Undertaking For BSE Visit Mumbai

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Aki's Poona College of Arts Science and Commerce Camp,Pune 1


The Principal,
Poona College of Arts, Science, & Commerce.
Camp, Pune – 411001.

I, the undersigned Mr./Miss./Mrs.___________________________________________________

Studying in Class _____, Roll No______________ would like to accompany the Industrial visit to Bombay
Stock Exchange Mumbai on Thursday, 25th October 2023 from 6.30am to 9.00 pm organized by
Department of BBA,Poona College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Camp, Pune – 411001.

I, herewith undertake that I shall obey the rules as laid down by the authorities in order to maintain
the discipline of the college and also abide by the instructions given by the tour teacher in charge. I
undertake that I shall not go anywhere nor take any decisions on my own without informing the teacher in
charge. I will follow all Covid19 norms( Mask, Sanitization and Social Distancing ) as per Govt.rules and
regulations and follow covid appropriate behavior during Industrial Visit.

I, further undertake that I am coming on my own risk and I shall remain responsible for any such incidence,
which may occur due to my negligence or unforeseen circumstances. I shall also be responsible for my
luggage and health problems. The permission has also been given to me by my parents/ my local guardian
here in Pune which I hereby confirm.
Thanking You,

Yours Truly,


(Full Name & Signature of Father) (Signature of the Student)

Class: ________ Roll No: ___________

(Full Name & Signature of Mother)


(Full Name & Signature of Local Guardian in Pune.)

FullAddress: _______________________________________________________________________



Telephone Nos: Residence: _____________ Mobile Nos: 1) Father ___________________________

2) Mother ___________________________

Date: ________________________ 3) Student ___________________________

Aki's Poona College of Arts Science and Commerce Camp,Pune 1

Dear Parents/ Guardian,

This is to inform you that your son/daughter/ward studying in __________has opted for Educational Visit
as an extra-curricular activity. This fieldwork is an essential part of the syllabus, which helps students to
understand the technicalities with interest and hence the visit.

In this regards the College has planned a visit to Bombay Stock Exchange and RBI Mumbai for BBA
students on Thursday,25th October 2023.
Your son/daughter/ward has to attend this visit, which shall be evaluated.

You shall also fill and sign the undertaking form printed on the backside of this notice granting
permission/consent to your child for attending the visit.

Thanking You.

Yours sincerely,

Asst.Prof.Deepika Kininge Dr. Aftab Anwar Shaikh

Visit In charge Principal

1) Students shall prepare a Report of the visit.
2) The parents of the students shall fill and sign the undertaking form granting permission for the said
3) Students will carry along with them their Identity cards without fail
4) Students will have to wear formals and black shoes during industrial visit.

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