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Suglaguman: Exploring the Multifaceted Art of Nursing, Bridging Opportunities, and

Transcending beyond Excellence.”

Jericho Cruz and Jesrine Eve Tolentino

Program Flow Activities

Emcee 1: Good day to all, few reminders before we start our event. Attention to the attendees Registration
who weren’t able to sign up for registration, we are humbly asking for you to register your 2:00-3:00 pm
names at the booth, seated at the entrance of the gymnasium. (Repeat then Thank you!)

Emcee 2: Requesting, everyone to remain seated for we are about to start our event. Thank you
so much.

-Music- Processional
3:00-3:10 pm
Emcee 1: We are acknowledging the presence of our beloved university president Dr. Dr.
Cecilia S. Navasero- Gascon. As well as to the chancellor of the Bulacan State University Main
Campus Dr. Romeo DC Inasoria.

Opening Prayer,
Emcee 1: To officially start our program, let us all ask for the guidance from our Almighty National Anthem,
Father through a solemn prayer to be led by Ruby Pearl C. Ancheta. Secretary of the BulSU Hymn
Knightingale Society.
+ 3:10-3:20 pm
Emcee 2: This will be followed by the singing of the National Anthem and the BulSU Hymn to
be led by the Lydian United Nursing Giocoso Singers.

EMCEE: You may now be seated…

Emcee 1: As soon as the evening shades prevail, the moon takes up the wondrous tail Opening Remarks

Emcee 2: Are you all ready for the night full of brilliance and glamour? Good Evening to our
faculty, non-faculty, student nurses and alumni.

Both: We welcome you to the most awaited, College of Nursing Night 2023

Emcee 1: With a theme of A night to remember: Creating Memories with a Glam, I am


Emcee 2: and I ‘am _____________________

Both: and we are your Masters of Ceremony


Emcee: What an amazing night it is, ____________ I can’t believe that we are finally back to
make this wonderful event happen after 3 years being in a virtual medium.
Emcee: Absolutely amazing ______________. It’s so remarkable that we are all here together

Emcee 1 : It is always a pleasure to have the Whole College of Nursing with its Alumni to
gather on this day for this very special moment. To formally welcome us all, here’s the Faculty
Adviser of the Knightingale Society, Mr. David S. Bote to give his opening remarks.

Emcee 2: Thank you, Mr. Bote, for that heart-warming welcoming speech

Emcee 2: Moving on, may I have the privilege to introduce to you the Program Chairperson of Greetings
the College of Nursing, Ma’am Mart Juaresa C. Yambao.

Emcee 1: We would like to send our warmest appreciation to you, Ma’am Yambao for making
this day possible.

Emcee 1: This program will not be made possible by the support of an honorable person. This
woman is very much known for her dedication and endearment for our dear university. Without
any further ado, let us welcome our beloved Dean Magdalena D. Soyosa. Dean of the College
of Nursing.

Emcee 2: Thank you very much, Dean Soyosa.

Emcee 2: We have anticipated this day long enough to come. But anticipation comes with Opening
painstaking efforts, sleepless nights, and wishful thoughts now come into reality. So, to kick Performances
start our event for today, Let us all give a round of applause to the Lydian United Nursing
Giocoso Singers

Emcee 1: This will be followed by a dance performance prepared by the Dance Troup of the
College of Nursing, Pacemaker All-Stars.

Emcee 1: Student Nurses, Faculty and Alumni, let us all move, groove and sing with the
reputable talents of the College as they Light up the Disco Ball!


Emcee 2: Wow! That performance led by the two of the most reputable talents of our college is
truly remarkable.

Emcee 1: That is absolutely correct, once again let us all show our love to the Lydian United
Nursing Giocoso Singers and to the Pacemaker All Stars for showcasing us the one-of-a-kind
talents of our dear university. Around of applause everybody!

Emcee 2: I know you all are still wanting for more! But before we continue, we would like to Afternoon Snack
inform you that the line for our snack bars is now open.
3:50 pm
Emcee 1: We are requesting everyone to follow the instructions of our respective student staffs
who will organize the line for our snack bars. Thank you!

Song Performance
Emcee 2 : To enchant us while we are enjoying our afternoon snacks, May we call on Maecee 3::50 pm
Leonardo, 1st Runner-up of Nurses’ Got Talent 2022 to serenade us under the stars.
Emcee 1 : Wow! What an impeccable voice our student nurses have.

Emcee 2: Couldn’t agree more, ___________ truly our student nurses are capable on reaching
beyond stars with their astounding talents.

Tribute to the
Emcee 1: Today, is not only the time to have fun, but we also gather here today to honour, retirees
appreciate and pay tribute to the most precious beloved retirees of our dear faculty.

Emcee 2: These people have worked in this institution and provided a great contribution and
coordination in the growth, headway and foundation of knowledge to our alumni and current
student nurses. And with that let us all witness a glimpse of their fruitful journey in the College
of Nursing

-Play VCR-

Emcee 1: Now as you retire, we would like to thank you for providing an atmosphere of
motivation and being a pioneer of knowledge to our dear student nurses.

Mr and Ms CON
Emcee2 : Moving to the next exciting part of our event, we know that you’ve been all waiting 2022
for this moment, before we present our dear candidates, we are very pleased to present our dear
selection committee for today.  Introduction of
Emcee:  Recap of Winners
of Mr and Ms
JUDGE 1: Miss Donnabel Claire C. Cruz  Formal Wear
JUDGE 2: Mrs. Bhing Espinola

JUDGE 3: Ma’am Gina Panganiban

JUDGE 4: Mr. Edel Cabizares Santiago

JUDGE 5: Ma’am Loida Crespo PhD

Emcee 2: Around of applause to our selection committees. These excellent group of people will
decide, who will be hailed as the Mr and Ms. College of Nursing 2022.

Emcee 1: Let’s not wait any longer! Here are your 12 aspiring candidates who are vying for the
prestigious title of Mr. and Ms. College of Nursing 2022.

-Introduction ng Candidates- (habang naglalakad sila)

1. Blue- Stephannie Mae Santos and Karl Gabriel T. Mendoza

2. Pink- Jhanica M. Nicolas and Ervie James Halili

3. Green- Marcellyn V. Javier and Harry Kim L. Bade

4. White- Allyza Ruize C. Nazal and Alchilles R. Benedicto

5. Yellow- Erin Rei Santos and Ruzzel Ray Zialcita

6. Red- Charina Georgette Edine D. Agapito and Mark Louie E. Laderas

Emcee 2: A round of applause to our dashing candidates, now let us all watch the short video
for a recap of winners of Mr. and Miss CON Special Awards last CON Week!

Emcee 1: Student nurses, are you ready to show your support to your candidates? Who do you
think will be the next Mr. and Miss CON 2022?

Emcee 2: Let us now welcome our dear candidates in their formal wear! With a special song
performance from the Lydian United Nursing Giocoso Singers

Dance Number
Emcee 1 : Wow! I can’t find any words to explain how elegant and stunning these candidates in
their formal wear! In line with this we would like to send our warmest appreciation for our
dearest sponsors. Gown Shoppe by Mrs. Bhing Espinola and Mr. Edel Cabizares Santiago

Emcee 2: It looks like that our judges will have a hard time in choosing this year’s winner.

Emcee 1: I absolutely agree! These 12 candidates are all deserving to have the title but only one
winner shall prevail.

Emcee 2: As the selection committees tabulate their scores, let us all once again witness some
of the reputable talents of our dear College. Let’s us all welcome, stand up and get into groove
with our Pacemaker All stars together with the Alumni.


Emcee 1: No words can describe how amazing that performance is. Once again let us all give
it up for the Pacemaker All stars for showcasing the talents of a true blooded Bulsuan.

Spoken Poetry
Emcee 2: To keep the energy of our festivity going, may we call on Ms. Jenny Mercado, Performance
Winner for Spoken Poetry Competition 2022.

Emcee 1: Thank you Ms. Mercado for that expressive performance.

Fun Games
Emcee 1 : On this juncture we would like to call on the Local Student Council to facilitate the
ice-breaker activities.

Emcee 2: Appreciation to the attendees who participated in our short activities as well as to the
facilitators, the Local Student Council. Thank you!

Final Walk of Ms
Emcee 1: Welcome back to regular programming, earlier today we welcomed the reigning Ms. CON 2020
College of Nursing, and now its time for her final walk before passing the crown to the new Mr. With Special
and Ms College of Nursing. Ladies and Gentlemen. Together with a special performance of Mr. Performance
John Paul Mendoza, College Secretary. BulSU CONmunity here’s Ms College of Nursing 2020
Donabelle Claire C. Cruz

Certificate of
Emcee 2: Before we crown the new Mr. and Ms Nursing we would like to acknowledge and Appreciation to
showcase our appreciation to our panel of judges. Judges

Emcee 1: Certificate of Appreciation the Citation reads….

Emceen 2: May we call on-stage Mrs, Bhing Espinola, Mr. Edel Cabizares Santiago, Ma’am
Gina Panganiban, Ma’am Loida Crespo and Ms. Donnabel Claire C. Cruz

Emcee 1: Thank you once again to our selection committee. May we request for the panel of  Best in Formal
judges to remain on stage for the awarding ceremony Wear
 Coronation
Emcee 1: That being said may we have now the envelope please…

Emcee 2: Awarding the Best in Formal wear for the gentlemen we have…

candidate number…_______________

Emcee 1: for the ladies we have____________________ Congratulations to Candidate for

bagging the best in formal wear

Emcee 1: This is the moment that you’ve all been waiting for, folks the results are now in my
hand. Dim the lights, here we go. Starting with the 2 nd runner ups for the gentlemen we have
candidate _________________ and now for the ladies we have candidate

Emcee 2: Moving forward with the 1 st runner up for the gentlemen we have candidate
_________________ and now for the ladies we have candidate number__________________

Emce 1e: And now for the winners. The new Mr. College of Nursing 2022 is candidate number
_____________________. Joining him for the crown is… Ms College of Nursing 2022 is
candidate number _____________________.

Emcee 2: Congratulations winners, you may now take your first walk as Mr. and Ms. Nursing

Emcee 2: Before we officially open our buffet table, we are requesting the aforementioned Photo
sections to please come up to the stage for a photo opportunity. Opportunity per
Dinner with
Emcee 1: After having their photo taken, you can now proceed to the buffet table where student
staffs and food caterers will be accommodating you. Thank you performance

1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1A SR, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D,4A, 4B,4C,4D

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