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Culture: Culture refers to the values, beliefs, customs, languages, arts, and traditions that are shared
by a group of people. Understanding culture is important because it helps us comprehend the shared
meanings and practices within a society. It defines our social norms, behaviors, and identities. Culture
also influences how we perceive the world, make judgments, and interact with others.

B. Society: Society is a complex web of social relationships and interactions among individuals who share
a common territory, culture, and institutions. It provides the framework within which culture and politics
operate. Understanding society helps us comprehend the social structures, hierarchies, and power
dynamics existing within a particular group or community. It allows us to analyze how social order is
maintained and how individuals' actions can impact the broader society.

C. Politics: Politics refers to the exercise of power in making decisions that apply to members of a society.
It encompasses activities such as governance, policymaking, and the distribution of resources and
authority. Understanding politics is essential because it enables us to comprehend how power is
acquired, exercised, and controlled within a society. It also helps us understand how policies and
decisions shape and impact culture and society.

Culture, society, and politics are intertwined and closely connected to one another. Each of these
elements influences and shapes the others in various ways:

Culture influences politics: Cultural values, beliefs, and practices can shape political ideologies, priorities,
and decision-making processes. Political leaders often appeal to cultural values to gain support and
legitimacy. For example, cultural beliefs about gender roles can influence policies related to women's
rights or LGBTQ+ rights.

Society influences culture: Society provides the context in which cultures develop and evolve. Social
structures, institutions, and norms shape cultural practices, values, and behaviors. For example, changes
in societal attitudes towards diversity and inclusiveness can influence cultural shifts in the acceptance
and celebration of different ethnicities or religions.

Politics influences society: Political decisions and policies affect various aspects of society, including
social welfare, education, and economics. Political actions can have a significant impact on the values,
behaviors, and aspirations of individuals within a society. For example, policies promoting equality and
social justice can reshape societal norms and behaviors.

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