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Discuss the OOD Design Steps based on the following topics (20 marks)
i) Concepts/Classes
ii) Operations
iii) dependencies
iv) interfaces
v) nouns and verbs


a) What is inheritance? (2 marks)

b) Declare a class called student with members such as name, stud_number,accept_stud_details(),

display_details(). Declare another class called marks which inherits from student and has members
such as mark1,mark2,result and calculate_result(). Use your discretion to determine which members
will be private and which will be public. You may also add other access members to complete the
declaration. Remember that variable names ending with () are functions.
(8 marks)

c) Discuss the different ways by which we can access public member functions of an object
(5 marks)
d) How is polymorphism achieved at
i. Compile time
ii. Run time
(5 marks)
(a) Explain the purpose and describe the use of the Sequence Diagram. (5 marks)
(b) Explain how Use Cases are used for requirements capture. (5 marks)
(c) Draw a Use Case diagram for the following specification:
A college library requires an information system to hold and manipulate information on books and
journals available for borrowing by students and academic staff. The system would be operated by
the library counter staff and the system manager. It is the responsibility of the counter staff to regis-
ter members, both students and academic staff. Students are allowed to borrow up to ten items while
academic staff are allowed to borrow up to twenty items. Members are allowed to browse the Cata-
logue, reserve and borrow books and journals, and are required to return any borrowed items within
two weeks. The manager is responsible for updating the catalogue, including adding and deleting
books and journals, and for producing usage reports. (10 marks)

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