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Group Theory

MTH MD (Abstract Algebra )

Dr. Daryl Quebrar Granario
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, De La Salle University, PH

Cyclic Groups

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let H = ⟨x⟩. Then |H| = |x|. More specifically,
• If |H| = n < ∞, then xn = 1 and 1, x, x2 , . . . , xn−1 are all the distinct elements of
H, and
• if |H| = ∞. then xn ̸= 1 for all n ̸= 0 and xa ̸= xb for all a ̸= b, a, b ∈ Z.

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let G be a group, x ∈ G, and m, n ∈ Z. Let d = gcd(m, n). If xm = 1 = xn , then xd = 1
as well. In particular, |x| | m.

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let G be a group, x ∈ G, and m, n ∈ Z. Let d = gcd(m, n). If xm = 1 = xn , then xd = 1
as well. In particular, |x| | m.

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Any two cyclic groups of the same order are isomorphic.
• If |G| = ∞, then G = ∼ Z, and
• If |G| = n < ∞, then G ∼
= Z/nZ.

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let G be a group, x ∈ G and a ∈ Z \ {0}.
• If |x| = ∞, then |xa | = ∞.
• If |x| = n < ∞, then |xa | = .
gcd(n, a)

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let H = ⟨x⟩.
• Let |x| = ∞. Then H = ⟨xa ⟩ if and only if a = ±1.
• Let |x| = n < ∞. Then H = ⟨xa ⟩ if and only if gcd(a, n) = 1. Thus, H has φ(n)
generators, where φ is the Euler totient function.

Cyclic Groups
Cyclic Groups

Let H = ⟨x⟩ be a cyclic group.
• Every subgroup of H is cyclic.
• If K ≤ H, then either K = {1} or K = ⟨xd ⟩, where d is the smallest positive
integer such that xd ∈ K.
• If |H| = ∞, for distinct a, b ∈ Z+ ∪ {0}, we have ⟨xa ⟩ ̸= ⟨xb ⟩.
• If |H| = n < ∞, for each a ∈ Z+ such that a | n, there is a unique subgroup of
order a, which is the cyclic subgroup ⟨xn/a ⟩. Also, ⟨xm ⟩ = ⟨xgcd(n,m) ⟩.

Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

Lattice of Subgroups
Lattice of Subgroups

• Plot all subgroups of G starting with {1} at the bottom and G at the top.

• Larger subgroups are positioned higher than smaller ones.

• Draw a line from subgroups A to B if A ≤ B.

Lattice of Subgroups
Lattice of Subgroups

• For H, K ≤ G, note that H ∩ K ≤ G.

Lattice of Subgroups
Lattice of Subgroups

• For H, K ≤ G, note that H ∩ K ≤ G.

• Let H, K ≤ G. The join of H and K is the subgroup ⟨H, K⟩ ≤ G. It is the unique

smallest subgroup containing both H and K.

Lattice of Subgroups
Lattice of Subgroups

• Isomorphic groups have the same lattices.

Lattice of Subgroups
Lattice of Subgroups

• Isomorphic groups have the same lattices.

• Nonisomoprhic groups MAY also have identical lattices:

G = ⟨x, y|x2 = y 8 = 1, xy = yx⟩

M = ⟨u, v|u2 = v 8 = 1, vu = uv 5 ⟩
have identical lattices. G is abelian while M is nonabelian, so they are

Quotient Groups

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G and H be groups and φ : G → H be a homomorphism. The kernel of φ is the set

Ker φ = {g ∈ G : φ(g) = 1H }.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G and H be groups and φ : G → H be a homomorphism.
• φ(1G ) = 1H
• φ(g −1 ) = φ(g)−1 for all g ∈ G
• φ(g n ) = φ(g)n for all n ∈ Z
• Ker φ ≤ G
• φ(G) ≤ H

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let φ : G → H be a homomorphism. Let K = Ker φ. The quotient group or factor group
G/K is the group whose elements are the fibers of φ. The group operation ∗ is defined as
follows: if X = φ−1 (a) and Y = φ−1 (b), then

X ∗ Y = φ−1 (ab).

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let φ : G → H be a homomorphism. Let K = Ker φ and X = φ−1 (a). Then for any
u ∈ X, X = {us : s ∈ K} = {tu : t ∈ K}.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group. For any N ≤ G and g ∈ G, let

gN = {gn : n ∈ N } and N g = {ng : n ∈ N }.

These sets are called the left cosets and right cosets of N in G respectively. Any element
of a coset is called a representative for the coset.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group. For any N ≤ G and g ∈ G, let

gN = {gn : n ∈ N } and N g = {ng : n ∈ N }.

These sets are called the left cosets and right cosets of N in G respectively. Any element
of a coset is called a representative for the coset.

Additive notation: g + N and N + g.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and K be a kernel of some homomorphism to another group. Then the
set whose elements are the left cosets of K in G with operation defined by

uK ∗ vK = (uv)K

forms a group, G/K.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let Zn = ⟨x⟩ be the cyclic group of order n (in multiplicative notation). Define
φ : Z → Zn by φ(a) = xa for all a ∈ Z.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let Zn = ⟨x⟩ be the cyclic group of order n (in multiplicative notation). Define
φ : Z → Zn by φ(a) = xa for all a ∈ Z. Then φ is a homomorphism and
Ker φ = nZ.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let Zn = ⟨x⟩ be the cyclic group of order n (in multiplicative notation). Define
φ : Z → Zn by φ(a) = xa for all a ∈ Z. Then φ is a homomorphism and
Ker φ = nZ.

• Let G be a group and define φ : G → {1} by φ(g) = 1 for all g ∈ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let Zn = ⟨x⟩ be the cyclic group of order n (in multiplicative notation). Define
φ : Z → Zn by φ(a) = xa for all a ∈ Z. Then φ is a homomorphism and
Ker φ = nZ.

• Let G be a group and define φ : G → {1} by φ(g) = 1 for all g ∈ G. Then

Ker φ = G and G/G ∼ = {1}.

• Let G = R2 = R × R.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let Zn = ⟨x⟩ be the cyclic group of order n (in multiplicative notation). Define
φ : Z → Zn by φ(a) = xa for all a ∈ Z. Then φ is a homomorphism and
Ker φ = nZ.

• Let G be a group and define φ : G → {1} by φ(g) = 1 for all g ∈ G. Then

Ker φ = G and G/G ∼ = {1}.

• Let G = R2 = R × R. Define φ : R2 → R by φ(x, y) = x. Then

Ker φ = {(x, 0) : x ∈ R}, the y-axis.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and N ≤ G.
• The set {gN : g ∈ G} forms a partition of G.
• For all u, v ∈ G, uN = vN if and only if v −1 u ∈ N . That is, if and only if u and v are
representatives of the same coset.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and N ≤ G.
• The operation uN ∗ vN = (uv)N defined on the set of left cosets is well defined if
and only if gng −1 ∈ N for all g ∈ G and n ∈ N .
• If ∗ is well-defined, then the set of all left cosets form a group under ∗, the identity is
1N and the inverse of gN is g −1 N .

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and N ≤ G.
• gng −1 is called the conjugate of n ∈ N by g.
• gN g −1 = {gng −1 : n ∈ N } is called the conjugate of N by g.
• g ∈ G is said to normalize N if gN g −1 = N .
• N is said to be normal if every element of G normalizes N , i.e.

gN g −1 = N.

In this case, we write N ⊴ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and N ≤ G. The following are equivalent:
• N ⊴G
• NG (N ) = G
• gN = N g for all g ∈ G
• The operation in Proposition makes the set of left cosets into a group.
• gN g −1 ⊆ N for all g ∈ G

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and N ≤ G. Then

N ⊴ G if and only if N is the kernel of some homomorphism.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G. Then H ⊴ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G. Then H ⊴ G.

• Let G be a cyclic group and N ⊴ G.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G. Then H ⊴ G.

• Let G be a cyclic group and N ⊴ G. Then G/N is cyclic.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G. Then H ⊴ G.

• Let G be a cyclic group and N ⊴ G. Then G/N is cyclic.

a. If G = Z and N = nZ, then Z/nZ = ⟨1 + nZ⟩, isomorphic to the integers modulo n.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

• Let G be a group with identity 1. Then {1} ⊴ G and G ⊴ G. Also, G/{1} ∼
= G and
G/G ∼= {1}.

• Let G be abelian and H ≤ G. Then H ⊴ G.

• Let G be a cyclic group and N ⊴ G. Then G/N is cyclic.

a. If G = Z and N = nZ, then Z/nZ = ⟨1 + nZ⟩, isomorphic to the integers modulo n.
b. If G is finite, then |G/N | = .
|N |

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let N ⊴ G. The natural projection of G onto G/N is the homomorphism

π : G → G/N

defined by
π(g) = gN.

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Let N ⊴ G. The natural projection of G onto G/N is the homomorphism

π : G → G/N

defined by
π(g) = gN.
If H ≤ G/N, the complete preimage of H in G is the preimage of H under π.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

An Alternative Proof to Lagrange’s Theorem:

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group, possibly infinite and H ≤ G. The index [G : H] of H in G is the
number of left cosets of H in G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group, possibly infinite and H ≤ G. The index [G : H] of H in G is the
number of left cosets of H in G.

If G is finite, by Lagrange’s Theorem, [G : H] = .

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a finite group and x ∈ G.Then |x| | |G|.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group of prime order p. Then G is cyclic.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and H ≤ G such that [G : H] = 2. Then H ⊴ G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. We have

⟨s⟩ ⊴ ⟨s, r2 ⟩ ⊴ D8

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. We have

⟨s⟩ ⊴ ⟨s, r2 ⟩ ⊴ D8
but ⟨s⟩ ̸⊴ D8 since rs−1 = sr2 ∈
/ ⟨s⟩.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. Show that Q has no proper subgroups of finite index.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (Cauchy)
Let G be a finite group and p ∈ Z be prime. If p | |G|, then G has an element of order p.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let H, K be finite subgroups of a group G. Then

|HK| = ,
|H ∩ K|

HK = {hk : h ∈ H, k ∈ K}.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let H, K be subgroups of a group G. Then HK ≤ G if and only if HK = KH.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let H, K ≤ G and H ≤ NG (K). Then HK ≤ G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let H, K ≤ G and H ≤ NG (K). Then HK ≤ G. If K ⊴ G, then HK ≤ G for any
H ≤ G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (The First Isomorphism Theorem)

Let φ : G → H be a homomorphism of groups. Then G/Ker φ ∼
= φ(G).

Quotient Groups
Quotient Groups

Example Let G = {z ∈ C : z n = 1 for some n ∈ Z+ }. Then Q/Z ∼

= G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (The Second Isomorphism Theorem)

Ket G be a group and let A, B ≤ G such that A ≤ NG (B). Then AB ≤ G,
B ⊴ AB, A ∩ B ⊴ A and AB/B ∼ = A/(A ∩ B).

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. Let a, b ∈ Z+ . Show that ab = gcd(a, b)lcm(a, b).

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (The Third Isomorphism Theorem)

Let H, K ⊴ G with H ≤ K. Then
a. K/H ⊴ G/H
b. (G/H)/(K/H) ∼
= G/K

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (The Fourth Isomorphism Theorem)

Let N ⊴ G. Then there is a bijection from the set of subgroups A ≤ G such that N ⊆ A
onto the set of subgroups A/N ≤ G/N .

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (The Fourth Isomorphism Theorem)

Let N ⊴ G. Then there is a bijection from the set of subgroups A ≤ G such that N ⊆ A
onto the set of subgroups A/N ≤ G/N . Moreover,the bijection has the property that for
all A, B ≤ G such that N ≤ A, B. we have
a. A ≤ B if and only if A/N ≤ B/N
b. If A ≤ B, then [B : A] = [B/N : A/N ]
c. ⟨A, B⟩ = ⟨A, B⟩
d. A ∩ B = A ∩ B
e. A ⊴ G if and only if A/N ⊴ G/N

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. Consider the group G = Q8 and N = ⟨−1⟩ ⊴ Q8 .

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a finite abelian group and let p ∈ Z be a prime number such that p | |G|. Then G
contains an element of order p.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

A group G is said to be simple if |G| > 1 and its only normal subgroups are its trivial
subgroups {1} and G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Example. Every abelian simple group is isomorphic to Z/pZ for some prime p.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (Feit-Thompson)
If G is simple and |G| is odd, then G ∼
= Z/pZ for some prime p.

Solvability of groups of odd order, Pacific Journal of Mathematics ( ), - .

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and consider the sequence of subgroups

{1} = N0 ≤ N1 ≤ N2 ≤ · · · ≤ Nk = G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Let G be a group and consider the sequence of subgroups

{1} = N0 ≤ N1 ≤ N2 ≤ · · · ≤ Nk = G.

We call the sequence a composition series if

Ni ⊴ Ni+1 and Ni+1 /Ni is simple, for 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1.

Each quotient group Ni+1 /Ni is called a composition factor of G.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (Jordan-Hölder)
Let G be a finite group with G ̸= {1}. Then
. G has a composition series.
. The composition factors in a composition series are unique in a sense that

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

Theorem (Jordan-Hölder)
Let G be a finite group with G ̸= {1}. Then
. G has a composition series.
. The composition factors in a composition series are unique in a sense that if

1 = N0 ≤ N1 ≤ · · · ≤ Nr = G

1 = M 0 ≤ M 1 ≤ · · · ≤ Ms = G
are two composition series for G, then r = s and there exsits a permutation π ∈ Sr
such that
Mπ(i) /Mπ(i)−1 ∼= Ni /Ni−1
for 1 ≤ i ≤ r.
The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

The Hölder Program

. Classify all finite simple groups.
. Find all ways of “putting simple groups together” to form other groups.

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

The Classification Theorem for Finite Simple Groups

Every finite simple group is isomorphic to one of the following groups:
• a member of one of three infinite classes of such, namely:
— the cyclic groups of prime order
— the alternating groups of degree at least
— the groups of Lie type
• one of groups called the sporadic groups
• the Tits group (which is sometimes considered a th sporadic group)

The Structure of Groups
Quotient Groups

The Classification Theorem

• The “proof” consists of thousands of pages, written by hundreds of authors.
• Gorenstein announced in that the proof is complete but small cases and minor
errors remained unresolved until .
• In , Gorenstein, Lyons, and Solomon begin publication of the revised

The Alternating Group

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

A 2-cycle in Sn is called a transposition.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

A 2-cycle in Sn is called a transposition. Every element of Sn may be written as a product
of transpositions:
( ) ( )( ) ( )
a1 a2 · · · am = a1 am a1 am−1 · · · a1 a2

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let x1 , . . . , xn be independent variables and define the polynomial

∆= (xi − xj ).

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let x1 , . . . , xn be independent variables and define the polynomial

∆= (xi − xj ).

For any σ ∈ Sn , we define

σ(∆) = (xσ(i) − xσ(j) ).

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let x1 , . . . , xn be independent variables and define the polynomial

∆= (xi − xj ).

For any σ ∈ Sn , we define

σ(∆) = (xσ(i) − xσ(j) ).

It follows that
σ(∆) = ±∆ for all σ ∈ Sn .

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let {
+1 if σ(∆) = ∆
ε(σ) =
−1 if σ(∆) = −∆

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let {
+1 if σ(∆) = ∆
ε(σ) =
−1 if σ(∆) = −∆

Let σ ∈ Sn . We call ε(σ) the sign of σ.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let {
+1 if σ(∆) = ∆
ε(σ) =
−1 if σ(∆) = −∆

Let σ ∈ Sn . We call ε(σ) the sign of σ. We say that σ is an even permutation if ε(σ) = 1
and an odd permutation if ε(σ) = −1.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let n ∈ Z+ .
• The map ε : Sn → {±1} is a group homomorphism.
• If σ is a transposition, then σ is an odd permutation.
• ε is surjective.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

The alternating group of degree n, denoted by An , is the set of all even permutations in
Sn .

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

The alternating group of degree n, denoted by An , is the set of all even permutations in
Sn .

Since An = Ker ε, then An ⊴ Sn .

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

The alternating group of degree n, denoted by An , is the set of all even permutations in
Sn .

Since An = Ker ε, then An ⊴ Sn . By FIT,

Sn /An ∼
= ε(Sn ) = {±1} ∼
= Z/2Z.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

The alternating group of degree n, denoted by An , is the set of all even permutations in
Sn .

Since An = Ker ε, then An ⊴ Sn . By FIT,

Sn /An ∼
= ε(Sn ) = {±1} ∼
= Z/2Z.
1 n!
Thus, |An | = |Sn | = .
2 2

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

Let σ ∈ Sn . Then σ is odd if and only if the number of cycles of even length in its cycle
decomposition is odd.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

An is nonabelian and simple for all n ≥ 5.

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

An is nonabelian and simple for all n ≥ 5.

( )( ) ( )( )
A4 is not simple since ⟨ 1 2 3 4 , 1 3 2 4 ⟩ ⊴ A4 .

The Alternating Group
The Alternating Group

A4 is the smallest example of a group showing that the converse to Lagrange’s Theorem
is NOT true: A4 is a group of order without a subgroup of order .

The Class Equation

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Let G be a group with group action · on a set A. Then the group action induces an
equivalence relation ∼ on A defined by

a ∼ b if and only if a = g · b for some g ∈ G.

Let s ∈ A. The number of elements in the equivalence class [s] is given by [G : Gs ].

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Let G be a group and S ⊆ G. The number of conjugates of S in G is given by [G : NG (S)].

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Let G be a group and S ⊆ G. The number of conjugates of S in G is given by [G : NG (S)].
In particular, the number of conjugates of s ∈ G is [G : CG (s)].

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Theorem (The Class Equation)

Let G be a finite group and let g1 , g2 , . . . , gr be the representatives of the distincy
conjugacy classes of G not contained in Z(G). Then

|G| = |Z(G)| + [G : CG (gi )].

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Let p ∈Z+ be a prime number and G be a group such that |G| = pk for some k ∈ Z+ .
Then Z(P ) ̸= {1}.

The Class Equation
The Class Equation

Let G be a group. If |G| = for some prime p, then G is abelian. More precisely, G is
isomorphic to either Z/p2 Z or Z/pZ × Z/pZ.

Sylow’s Theorem

▶ Cyclic Groups

▶ Lattice of Subgroups

▶ Quotient Groups

▶ The Alternating Group

▶ The Class Equation

▶ Sylow’s Theorem

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Let G be a group and p be prime.
. If every element of G has order a power of p (i.e. for all x ∈ G, we have |x| = pk for
some k ∈ Z), we call G a p-group.
. Let H ≤ G. If H is a p-group, we call H a p-subgroup of G.
. A subgroup P ≤ G is called a Sylow p-subgroup if P is a maximal p-subgroup of G.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

A finite group G is a p-group if and only if |G| = pk for some k ∈ Z.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Let G be a finite group and P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G. If Q is any p-subgroup of G,
then Q ∩ NG (P ) = Q ∩ P .

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The First Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group such that |G| = pn m, where p is a prime, n ≥ 1, and
gcd(p, m) = 1.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The First Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group such that |G| = pn m, where p is a prime, n ≥ 1, and
gcd(p, m) = 1.
Then G contains a subgroup of order pj for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The Second Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group and p be prime. If H ≤ G is a p-subgroup of G and P ≤ G be a
Sylow p-subgroup of G.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The Second Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group and p be prime. If H ≤ G is a p-subgroup of G and P ≤ G be a
Sylow p-subgroup of G.
Then H ≤ xP x−1 for some x ∈ G. In particular, any two Sylow p-subgroups of G are

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The Third Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group and p be prime.

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem

Theorem (The Third Sylow Theorem)

Let G be a finite group and p be prime.
The number of Sylow p-subgroups of G divides |G| and is of the form kp + 1 for some
k ∈ Z+ .

Sylow’s Theorem
Sylow’s Theorem
Example. Let G be a finite group such that |G| = pq, where p, q are primes such that
p < q. Show that Q ⊴ G. If p ̸ |(q − 1), show that P ⊴ G and G ∼ = Zpq .

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