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Roll No. 57514 BBA 2nd Semester (N. S.) 2014-17 Examination — April, 2018 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN MANAGEMENT Paper: BBAN - 204 Time : Threé Hours | [Maximum Marks :50 Before answering the questions, arntdates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard, wil be entertained after exnmination. Note: All question of Section A are compulsory. Attempt any 4 questions from Section B, selecting at least, ‘one question from each Unit, All questions carry equal marks. SECTION-A 1. Write short note on : (Firewalls (i) Output devices 57514-3,100+P-3)(0-9)(18) P.T.O. { Bunayreyy ssaursng 10) eppawH|NPY asn 0} MOL *G -eipaunjnut jo sosn pue sod4y ap ssmosig ¢ vIpawnmnur si YM “B ~4INn -wayshs uonewoine aoyjo pue wajsts Suyssav0ud uopDesuesy uaamiaq aouaryrp pue diysuonyjar op urerdxg “Z (G1N(6-0)(e-a}-001'e-viszs ssuorspap ssauisng Supfeur ut Inyosn usyo st Suu ep Kya enejdxs “erep auyaq “9 mi -LINA jaur9}ur jo sof2juvapestp pur sa8equeape ayy urejdxg “ssoutsng ur suogvoydde yaurayur ssnosiq. *g 2 Ayaroos ayp 07 saoqaz9s $1 Suaouduyy ur pjey yeorpaur soy prydjay ase siajndwes mop “y - LINN, yroasjau zaynduso> jo uoeaytsse|> 10} euaqu pur sodA ssnosicy ¢ 4soayaut zayndusoo st ey “E sqoquAs Sunseypmoy 215eq snoUea d¥p Jo suORDUTY ayy aqursag ‘azeayjos pur aremprey sua} 94 BUyOCL “z 1-4INn @-NOILO3S sawBua ypieag (A) Sd (41) s1asmoaq q2M (HH!)

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