Test 2

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1: Spot the Error/s and

replace it/ these with the
appropriate word/s.

1) Because of his chewing over

nature, Davies used to look down at
his hands and wonder which one of it
had performed so signal a service.
2) Islam is one of the religions that
enjoins a Muslim to believe the ethical
as well as social norms and
regulations for leading a blissful life
here in this world as well as hereafter.
3) Education is nothing but the change
in behaviors; if there is no change,
there is no education.
4) For any reason, Linford had been
afflicted with acute desire to
depreciate himself and all his
5) He was liked and thought well by
all community in general, but not of the
stuff that makes for a great popularity
or that stirs a great affection.
6) By following all the aspects of
Islam and thereby living a life of a
complete dedication to the will of
Allah, a man becomes a true Muslim.
7) Statistics is one of my favorite
subject but I get dizzy when I’m to
learn it from Mr. Munir. His statistics is
not good at all.
8) Complete and proper know-how to
the alphabets is the most primitive
step towards learning a language.
9) Shahid Afridi has played a number
of valuable innings for Pakistan; most
of it has contributed for winning them
countless matches. And the number of
such innings by him are highest than
any batsman.
10) I could quote several instances of
obvious misinterpretation; but the
subject requires a special treatment,
and it is time now to turn to the
question of immortality.
11) I do not feel tired or anyways bored
of reading but to me one of the most
perplexing and backbreaking aspect of
reading is to study the actual purpose
of man’s creation.
12) I’ve studied many a compact books,
and their writing styles have deeply
instilled me. George Bernard Shaw is
one of those elegant and exquisite
writers who has made his mark in this

13) Majority has passed the test quite

easily and with distinction but the rest
of the students’ group are constantly
creating disharmony for their teachers
as well as for their parents.
14) Man is answerable before Allah on
the day of resurrection for every
action. He will be awarded with the
wages of his deeds which are either
The Heavens or The Hell.
15) The number of all the leaves of the
trees on this planet thrill the
piecemeal minds of humans but the
mercy granted to Muslims after
sending 1 Durood to Prophet
Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be
on Him) is a source of an unimaginable
divine benediction.
16) Our ripened crop is devastated by
the vermin this year. It didn’t spare
even a single blade of leaf.
17) Analyses manifests that one of the
most prevailing crisis of this century
all over the world is Corona pandemic.
18) Although overpopulation is a
stinging threat to the stability of our
society but another issue which is
uprooting the infrastructure of our
country is the lack of machineries that
inevitably work for the betterment of
our country.
19) The latest and breaking news I just
heard was about the promotion of the
chief of army staff and this news has
thrilled their viewers.
20) Bollywood and Hollywood actors
have tried their best to the
proliferation of social sins and tried to
deviate young Muslim offsprings from
the right path but Turkish series have
subverted all of their ill-plans.
Good Luck 💞

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