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Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Fish, Tofu and Cui-mai Soup

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
dory gr 50
tofu gr 50
sawi asin gr 50
garlic gr 5
jahe gr 10
daun bawang gr 5
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %


Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Hot and Sour Seafood Soup

Picture of Dish

Hot and Sour Seafood Soup

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
udang gr 20
cumi gr 20
jamur kuping gr 10
jamur kancing gr 10
wortel gr 10
saus tiram ml 5
kecap asin ml 5
saus sambal ml 5
tahu putih gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Squids with X.O. sauce

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion
Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
cumi gr 150
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 25
garlic gr 10
onion gr 10
jahe gr 10
ebi ml 10
teri medan ml 10
cabe merah besar ml 10
sambal bangkok gr 10
saus tiram ml 10
minyak goreng ml 50
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Fried Dory with Spicy

Pineapple sauce

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
dory gr 150
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 15
garlic gr 5
onion gr 5
jahe gr 5
nanas ml 10
ketumbar ml 5
cabe merah besar ml 10
saus tomat gr 10
saus sambal ml 10
minyak goreng ml 50
daun bawang gr 5
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Beef with Black Pepper


Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
daging sapi gr 150
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 5
lada hitam ml 10
cabe merah bulat ml 10
cabe hijau bulat ml 10
saus tomat ml 5
HP sauce ml 5
L&P sauce ml 5
saus tiram ml 5
maggie sauce ml 5
minyak goreng ml 50
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Beef with Oriental Barbeque


Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
daging sapi gr 150
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 5
lada hitam ml 3
cabe merah bulat ml 10
cabe hijau bulat ml 10
saus tomat ml 5
L&P sauce ml 5
minyak goreng ml 50
kayu manis gr 0,5
cengkih gr 0,5
bunga lawang gr 0,5
biji pala gr 0,5
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Chicken a'la Gung-Bao

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
ayam gr 200
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 10
cabe kering gr 10
kacang mede gr 10
saus tomat ml 5
L&P sauce ml 5
minyak goreng ml 50
hoisin gr 5
kecap asin gr 5
saus inggris gr 5
kecap hitam gr 5
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format

Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Ayam Kwangchow

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion
Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit Total Cost
ayam gr 200
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 5
minyak goreng ml 50
kayu manis gr 0,5
sengkih gr 0,5
bunga lawang gr 0,5
biji pala gr 0,5
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
hoisin sauce gr 7
plum sauce gr 7
madu ml 10
Sub Cost -
Kitchen Production + 5% -
Total Cost -
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge) -
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %
Standard Recipe Format
Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Wonton Soup

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit
ayam gr 50
kulit pansit pcs 3
sawi hijau gr 50
garlic gr 5
jahe gr 10
daun bawang gr 5
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost
Kitchen Production + 5%
Total Cost
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge)
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %

Standard Recipe Format
Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Seafoods with Butter sauce

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion
Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit
udang gr 50
cumi gr 50
dory gr 50
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 15
garlic gr 5
onion ml 5
jahe ml 5
cabe merah besar ml 5
saus tomat gr 5
saus inggris ml 5
mentega ml 5
daun bawang gr 5
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost
Kitchen Production + 5%
Total Cost
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge)
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %
Standard Recipe Format
Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Beef with Mushroom-Oyster


Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit
daging sapi gr 150
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 5
jamur shitake ml 25
jamur kancing ml 25
saus tiram ml 5
kecap hitam ml 5
minyak goreng ml 50
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost
Kitchen Production + 5%
Total Cost
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge)
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %
Standard Recipe Format
Menu Item: Picture of Dish

Ko Lo Ke

Outlet: Barelo

Date Formulated: 30/01/2021

No. of Menu Item = 1 portion

Items Unit Qty Cost/Unit
ayam gr 200
telur butir 0,5
tapioca gr 10
garlic gr 5
onion gr 10
jahe gr 5
cabe merah bulat ml 10
cabe hijau bulat ml 10
saus tomat ml 5
L&P sauce ml 5
minyak goreng ml 50
kayu manis gr 0,5
sengkih gr 0,5
bunga lawang gr 0,5
biji pala gr 0,5
daun bawang gr 10
minyak wijen ml 5
Sub Cost
Kitchen Production + 5%
Total Cost
Cost per pax
Suggested Selling Price (W/O tax & service charge)
Plus selling prices from other pages
Selling Price with tax & service
chargeSelling Price %
Picture of Dish

Total Cost



Picture of Dish
Total Cost


Picture of Dish

Total Cost

Picture of Dish
Total Cost



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