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Goal #1: Enhance Learning Targets and Directions for clearer student understanding.

Alignment: Aligned with effective communication standards.

Action Plan: Next Few Weeks:

 Clearly Articulate Learning Targets: I will begin each lesson by stating specific
learning goals, using simple language and visuals.
 Simplify Directions: I will break down complex instructions into easy steps,
ensuring student comprehension.
 Encourage Questions: I will actively prompt students to ask questions for
clarification, providing instant feedback.

Effective Teaching: Clear learning targets guide lesson design, fostering meaningful
student learning.
Observation Focus: I will use a checklist to observe student engagement and teacher
actions, emphasizing the learning target, performance of understanding, and feedback.

Learning Target: "Today, we will learn to count to 10."
Simplified Directions: "Let's count together! One, two, three... If you're unsure, ask me
I Can Statement: "I can count to 10."

Goal: #2 To improve my ability to check for students' understanding during lessons,

linked to the CPAST element of effective teaching.

Alignment to Standards:
 Aligned with the state teaching standards, this goal focuses on fostering a more
interactive and responsive teaching approach, ensuring students grasp the

Action Plan:
 Incorporate Quick Checks: Implement brief, informal assessments during lessons
to gauge immediate understanding. This could include thumbs-up/down, one-
word responses, or mini whiteboard answers.

 Use Exit Tickets: Develop and use simple exit tickets at the end of lessons to
gather feedback on student comprehension.
 Implement Think-Pair-Share: Encourage students to discuss concepts with a
partner before responding, providing insights into individual and collective

 Visual Cues: Integrate visual cues such as colored cards or traffic light signals for
students to discreetly indicate their comprehension level.

 Regular Reflection: After each lesson, reflect on the effectiveness of the

understanding checks, adjusting methods as needed.

By consistently incorporating these strategies, I aim to create a more interactive and

responsive learning environment, enhancing my ability to assess and address students'
understanding effectively.

Goal #3: Critical Thinking

This goal aligns with the state teaching standards, emphasizing the development of
students' critical thinking skills.

Action Plan:

Utilize Science Journals: Integrate science journals into lessons, encouraging students to
analyze and reflect on their observations. This will prompt critical thinking by asking
questions like "What did you notice?" and "Why do you think that happened?"

Turn and Talk Sessions: Incorporate regular "turn and talk" sessions, where students
discuss their thoughts with a partner. This fosters critical thinking through peer
interaction, allowing them to consider different perspectives.

Storytime Probing Questions: During Storytime, ask probing questions that challenge
students to think beyond the surface. For instance, inquire about characters' motivations
or encourage predictions, promoting deeper engagement and critical analysis.

By consistently implementing these strategies, I aim to enhance students' critical thinking

skills in alignment with the teaching standards.

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