, = 450, * "dix (x} represents fractional part of x. ‘ equate where J, =n [f(x)dx, then Sx) is oy aa mx am eg? 2 og? ax (6) a bal fe ® Tog? 4) Tear sx até aot 27. mena % Ons er as nat 2a at « () Gner @ ona *T 6+ 7 cose — lqcana™* © “we © “ea tog wt a? 238, | 2 ate equals 3 4 3 1 a3 «#f () Pbsziegs 2) Pog2iogs 283. Let (x)= It1at.(r20). Then Cee @ Foot tog8 4 Faztens equals mt a2 299, [ “2sinalte.where [+] represents the greatest ae ©) a2 wed tuactcn, apa =f aT 5s 2 234 Let tole ‘Then apa S 0% a= equals ad Ww og aa 9 2 o> 0 5 2 238. | Meoss ox equate * x cy Freez a ree a4 242 @ a4t “ @4 ae 198 ferential and Integral Calcukis 2a | ma m2 @ -2 4 4 ae @ 5 243, [i Fanaet020. equals “18 © 1 w F @> @4 (a) 2 2440 [2 rsec nn = 4 J" sec x than A equals x a) 2 @) x ar @ > () & 245. fleeian ‘equals () 45 -V5 202-2 (2) aV5-J3+2N2-2 (8) a5 +J3-22+2 (8) V6 +JSr2ev2+2 mete tan as [i Sa dr equals jo @ @) @) 1 ain + _dianx «Si (Ho at @ 2 a4 Success Achiever 248. Let ys [2x sina de, then the value of Uy + AlN wh o wo-n(ay Tip. 2 Cuale @ “(zy 4 95)" 240, J Mo—x¥" ae equals és mi Omi @ Gene @ ne ne? 250. fi S| $24 Ja equals 3 ao ai 4 ay at ’ 261. J ,solx} equate at 4 (n) 4am? t (2) cos? 1 a4 at @) Bsn} 4) Boos? ee () a<0 @) Ot 25 Lot 10 [BOE x ak () tehved ak @) te pds5 “ ‘Success Achiever Dmterennat and mega Caicuus H18) ‘254. Let 1 1 1 (280. If k is @ positive integer, then number of values of Soe ce te cv Then, im S, equals : ~ {| (conan eons) +sinx~2keon a) de 1 (1) eg? @) bog 1 is @) 3 b92 (4) log 8 () 10 an (4 1 1 @2 w 3 attire] equals 281. a2 where ['] denotes the greatest oF at integer function. is equal to ® e : «@ = Uy zeit 9 a @ Feni(2coet + m5 a? (3) jeostizemt 4 @ 2 «) 3 @ qantas 9 257. [nits tanxicrequais y J {jo°sr| : s 262. The vaiue of im" —— is equal to ( in2 @) ~4n2 jevae : @ Fiea,2 4) Fm (1) Zero Qe 7 Oe 1 28 J ismaiae equ 26 SSO aa, n> 4, then the vali of = h» s . x Fina @) m2 i 2 wn -Byenlo- tase @ Ena ) -yn2 2 . . (@) ems ere 250." Tani con" Vick quae | xe(a.5)) = t ‘ ® @ itl - nse oe ai - ania trve @ § oe (— Conparate Otic : Aakash Tower, B, Puss Road, Now Dathi-t10005. Phone | (O11)A7623456 PAO orrerentiat anc integral Calcuks Success Achiever 270. The area of region enclosed by the curves y = x Fadae ogy and y= 2x — 237 is 264, The expression <<" ———., where [*] and agn (:) r 1 ‘sgn x)dx Oa a> : ‘are greatest integer function and signum function 6 3 raspectively; is equal to Op a> “wo @) 2 271. Tho area of the rogion bounded by the curves yole-1| and y=3-|x| is a0 «2 m2 ae 4 4) 6 265, The value of ° ” < 272. If the area bounded by y wax? and x = ay’, Jlrs aan 2}. [1tan{ x} > 0, 18 1, then a equals AN 12 Q 6 a (1) Zoro @2z wa e 4 we 4) 6 8 a8 wt 273. The rai in which the area bounded by the curves y? 42x and x? « 12y is divided by the tine x=3 it (1) 45:49 (@) 15:47 @) 15:51 (4) 15:53 . per, Lat f(x) = [2S SLt Soe, 4 = a ie pain ot 274. Tho mwa enciosed betwoen the curve y"(20~x)=x . a tnd the line x = 20 above the x-axis in focal maxima of f(x) than a may be Me a) tea (2 ot @ i (4) 0 then the value of 275. The ratio of areas between the curves y = cos x nd y = coB2x and saxis trom x=0 went le 268, If 2f(x) + f(x) Jrtxjae equais (iy 4:2 Baa : @ 13 act (1) Zero @) 276. The aroa below y = sinx, but above y = cos x in 4 : ie the interval (0, 2m] bs 269: The area bounded by the curves y= | x |- 1 and (ny ¥ @) 2 yeix|= tis ot az 1 28 we O aR (4) 22 ‘Success Achiover 277. The 279, y #109, +6). =109,| a oy cd 2 6 7 aa? 3 enclosed between = the aa 8 2a? er tet > curves and the x-axis is 1. The areal region bounded by a7y? © x(a? = x7) is The differential equation of the family of circles with, radius @.and centre on y-axis is & y= toned wy sexed The differential equation of all non-vertical lings in plane is cu) cc) o 20 dx ay oe? or =. ay 2 om Diftarontial and integral Caicuius (ZT 282 Thesotition of 2-297 =¥ is 4, weet) my oe 2) ce 2 yet ond i ait) 2 ce 4 ne @y “ y 283. The degree of the differential equation ay [vSl lee) mt az oa 4) 4 284, The order of the differential equation whose general solstion is Y= (8+ De\ax +d) + sin(x + 0) aa az @s 4) 4 286, The sonsion ot «SE + xtan” ig f ciise[Z}se ay sn( 2} ast «a 286. The solution of the differential equation 2 ‘ aif 1) _2y = ES 3) ete () ya2e od @) y=2e-4 @) y=2ne4 4) ye 2n-4 xk 267. The integrating factor of (1+ yt. neds (tee aa 1 @ tne “ iar 288, The solution of x+y = x0" is « ie emerges fared in v(t @ y-|1 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : (011)-47673456 TA, ottercrtiat an Cates 289. The solution of (xy! + yhai — aay = 0 is (1) 4x? Say? = hy?) darty? + 3x? = iy (8) 4x? —3xty? = hy?) axty? 3x = by £290. The diferertial equation of ¥ = 2 cos{iogx) + b sin (logx), where a and b are the parameters, is ofS} 4z)-r a(S) 4g) (Ba) 0 {Sah dy aed 281. The scion of “Gy g represents a parabcta () @=Oc=0 @) astcet @ a-Oc=1 )antLomr 2 Te cee tn fs ect a el = wo 2=2)- nf 227) mele | 2sine ne @ wogtan( E]-29in% =e % fogtan{ Lo +2sinx=c “ wogtan( ¥+*}s2en% we 789, The sotuson of Bm el* +e? * iy ef +e" -e* 40-0 2) eh so'-e%sc=0 Success Achiever a The sottion of 2 = (x7, 0) = 0,8 te” oy mem (5) @ ror ES] 1-e* Ise" arnt) @ rn(tt) 25. The inwgracng factor of (1+ 1) = xy +4 5 0: Vex tex @ een @) ott +x toy acy 26. The sotaion of $= Wy x-y is () y= nae @ ys+e & y= be what 287. Tho soasion ot y= 7» af y* + abs (1) (rH aKT + oy) = cy @) + OXI ~ ay) = oy (e—aNt + ay) = ey Mt) (2 aN — ay) = ey ms} ale tome -+ 0 oofZ) fd) -« ome = ng) = Teseonet we Zo . ontiotte @ {E}otm{t) Lee * {teh wm (emt e) eee Succons Achiever 300. The solution of roreyoy af ay| He y= tts 7) rp a 0 ayer) dy. ylogy + vlog» logue —1 “Telogy = xlogy = log (1) xlog x + vlog y * ay log ay +6 (2) x log x + ylog y= (xy ~ 1) log ay re @ xlog xs ylog y = xy (logy tee (4) xlogx + ylog y= log xy 302. The curve orthogonal to y? = xf at (1, 1) is 301. The solution of 2 q rash xa 4 4 14 ® ye" @ raed) & _ tnx y)- Binks y) 303. The gohan Ot” sinks ph win ay (1) cos (x + y) + 008 (r~ ype 2) sin (x + y) + sin Or we @) cos (x + y) = cos x= yee (4) sin (+ y)- sin - e detec Bide -tec @ yy 9-5 305, Order of the siferential equation of family of curves, represented by y= (C, + C,) cos ix + C,)+C,e"* where C,. Cp. Cy. Cy, Cy are arbitrary constants bs 5 as 3 4) 2 Ditlerential and 306. The solution of the equation ty x09, #41) 5 dx (siny+yeosy) Coicue 29 0 yoiny = eg, + 2 e 2) yeosy = log, + 1) +6 eB yoosy = segs Ese (4) yriny = logy + © 307. The solution of differential equation 2 %y-3 represents (1) Straight te (2) Parabota @) Crde ‘) Elipse 308. Order and degree of differential equation “ B(rlgy| 4.2 1.2 @ 14 (@) 24 908, The soation of 9? ny = t+ 008% te aly af omens 310, Ifim, a are order and degree of the equation 1 (iy ton = @ tank acet “ afew et) tank ‘(eth (& fog ex}. aa v1 then (1) m=3.n=3 @ma3.n=2 BO me3nes 4) m=anst F284) Dmrorertal ana (311. Let y = y(x) be the solution of the differential cake equation AM 6 y = xin, x2 4.1242) = Int = 1 hen Ke) ¢ < w & a> -* * oF « ¢ 2.0 2e= yh sy, then (2° Es May, here kis equal to ms as ®) 125 () 65 343. Let glx) be a differentiable function such that ge) #00 ond (0) = 4 tren fax) P= SEZ ig ‘equal 10 () axpcour se @) a) cote te g(x) x) ) Freoste*® | Ty contr” ® 34. The solution of the differential equation 2M cog) yen tet o Geo yan’ 1 when y > —1.then 1 1 (1) y= sin? — cost eet ft @ ye (4) y= 008 - sin rcos— 316. Lot f(x) be a function defined by (x)= filet a0» 2)at, 15 63. Then Be range of F(a) is Success Achiever 316. A curve passing through (2, 3) and satisfying the terol equation fiy(tidt = xy x), x20 is ! part of (1) Cite: @) arabe (3) Etipse (4) Hyperboia 317. If the solution of the differential equation EY Be ay ny = Aer + Bo where A oars ami cca a nd re possible ordered pairs (m, n) are. (1) Zero a2 @4 4) 7 318. Ht f(x) is a continuous function for all real values of x and satisfies Puna -Z veer then [esha a equal to sls o 2 @) 55 oF ) 0 319. The constant of integration of the general solution ‘of the differential equaton (2xy = 2y‘}de + (2x? + Sxyidy = 0. if the curve passes through (e, 1). is 1 i tm t-; @ 2-5 1 1 @ 2+5 #) 245 320. Orthogonal trajectories of the family of the curve Rag ate y! =a? where ‘a is any arbitrary constant, is gen by x @ si_yiee aoa a3 ® aeylec #) deyee 321. Family y = Ax + A? of curves of represented by the differential equation of degree ma @2 @t (4) 4 Success Achiever Dittorontia and integral Cakcuiue (Hia2S 322. The sorte of 7 BF aw? oy oy war. ed where] denotes the greatest integer funchon (1) tan” -10g, x46 (1) bs equal to 1 (2) Is equal to 0 - 1 @) Is equal to > (4) Does not exist we. 6 eto 328. The area of the figure bounded by Ax) = sinx, a x)= cone, x= 0 and x= in the frst quacront is 3) tan” preayee 341 @ 3-1 9) tan*Z 10g, ye ® av2-n 4) 3-1 uation pansiag Secushs 329. Let fix) = sine and gix)=1- 1x . Which of the as ogee ped following composite functions have the same oy i (1) fog and gor 2) got and fot en Fle Dy > 0) ts given by ©) tora Ia scp decal ey @xey¥ 330. Let graph off a function f(x) is @) x=2y @) yea _ iat than ovat om LDQ ar ar) an (1) tog, x =log, (r= ype Loe aan ) [ait @ 1-101 @ log, x =2log,(x-y)+Lee ) [Aa 4) 1-1) 31, WA) fe ote) = 7 and 1x) = 4-8 then @ lo x -lo t=) 46 (8) gohora) = Vr ~2 4) 10g, y tog. yp +e @) fogotyx) = Vx ~2 iE (@) nogonn = VE -8 325. Solution of the differential equation a elias dy — yx = 0, represents (1) Myperbota @) Parabota @) Cecio: (4) Straight tine x 326. Let a= flee zene. then #'(4) equals a 64 a oy az a a m3 z 32 2 a> oF ot “ 3 ARB) Oterenta anc integral Caius, 333. The domain of cos-'(log,(1 + Sx + 4) is (1) ©. 21 2) £-2. -1) @ 4 334. The domain and range of ta-on'| foal where |] denotes the 1 « [-a-4 greatest integer function are. RO 2 {5} ® B=) # a-r{s} 395. The aorta unten | 1a = Omdes (1) Infinite number of schutons: (2) Aunique soliton (3) Many solutions 4) No schuton 396. Let Ax) = [x - 8] and gtx) = Ax}) then fer ai 27 18 the value of g°(x) equals: mt @-t ao #3 S97. Lat fete =k, then the value of rete "de where a 2 2n is an o > @) ak (8) 2ae () he 2a pease 338 Number of point of exiemaam of Sted t ee mo @1 as a) 5 Success Achiever 339, Let a function f satisfy fx + y) = fla) + fly) and AN}= 2. Lat ote) = [tenn then 9'(3) equals (1) 6 a3 a4 4) 2 my $0. For maximum value of fo" x, the value of a “ s (ya et @-1 2 M1. Hy = a log x + bx? + x has its extreme values at x= 1 and x= 2 then F(a, 6) les on (1) yw ane 5 (2) Set + 12? = 4 (3) 32-12 = 4) S640? + A) = 25 342. Which of the following is true? () 14% <42" rad als) 4) (3 (a.a?* >(a.5)* A) o> at ‘43. A real valued differentiable function f obeys MP) 1) pan tor (p. @), fwill satisty (mn = FO) 2 M9 =10 @ w= AD @ fio-t= Ao 12 MA. im sfrvet $e bo mal 4 ()e-1 8, ten 8 0 -5 @ 5 M -> 4) Zoo ‘Success Achiever and invogiat Cakcuiue [W27 SEN La domcinn e oraton bear lesa ano 2) 2 inate fey Hie ltats a equate Ptoos x " WOH) eam Ok <1 then mo @> (1) Both 4() & y(x) are decreasing function x (2) Both ex) & v(x) ave increasing funcbon 5 yx (3) 9() Is Increasing and y(x) is decreasing function vt-veas™ (4) (x) Is decre: and w(x) Is increasing Mr. in is equal to function 362. A function f which satisfies, f’(sin?x) = cose, 1 1 Yee Dyand 1)" 118 OF @) on fi <3 ) Kajex o oF (4) A rational umber va ‘Ma. Tho number of roots af tho equation x2 * 2 in Ke) nittin ats wa 2 os (4) toietety mary 953. Lot g(x) be an oven differentiable function then the value of the integral 1004 J Golds x0) Dee is continuous at x= 0; Whore @ and b are integer = thon valuo of (a + 5) is Pa {1} ts equal to 2008 a2 (2) Is equal to 1004 ary (3) te equal to zero (8) Carre be deterrined (4) Can't be determined since data is insufficient . ot (sinner, <0 me ia jee 380. Let fx) © eo, 80 be continuous, toe: 1 (text 42x), x>0 mw aes stegh—lee a 2 1 then value of > is @ ax! stogh-ail+e 4 aad a2 @) m3 @ Fe xteght dee 4 \ ot a -2 (4) 943 stogh? Ase PAE Oftererat ana integral Catoutus sf 208(7 tan) ~-con( 8 tant 4f 2eor{ Seat 1 1 (0) Asini2tane + Leni tand) +c @ jini2tano! - Jsniatanes ¢ eo jainiatanel Z fainiatane) +c “ jainiatane) ¢ fen\atanal+c 356. The equation af a curve for which the product of the abscissa of a point P and the intercept made by a normal a Pon the ads equals twice the square of the radius vector of the point Pis (Pep erte @ Psy eat @ fey eae 4) Poy eo 357. Lot f(x) = 5 a + (aycosa + a,con2x +..* aoe) + (bypine + bysin2x + bysin3x + ....* b,sinnx), Then Jerrcostede (k <.n) in equal to) 1) a a, 358. Let y = fix) be a continuous function such that its (raph passes trough (a, 0) then log. OD eT) 4 3 2 5 3 359. The condition if the equation ax? bx? + ox+d=0 (@ #0) has exactly one real root is (1) a= Sae>0 2) BP +300 >0 0) -3ec<0 4) o + 300<0 ao fs wenn diagram for MM AveVBvQuiCua BM ALVEABYO) (CoA B ASB OBAQa(Cnay ) AVBUC)-(Bm C)-(CmAp-(An8) 361. bo the rolation of R defined by XR y soo? = xy + 1), then domain of Ris set of al (1) Positive numbers @ Negatwe numbers (3) Real numbers (4) Non-negative mambers 2 re oe oh defined on the set A= (a. b. c, 9). Find the elements * minimum number of of A= A. Which must batbsioined WO i onder io make Rn relation mz aa Os 46 363. I Ax) is @ function defined by fA BH mA) = 4 and n{) = 5, then number of one-one functions from A» Bis 1) @ (3) 100 mv n-( {3 4g) meena ‘and v(x) = u/(x) and given that A(6) = 6, then the value of (12) is me as (3H 12 4) 5 Ee ee ee ‘Of each other theaugh the Ene y = x, wag aot Sten gn (1) ee +3 aS @ 43 ‘Success Achiever 6. Let fx) be a continuous function defined on 25453. If Aix) takes rational values for all x and 3) = 3, then (2) is 3 @2 o1 “0 2 367, Let f(xy = SAD + OOD. where [| > in 1+ (cos? mfx]) u ‘greatest integer function, then x) is {1) Discontinuous at some x (2) Continuous at x but not differentiable: 1B) F(x) does not exist (4) Continuous and differentiable everywhere 4 368. Hf fix) = {1 — x), than the value of feeds sini is i ot ao a3 ae MO [= ot @2 go @ § ‘370. If there are two non-empty set A and such that AYA > B) = 4, then n((A * Bo(B © A)) is at ae a9 (4) 16 371, The area bounded by the curves y= |x), y=)sinat, is (1) © units? @) ‘unite? (8) 3 units? (4) 4 units? 1) FTP = of sn tr? se) 2 FF -aom( n't +)) 9 FF -oenlen'E oe) y= etanle+sir' =~) Dittarontiat and integral Caiculvs (420 373. [ (ey cosay dy + ay? copay dhe + xsinny dy + yrinay a) is (1) ays 3) xy cosy +c 374, Let a function ix) satisties Lagrange’ ue theorem in earn nO) = 0 and Trea 5 @ 0, ¥ xe (0,8), then (2) ay siny 4) xy siny +c (1) is 8a 2) Ax)sta (8) x)= Bx 4) (Ra = a ta equal to z 1 ) ar @ py ‘ ( 22 4) Fy 376. It ‘frente 0. then ¥{ jue 0a is ‘equal to (1) 1000 (3) 50a Qo 1) 109 420 37.9 Vira beanay ™ 84101 = 0 en the vaiue of fix) ” az @ “> 378. Let A = (1, 2. 3) and a relation R defind on A is. such that R= (1,2) (1.1) (2.2) (3,3)) then R is ein (1) Equivalence (2) Symmetric (3) Traresitive: (4) Null relation _— Numerical Value Type Questions 1 ne + x2 Jina 79, tat F(x) = an 9, i Fx) ] + Yi i} is equal to [where [] -» GLF.(} + FPF] 380. Let f(x)=2 and if g(x)) = x then Wood _ a3 kis = least positive prime which divides 81. Sum of all possible value of x. satistying the equation cal, Blaha tt 2 gn i fates 1) + GULF. (Fer) 382. Let A be the sat (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) No. of functions from A to A, éuch that has exactly 5 elomonts is k, then sum number k is range of f Of digit of (44[t-2i)ot, rod 983. Let fUnl= s ax’ + br, xsd x) bs diferantiable at x= 3. then { = 80}= ‘Number of non-difforentiable points of the function Ax} = [ix] = 1] + eosnat in the interval (2. 2) is 1 ‘385, Over the interval (sues) the function SEX is discontinuous at k pointe then k must be " equal to 386. Lot f(x) «tan xleotsl] x | 5) {whore [| 12°2 roprasents G.LF then the no. of points where flx) is: discontnvous] is/are 387. Let f: R + Rand g : R + R be respectively ffx) = [ef + 1 and gix) = x2 + 1. Oafine A: Rie R by mo) imax (f(0).9()) foes 0 min {fx gel) aso then the number of point h(x) is not differentinbie is ‘388. fix) an invertible function and x) pixd= ‘389. By using the transformation Z=Intan> the 7 equation Seat Bea cosectx=0 is reduced to the form Sy say=0 than (= fog, conn 4)" 11> 0 two integer. Let p be the left hand derivative of fe=8] ate 1, If lim gi) =p then me n= 390, glxd= O 0. Then number of non-differentiable points of gx) = jx) is ™ 382. If Ha) = [sinx-+a)-sinix-aldx, the value of (x) is equal to 383. Number of solution of the equation Stanx + x? = 2 naz 304, Number of real value of x satistying 2? = sinx + com 305, Number of solution for o* = x7 is 396, Let C be a curve y = x). The tangent at A meats the-curve again at B. Hf the gradient at B is k times the gradient at 4 then & is equal to 397. A continuous real funchon f satishon (x)= Hx) xe RR, 1 a It f(a) de = 1, then the vaiue of (r(xax is a : m8 bet = fiat fy then sim 4i, is 309. The vaive of definite integral pdt eat 42, js OF +t" Kix) ptt VaeR 400. It and define La hit sey azz and tim f(x) = gtx) and ‘ mr sinx 2 Teas ia the minimum odd value of aequals 2x+3 SR reser rrenirs| when {0) = 1 and C is integration constant the valve of At) is 1 dx=c- fx) : 404. If im n® J i20tssinx + 201600819) x1dx=2, ale then the sim of digits of is 405. If Ais the area between the curve y =x4(1 ~ x) and xcaxis then the number of prime positive integral factors of A" is 406. Ifthe area bounded by curve (y— sin x)= x— "fs A. then the vaiue of [44] is fwhere |] -» GIF {} -» FRR) 407. Let fx) = x° + Sir + 2 and g(x) be inverse of i. The area bounded by g(x), the x-axis and the ordinate x=2ondx=6is , when NandGEDo fim, n)= 1 then m= n= Dawersa ard miso Calus IST 408. The value of I= [In| 2sinx=‘]cx @ kn 2088 409. [sin x cost xdir=—**_ en ine value of is : ‘equal to 410, | feonnvcoti scons) «fanxvantroaniey de has the value equal to +i, where kand ware Positive integers. The sum of digits of HCF af ke and wis a an yf 7 2.0, where Be a,b, Ce NY, then the value of b= + oo" + a = 412. f ming - [2]. 0, ¥ x (2, b). < and STATEMENT-2 : fix) is stnctly increasing if x, >, increasing in (0, =) and decreasing in (—~, 0}, = hke)> fie) <3 5. STATEMENT-1 - it xisysy\tex 0, then SATEEN S ha 9-2) ooh end g<0, ay 1 ‘Ya [0, 2 Mx) is monotonically decreasing in ae tax fo. 1. Success Achiever ja | STATEMENT-1 = ier STATEMENT-1 : The curve ¥ = a 8: concave: down in (0, /3). and STATEMENT-2 : The curve y = f(x) is concave down over [a, b) Hy” = F(x) <0 on [a, bl STATEMENT-1 : if Rolle's theorem be applied for ‘the function fx), then f(x) is many-one function. and STATEMENT.2 If Lagrange’s mean value theorem Ie nope lr bce Jn Af cone : eee In the fiqure, the function y= f(x) has maximum value at x = b, v= and STATEMENT-2:: Ifa continuous, increases function it in (a, 5) and decreases in (6, c) then it bh maximum at x = 6, STATEMENT : [= at a and STATEMENT2: | and STATEMENT:2: fo" (F(x) + P(x) dhe = 0°f(x) 4k, gaa 10x |. STATEMENT-1: [ /2{Tre082i)d in 40, 0 and 4 4 STATEMENT-2 ; [/(ade = [10 px a 4 a | STATEMENT-1: [3+ a%dk 4. 1 and 1 STATEMENT:2 : finwds is 1 5 ft STATEMENT weve" =1 is in 4 and: STATEMENT-2 ; The value of K which satisty [nace - sno, le B ne(, =} 2 Consider the differential equation a yetey sO, 1... one where a Yo ae STATEMENT-1 : The degree of the differential ‘equation is not defined and STATEMENT-2 ; The arder of the equation wll be one, TSE) offerentat ane mtegrat Catouas Matrix-Match Type This section contains 10 questions. Each question coniains statements. given in two columns which have to be matched, The statements in Column|!iare labelled A, B, C and D, while the statements in Column lt labelled p, 4g, $ and L Any given statement in Column | can have comect matching with One OR More statements) in ‘Column i 1. I|fx] represent the greatest integer less than or equal to x, mach the function in Column | with Column Il, (Columnd A [x-4ee-4 ®) [xs \x- © fmis(x-2) ©) xs [2-a Condes: a Me @a@ @er as Columett (©) Continuous at x= 1 (q) Discontinuous at x = 2 © Arye) (s) AY) = Az) (0 Not monotonic increasing 2. Match the functions in Column Iwith the intervais of monotonicity given in Column Ht (2-r=2) A E-3 (x-2Wx-3) OGD c Me 8 q s ' ©) Decreases when xe (1- F142) (a) Decreases when xx« (3-v2.3+V2) () Decrases when xe R (9) Incroases when xe R (0) Monotonic function Success Achiever wuogra Cocuue {955 A function x) is defined for px] < 1. Match the function in Colum I with their domain of detinition in Cokumn H. Column A) Kee the rat) (8) fr +1) +A -x) (C) A +) * he 2) ©) 1-9 +h Maoaqtie @ersa Mtr ap Mprs @ 4 Match the following functions for their range ‘Columnd A) ete retd Meare Ms rq We agtos o Me a to a q BP Columns Oe @ O fo 1.2) () (1. 2) (Domain is not a singleton set ASE!) Diterontiat anc Calcuhes Success Achiever Match the following functions satisfying particular functional retatonship Column Column (A) Flr * yh = Rx) + Ay) ©) eae (8) Axyi= Ax) + Ay (@) war's (C) Rx == 9-H) o = 6) > (A transcendental function aA Bc OD Mtr 8 @ @q ps er @s apt Me tos q x= a(t — cost) . y= a(t + sinf) then match the following Column Columo.t ay wz ©) n> ay 1 t ® @ aes de t Oy © ets ox Oa Codes: a B ¢ D Mq st p @s tar Ors p @ Mt pris Success Achiever Ditlerentiat and integral Cokuue (497) 7, Match the function in Column with its primitive in Column Columnd sine ina 1 sin? x -co8! x 8) © xleosa|, Sexe (D) sin x Codes: as mt os @eir Br p Wap & Match the following : Column . P q s eaovrveon a 3) yoor-a@ea represents (B) nix = 4ye4y may reprovents 2 © = represents (D) The curve for which normal al any point passes through origin is Codes: A B ¢€ OD Mapas Mt srg Mr pat Mpoqp 4 Columnatt a fen {me (@) -conx ~ x sina + & 14,(Si0e 1] 1 [v2 wine -1| © elses ape eel (5) (1 = cos) (sgn x) + (0) A trigonometric or inverse trigonometric function Columntt (®) A hyperbola {@) A stright tine (1) A pair of straight tine (8) Circle centered a origin (A central conic with eccentricity < 1 PASS) oitterertiai and integral Calcuks Success Achiever 9. Let X= {a, b,c, d} and relation in the set X is a subset of X« ‘Thon match the sets given in Column-| with their relationship in the Columo-t Column Cotumn-t WA) R= fa, a), (2, B), (B,C; €) (6, eh, (ch, oh (6) Rofxive Then Ris (B) R= {la, b). (b. ©). (a, ch (a) Symmetric Then R is not (©) R= (la. a), (bb), (6; ob (dd), (a, ), (©) Transtive (ba). fac). (e. al) Thon Ris (©) R= (la, a), (6, b), (6, oh (, d), (a, B),(b, 0} (3) Neither symmetric nor transitive Thon Ris (1). Equivalence relation Codes: Asp co mt qr p Ms qtr Mr pas Map tof 1. Match the following Column Column. ay ors ®) Jovene Fey oc ® afta (a) login rece x+fandx | +e (©) |(veote — Jian te ) sin'(2x-3)e¢ o oe % Waive ® FE Hoole Tape Codes: apc o Me toa ep @spae Mart p Mas pe

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