Politics and So-WPS Office

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Politics and Social Organization

A written report to be
Passed on the School of
Bubonga-Marantao National High School

In Partial Fulfillment as part

Of our Requirement for the Course
Understanding, Culture , Society and Politics

Submitted by :
Sinon , Norhamin B

Submitted to :
Mrs, Balindong , Jalidah A.

All known societies are organized in ways that facilitate and maintain the everyday life and
culture of different social groups. On the other hand, Power , is a nominal term or another word
we use to refer to social relations. Politics is part and parcel of social life. It shapes the way
people live and die
Legitimacy means the recognition, acceptance, and support for an existing form of rule or
government as right and proper. A legitimate government is one which has a recognized,
accepted, and supported sphere of influence by the majority.


Authority is the right to command, Authority is observed when an individuạl has a command
to maké a person do things. Such act is a response to, that person's perceived power. This person
can be your boss, 'your superiors, or those who hold high positions in the society. Legitimacy is
a "value whereby something or someone is recognized and accepted as right and proper.

German Sociologist Max Weber identifies three types of legitimacy which concretizes the same
in its various concrete forms:

1. Traditional Legitimacy (TL), TL is the kind of moral authority that keeps society
together by virtue of custom and habit. This type of legitimacy emphasizes the authority
of tradition by virtue of its historical practice by a particular group. A good example of a
Traditional Legitimacy system would be a monarchy.

2. Charismatic Legitimacy (CL), Charisma is the quality of political leaders whose

individual characteristics set them apart from ordinary people. A good example of
charismatic Legitimacy system would be Martin Luther King Jr.

3. Rational-Legal Legitimacy (RLL), This is a type of legitimacy that is based on a

government's capacity to use public interest as the rationale for establishing and enforcing
law and order. Rational legal legitimacy is, therefore the basis of power and leadership of
a government that pledges to abide the law and wins consent from the people through
public trust. A good example of Rational-legal legitimacy is official elected voters.



Source of Legitimized from well- Legitimized from the Legitimized from formal
power established customs, charisma of individual. rules promulgated by the
habits, and social state through its
structures. fundamental and
implementing law's.
Leadership Historic Personality Dynamic Personality Bureaucratic

Monarchial rule or the Religious leader or Government officials in

rule of elites in a popular icons such as modern states
chiefdom. movie actors.


Power — is a nominal term for Social relations, Power and Authority and thus exists as a given
in all societies and forms of social interaction. Authority, on the other hand is a byproduct of
power or how social relations are organized in a given social setting. Authority is conferred to
a person or a group of people whose position in society matches a society's mode of constituting
political authority in a given historical period.
 Political conflicts are one of the consequences of challenges posed against an existing
authority or government.

What is a State ?
A state is more than a government; that is clear. Governments change, but states endure. A
state is the means of rule over a defined or "sovereign" territory. It is Comprised of an
executive, a bureaucracy, COurts, and other institutions. States exist in a variety sizes, in all but
the short term, states are in flux. They expand and contract as military and political fortunes


Class as a social relation generally refers to the dominant/ruling class and the State and Class
dominated/ruled. Classes in society are a result of the accumulation of wealth by the
rulingclass and the rendering of labor by the ruled. The accumulation of wealth is not a result of
natural development of societies. A social scientific analysis of class formation has to account
for the fact that the same phenomenon did not occur through peaceful gradual differentiation .
Rather, class formation and the current global class structure is the result of violent invasion
and subjugation.The Russian philosopher and revolutionary Vladimir Lenin succinctly articulates
the relationship between State and Class: The State is the instrument of class rule.

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