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Ways to Achieve Peace

Have you ever thought on what could be the concept of peace is all about? And have
you ever asked yourself what you can do as a part of the community to achieve the
peace everyone wanted?

When we think about peace, we often think about an absence of war or violence.
However, peace is much more than that. It is a state of harmony, both within
oneself and with the world around them. True peace cannot be achieved until we
first find peace within ourselves. Once we have done that, we can start to create
peace in our relationships and in the world around us.

As a responsible member of the community, we must begin by promoting a culture of

peace. We can do so by acquiring peace education, which aims to promote the
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required to effect behavioral changes that
will enable youth, individuals, and all members of society to prevent conflict and
violence. It is an approach that aims to provide individuals and communities with
the tools and understanding needed to peacefully resolve conflicts, build
relationships based on mutual respect and understanding, and promote social justice
and human rights.

There are numerous paths to peace. One approach is to work for economic and social
justice. This entails ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities for success
and that no one falls behind. It also involves working to eliminate societal
inequalities and injustices. Education is another means of achieving peace. We can
foster understanding and respect by educating people about different cultures and
religions. And we can help prevent violence by educating people about its causes
and consequences. If we can teach and help build peace, we gain peace in all

The goal of peace education is to create a world in which violence and conflict are
no longer seen as unavoidable, and in which individuals and communities are
prepared to deal constructively with conflicts. Today, as we face various forms of
injustice and violence, peace education is extremely important.


Castro,L.N.Galace,J.N.(2010).Peace Education: A pathway of culture piece.


Hern�ndez, R. V. R. (2022b). Building a culture of peace in everyday life with

inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives. Frontiers in Education, 7.

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