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Introduction to Python

What is Python?

- Implemented by Guido van Rossum in 1989 , named after a BBC TV

show called ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’
- First Version released in 1991
- Python is an Object Oriented Programming Language
- Python is Interpreted, features an easy syntax and dynamic typing
- Python is designed to be easily extensible by writing pure python
modules or writing modules in C (eg NumPy)
- Latest Version Python 3.12.0
Python in a nutshell..

- Is general purpose scripting language

- Is a cross-platform compatible language
- Used to code a variety of applications
- Is a beginner-friendly language
Why Python?

- Easy to understand and write

- Free & Open Source
- High level language
- Portable
- Interpreted
- Object oriented
- Extensible
- Extensive Libraries
Brief Version Timeline

1991 - Guido publishes Python v0.90

1994 - Python v1.0 - (functional programming- lambda, map, filter, reduce)

2000 - Python 2 (list comprehension & garbage collection)

2008 - Python 3 (note Python3 is not backwards compatible )

2020 - Python2 end of life

Installation Guide : Windows

1. Using Official Python Installer

- Go to, download a python installer
and make sure to check the add python to path box
Installation Guide : Windows

2. Using Microsoft Store

- Open Microsoft Store & search for Python

- Select newest version (Python3.12.0) and install it

3. Verify your installation by typing: py -3 version

Installation Guide : Linux

1. Check if Python is installed :

python3 --version

2. Using a package manager:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3

3. Verify Installation:

python3 -V
Your First Program


1. Open your terminal

2. Open Python prompt by typing python3
3. Type print(“Hello World!) followed by [enter] key
Selecting an Editor

- VSCode - and Install the Python

- Pycharm (Get a Student license via Github Students: then apply for student licenses on
Jetbrains (
- PyDev :
- Standard Editors such as Vi & Nano
The Python Interpreter

1. Operates like the Unix shell, executes commands interactively with

standard input and reads and executes a script when called with a file
as input
2. Is invoked using python3 on terminal
Python File and Scripts

- Create a python file that has .py extension e.g

- Write the previous code:

print(“Hello World!”)

- Execute it by typing:


1. Create a file named and save it to your Desktop Directory

2. Write a program in to calculate the sum of two numbers
3. Execute this file using your terminal
4. Output should be as follows: The sum of the numbers is : [your sum]

Happy Coding!!

Next Lesson

Python Basics

- Data Types (Strings, Numbers, Variables, Objects)

- Code Formatting
- Operators and Expressions
- Flow Control ( If, if-else, if- elif, while, break & continue statements)
- Loops ( )
- Python Code Style Guide - PEP-8
- Exercise
Python Practice Resources


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