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Communication Systems I Second Year

Communication Engineering Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Atheer Alaa Sabri


( )∗ ( )= ( ) ( − )

1) Replace by in ( ), given ( ).

( )

-1 1

2) Replace by − in ( ).

(− )

3) Translate the entire frame of (− ) by an amount .
4) At any given shift, we must find the area under the product of the two functions.
5) This procedure is to be repeated for different values of by successively progressing
the movable frame and finding the values of the convolution integral at those values
of .
6) If the amount of shift of the movable frame is along the negative axis (i.e., to the
left), is negative. If the shift is along the positive axis (i.e., to the right), is

Communication Systems I Second Year
Communication Engineering Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Atheer Alaa Sabri

Properties of Convolution
( )∗ ( )= ( )∗ ( )
{ ( )∗ ( )} ∗ ( )= ( )∗{ ( )∗ ( )}
( )∗{ ( )+ ( )} = ( )∗ ( )+ ( )∗ ( )

Convolution with function

( )∗ ( ) = ( )
( )∗ ( − )= ( − )

Convolution with ( ) function

( ) ∗ ℎ( ) = ( )ℎ( − ) = ℎ( − )

changing the variable of integration

= − ⟹ =−
( ) ∗ ℎ( ) = ∫ ℎ( )

Find ( ) ∗ ℎ( ) if
( )= sin( ) ( ), ℎ( ) = ( ) − ( − 2)

( ) = ( ) ∗ ℎ( ) = ∫ { sin( ) ( )}{ ( − ) − ( − 2 − )}
= sin( ) ( ) − sin( [ − 2]) ( − 2)
0 <0
⟹ ( )= sin( ) 0< <2
0 >2

Communication Systems I Second Year
Communication Engineering Department Assist. Prof. Dr. Atheer Alaa Sabri

Convolution Theorems
Let ( )⟺ ( ) and ( )⟺ ( )
Then ( )∗ ( )⟺ ( )∙ ( ) (time convolution)
and ( )∙ ( )⟺ ( )∗ ( ) (frequency convolution)
This means that convolution in time domain corresponds to multiplication in
frequency domain. While multiplication of two functions in time domain is equivalent to
convolution in frequency domain.


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