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Age of Exploration Key Terms and People

Directions: Give a complete description of each key term and person.

1. Bartolomeu Dias

2. Prince Henry:

3. Vasco de Gama:

4. Treaty of Tordesillas:

5. Dutch East India Company:

6. Zheng He:

7. Hernando Cortes:

8. Christopher Columbus:

9. Columbian Exchange:

10. Conquistadores:

11. Atlantic Slave Trade:

12. Globalization:

13. Middle Passage:

14. Encomienda System:

15. Pre-Columbian Empires:

16. Mercantilism:

17. Patron:

18. Free-Enterprise System:

19. Joint Stock Company:

20. Commercial Revolution:

21. Transatlantic Trade:

22. Triangular Trade:

23. Middle Passage:

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